Part 15

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Rk opened the wooden window welcoming the sunrays to enter the house. He turned and looked at his beautiful wife scrunching her eyes tight and continued sleeping with a frown lined on her forehead. She glowed brightly in the day light.

Rk went and sat beside her on the bed covering the sunlight falling on her face with his body so that her sleep won't get disturbed. He gently caressed her forehead with his thumb easing her frown and she smiled in her sleep.

Rk took the bottle of natural oil and squeezed some on his palm and then with one hand he rolled up Madhu's shirt's sleeve and gently applied the oil on her right arm. Her bullet wound was almost healed but still her hand wasn't functioning well which worried him the most.

He was massaging her shoulder and forearm when she suddenly opened her eyes and stared at him blankly.

"Go back to sleep." he whispered. It was too early for her to wake up. She was never a morning person and if by any case she wakes up early then the whole day she will be in a foul mood.

"Come..." she mumbled sleepily.

"Hmm...?" he asked not hearing her clearly.

"Come here, baby" she stretched her left hand and when he moved closer to her, she pulled him down to her and kissed his cheek and she whispered "Thank you."

When Rk straightened himself and looked down at her with a smile she had her eyes closed and drifted back to sleep.


"Wake up sleepy head!" Rk stroked his wife's cheek trying to wake her up.

"Let me sleep. It's still early in the morning."

"Oh no no. It's noon my dear wife. Get up. I am getting lonely here." he said with a pout which his wife hadn't missed to notice.

"Pretty please... 5 minutes."

"I made green tea for you. It will get cold if you don't wake up now."

"You please drink that green tea and make me coffee