Part 10

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"Doctor... Doctor... I want you to treat her now, this instant... she is bleeding badly..." Rk shouted at the attending doctor while running along with the stretcher on which Madhu was lying unconscious.

"What happened to her?" Doctor named Mehra asked Rk while taking Madhu to the ER.

"A bullet wound."

"Oh! Then you must inform the police first... there are formalities..." Doctor started but Rk cuts him off.

"I'm ACP Kundra... I will do all the formalities later... you just keep proceeding with her treatment." Rk ordered him & helped the ward boys in lifting Madhu from the stretcher & placing her on the operation table.

"Who shot her?" Dr. Mehra asked while the nurse beside Madhu's table cut her bloody cloths off her body.

"I... I only shot her" Rk said in a pained voice.

"You?" Dr. Mehra asked perplexed. Rk nodded again confirming him. "and she is what to you?" He asked clearing his throat.

"My wife." Rk replied, his annoyance was palpable in his tone.

"Oh! um... you please wait outside... we will try our best to..."

"I trust you, doctor... and I also know her vitals are stable... So please don't say the word "try"... You will & you have to get her well."

"How can you be so sure that her vitals are stable?" Doctor asked in a challenging tone. Rk was a police not a Doctor right?

"I'm sure because I shot her." Rk said running his fingers through his messy hair. Dr. Mehra almost wanted to laugh at him. If you shot you will know they will do good? What was the logic behind his statement? Dr. Mehra wondered. "I know where to shoot that won't be fatal." Okay! That says a lot but still with the amount of blood she had lost?

"So you purposely shot her there?"

"Yeah! I have shot her on her right shoulder... closer to her arm pit... with the way she is bleeding I am sure her bones are not smashed by the bullet... Its just a flesh wound... her breathing is steady so surely her chest is not punctured... just blood loss... too much of blood loss..." Rk gulped in fear seeing the amount of blood she had lost. Her white kurta top was completed soaked in blood. "I am worried that..." he shook his head. "No, nothing will happen to her... I want you to take the bullet out as soon as possible, doctor & stop her bleeding... and just make sure she doesn't get wound infection... "

Dr. Mehra gave Rk a surprised look. Rk didn't let him say anything but like a trained doctor he assured himself that nothing will happen to his wife.

"Surely you know what you are talking, young man." Dr. Mehra smiled at Rk & patted his shoulder affectionately. "Don't worry, your wife will be fine."

"I know..." Rk whispered looking at his beautiful wife. Yeah she still looked beautiful in her tear stained pale face. "Oh and she will be needing at least two units of blood... we both share the same blood group O-ve"

"So you are willing to donate blood?" Dr. Mehra asked.

"Of course I will give my life to save her." Rk said matter-of-fact "look, I am not in the influence of alcohol or I don't have any chronological disease so I am fit to give blood to her." Rk said like a rapid fire.

"Well, good then..." Dr. Mehra said & then instructed a nurse named Stella to take Rk with her & collect 2 units of blood from him.

"Mr. Kundra, you please go with her..." Dr. Mehra advised Rk to leave Madhu's side then only he can go ahead with her treatment. Rk nodded his head & giving a gently squeeze to her hand, whispering "You will be fine, biwi" and then he walked out of the ER.


"How is she, doctor?" Rk asked once the doctor walked out of the operation room after what felt like an eternity.

"You must be knowing" Dr. Mehra said with a smirk. "First time in my 35 years of experience being a doctor, I am seeing someone very confident & reassuring that nothing will happen to his beloved... generally people used to hurl us, doctors, with their questions and hue and cry, flooding the hospital with tears and we give our standard "Trust in god" reassurance... but you are totally in control... so cool & confident..."

"Just tell me she is fine!" Rk snapped at the doctor, impatiently. He wasn't in the mood to hear his praises. He seemed so calm & control but that wasn't true. He was actually shitting bricks in the fear of losing his beloved wife. Though he was highly confident she will survive because he knew where he shot her will not be harmful to her life, he couldn't help but worry as his poor wife was so weak physically & the amount of blood she had lost will make things even difficult for her to heal.

"She is fine. We have given her strong drugs & knocked her to sleep so that she will get proper rest & won't find much pain when she wakes up."

"How long time will it take for her to come around?" Rk asked, he wanted to see her beautiful eyes staring back at him with so much love. He wanted to hear her sweet voice. He wanted to kiss away her pain.

"Tomorrow, possibly. She will need at least 12-16 hours of rest."


"Oh and..." Dr. Mehra hesitated.

"What's it? What's wrong?" Rk asked frantically seeing the worried look pass on the doctors face.

"Her right hand has gone numb... its partially paralyzed. She will be needing a physiotherapist who will help in functioning her hand till then she will be having difficulty in moving her right hand. You please take care of her" Dr. Mehra advised him.

"I will." Rk nodded his head & closed his eyes to hide his pain. He did this to her, to his wife but then he didn't have any other option to save her life. If he hadn't shot her he was so sure she would be dead by now. He sighed. "Can I go see her?" Rk asked.

Sure but once she gets shifted to the private ward."

"Okay" Rk nodded.


Rk slowly walked in to the room, nearer to Madhu's bed & sat on the edge of her bed, taking her hand in his.

"I'm sorry, biwi... I'm sorry." he whispered holding her left hand closer to his right cheek.

"If I had known this is what going to happen to you then I wouldn't have woken up you this morning. I would have kept you safely in my arms."

He kept her left hand back on the bed & took her right hand which was cold unlike her warm left hand. He kissed the palm of her right hand & then kissed her fingers one by one.

Then he slowly accessed her body. She had bruises in her hands & legs. Few scrapes on her pretty face. "God! She must be aching everywhere. I don't know how I will see her tomorrow when she wakes up. Will she cry in pain? Obviously! Rishab just reminded himself not to tell her to stop crying. If she was in pain which was obvious then she can cry. He wont stop her. He decided. And also Rishab, be gentle with her & soothe her pain. Don't show your rough & tough side to her. Throw your cold police nature out & be her loving husband!" Rishab mentally prepared himself on how to treat his wife.

"Oh and mainly don't scream at her for her recklessness. You will discuss about the incident only when she gets fully recovered" Rishab vowed to himself not to bring the gory topic which lead her to this place.

Rishab was totally done in for the day so he decided to catch some sleep so that he will be able to look after her tomorrow. He pulled the chair closer to her bed & laid his head on the bed on top of his folded arms & soon he went to sleep with the thought that his love was safe, breathing & living beside him.


Rishab woke up early in the morning when a nurse walked into the room to check on Madhu & take her blood pressure, give her an injection and change her IV packet.

Once the nurse walked out, Rishab caressed Madhu's face lovingly & brushed her loose hair aside. "Wake up soon, biwi." he whispered & walked to the bathroom to freshen up.

Later both his & Madhu's parents came to see her. They had come yesterday as soon as they heard about the news from Rk & stayed throughout her operation & went home only after seeing her unconscious form, promising to come in the morning.

"Rishu, I have brought breakfast for you."

"I don't want anything, mom. I am not hungry. I just want her to wake up."

"What the doctor told Rishab?" Malik asked while Padmini was caressing her daughter's head with silent tears rolling down her cheeks.

"She will be fine aunty. You please don't cry." Rk said in a leveled tone. How much ever he hates seeing people cry he can't forbid a mother shedding tears for her child.

"Doctor said she will wake by today... her right hand is numb & she will be needing a physio!" Rk said in soft voice.

"Did you see the news?" Mohan asked Rk.

Rk nodded his head in yes.

"What are you going to do now?"

"I don't give a damn about what they say in the news, dad" Rk said through gritted teeth. "I know my Madhu will understand why I did what I did."

"You should have found some other way to save her... I feel you acted without thinking." Mohan muttered in disapproval. He didn't say anything last evening when they all came to know what happened to Madhu as he thought that wasn't the appropriate time to talk about the incident.

"Dad, I know what I did is right. You weren't there in the spot. If you were then I bet you would have done the same provided you are good with guns!"

"Rishab, you go home & take rest. I will be here with her." Padmini, Madhu's mom offered.

"No, aunty. I am fine. I am not leaving her side."

"At least go grab something to eat & take a cup of coffee. You need stamina to take care of her." Radha advised her son & reluctantly Rk walked out to the hospital canteen.


By evening both their parents returned home asking Rk to let them know the moment Madhu comes to her consciousness so that they will come immediately to see her & Rk agreed for that.

"C'mon, Madhu... wake up... you are sleeping for so long... I am feeling alone here. Please wake up... I miss you" Rk said circling her cheek with his thumb. Then leaning forward her kissed her forehead & whispered "Darling, I love you"

Then he sat back on the chair, next to her bed & kept watching her steady breathing.

He took her left hand & toyed with her engagement ring. It was a plain gold band matching his own ring. She actually wanted to get some designer ring with stone works but then changed her mind & got them a plain couple rings for his liking.

He had her hand placed on his palm & was staring at her ring when he felt her fingers curl & grip his hand

"Madhu..." he stood up still holding her hand. She had her eyes close but it was clear she was just fighting to open her heavy eyelids. Her eye balls were rolling from side to side & slowly she opened her eyes. She blinked her eyes twice to adjust with the light. Then her lips quivered up to a smile seeing her husband.

"Hi..." her voice croaked.

"Welcome back, biwi" Rk whispered.

"Hmm..." Madhu groaned.

"Hey what's it? Are you in pain? Do you want me to call the doctor?..."

"Rishab... stop!" She said. "And stop crying. I hate tears." She said with a teasing glint in her eyes & then clenched her teeth from screaming in pain.

"I'm not crying okay?" Rk said sternly & turned his face away & blinked his eyes to suck in the tiny hint of tears.

"Yes, you are" Madhu said & tried to sit up "Ouch!" she fell back on the bed as her right hand failed to move along with her body & she felt a sharp pain on her right side shoulder.

"Madhu, stay still... please"

Rk helped her to settle back properly & placed her right hand on her stomach which fell out of the bed without her control.

"Ahh... it's paining here..." Madhu cried trying to press her wounded shoulder with her left hand.

"Hey! Don't touch! Your stitches will open." Rk warned her in a worried tone.

"Why my right hand isn't moving to my will?" Madhu asked looking at him through her teary eyes.

"One nerve got badly wounded & it will take time to heal... you will also be needing a physiotherapist... but trust me... soon your hand will function well."

"Oh!" Madhu sighed & looked at her right hand.

"I'm sorry, Madhu" Rk whispered looking down feeling guilty for her state.

"Why are you saying sorry? I brought this to myself, Rishab" Madhu said regretfully.

Rk closed his eyes to control his fury. If she had only listened to him she wouldn't be here.

"Rishab, are you mad at me?" Madhu asked in a scared tone. Rk opened his eyes & looked at her not knowing what to tell her. Yes he was mad at her but he wasn't going to lose his temper now. Not when she was in pain.

Rk sighed & sat beside her on the bed & looked down at the floor.

"Rishab, I want water." Madhu asked softly. "And please help me sit up."

Rk nodded & slowly helped her sit up & lean back on the pillow. "Are you comfortable?" Rk asked.

"Yes." she nodded then he poured a glass of water & helped her drink slowly.

"I will go call the doctor" Rk informed and stood up but she held his hand.

"Sit with me, please" She pleaded. Rk nodded and sat opposite to her on the bed.

"Come this side & sit." Madhu patted to sit closer to him. Rk obliged & Madhu leaned her head on his shoulder. Rk wrapped his hand around her waist. They sat like that for minutes or hours they didn't have any idea of the time. They felt so contented staying like that. they were brought back to reality when they heard a timid knock at the door & came in Dr. Mehra with his attending nurse.

"Hello, Mrs. Kundra, how are you?" Dr. Mehra asked. Rk stood up & moved a step back leaving room for the doctor to check her.

"I don't know. I ache everywhere. I feel so weak... & my head is throbbing. Can you please give me a pain killer for my headache?"

"Sure, I will prescribe meds for your headache."

"Um.. Doctor, I want to eat something... I am really so hungry... I feel like I will die if I don't feed my tummy right at this moment." Madhu said rubbing her tummy with her left hand.

"Oh sure... you can have veg soup for now... nothing heavy."


Once the good doctor walked out of the room after doing her check up, Madhu pulled Rk to sit with her again.

"Madhu, I will go get soup for you to eat..."

"Hmm... okay! And Rishab, inform our family that I am up."

"Okay" Rk said & kissed her forehead making her blush and then he went to get her food.


When Rk returned to her room with soup in a flask, he found Madhu crying again with her face covered with her left palm.

"Hey!" Rk rushed to her side & placed the flask on the side table & engulfed Madhu in his arms gently.

"Please don't cry baby. Please" Rk cooed her. He never liked her crying for him. He only get mad at her then... but now he felt so sad. She was crying in pain.

"I'm sorry, Rishab! I'm sorry... please don't hate me..." She sobbed.

"Oh Madhu! I don't hate you... why should I?" Rk asked, puzzled.

"You got suspended right?" Madhu asked knowingly. When he had gone to get her food she asked the nurse to switch on the TV in her room & give the remote to her. She was shuffling channel & her eyes went wide when her name came on 'Sakal' news channel. The channel she works for.

"Police Atrocity! Press reporter victim!" was the headline of the news.

RK quickly took the remote from her lap & switched off the TV.

"Stop crying, Madhu" Rk ordered her. This time his tone wasn't gentle. Madhu looked at the change in his tone & gulped a lump in her throat.

"Rishab.. I.."

"Just keep quiet & eat while your soup is hot." He said & poured the soup in to a bowl from the flask.

"I will eat." Madhu tried to feed herself but he didn't let her. He slowly fed her the soup & thankfully she didn't open her mouth till she finishes eating.

"You had your dinner?" Madhu asked.

"I will eat later."

"Later? when?"

"I'm not hungry, Madhu" he sighed & pressed his head to ease the headache.

"Rishab, can we talk?" she asked. he just wished to sleep.

"Talk about what?"

"About the incident... I have a lot to say & ask... I am so confused... I want to know how you came to that spot when I didn't tell you my whereabouts?"

"We will talk everything later... now you need rest."

"No, please.. answer me... & also accept my apology."

"I told you before itself that you don't have to apologize to me"

"But... because of me you got suspended from your job."

"It's just for fifteen days. Your media people are simply booming the issue... you don't worry... at the inquiry I will clearly tell my commissioner Sir & other committee members about the incident... they will understand..."

"You won't lose your job right?" Madhu asked worriedly. She knew what his job meant to him.

"I won't!" He snapped at her making her jump like a scared kitten. He cursed himself under his breathe for being rude with her. She just got her consciousness & doing better & he was shouting at her. Great! Just Great! "In fact I am happy about the suspension. For the next fifteen days I can stay at home with you & look after you... you surely will be needing my help." Rk said to ease her worry. Madhu nodded still not convinced. "Now stop worrying about my life & worry about yours."

"Sorry! I can't help but worry about you life... Because your life is my life"

"Too cliche" Rk rolled his eyes hearing her dialogue.

"Sorry" Madhu said embarrassed.

"Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! How many sorry's you will say for no reason? You are just pissing me off, Madhu" Rk's temper rouse again.

Again she opened her mouth to say sorry to him for pissing him off but then shut her mouth wisely not wanting to see him go thermonuclear!

"I called your parents & mine & told them to come in the morning to see you as its already late."

"I want to see my momma" Madhu whined like a baby suddenly feeling the need hug her mother & lie on her lap & sleep peacefully.

"Oh! Only one attender is allowed to stay with you the night... okay, I will ask your dad to bring your mother & I will wait in the waiting room." He said. He wasn't moving out of the hospital. He will go home only when his wife was ready to come along with him.

"Oh no no! You stay! You stay with me... its just... I wanna see her... but its okay... I'll see her in the morning."

"You sure?"

"Yes, I will feel safe when you are around me"

"Safe?" Rk smirked & shook his head at her. First she was kidnapped... now she got shot by him... both the times he was responsible for her sufferings but she was telling that she will be safe with him? What an irony! He just hoped he didn't mess with her life again & scare her to the core making her to run away from him.

"Now sleep, Madhu. You look tired."

"So you do. You too sleep, Rishab" Madhu insisted. Rk nodded & helped Madhu to lie down on her bed, then he sat on the chair & put his head on her bed. He felt Madhu's fingers playing with his hair.

"Sleep, love" Rk whispered then he took her hand from his head & kissed it gently. Madhu with a smile went to sleep.

... To be continued!!!

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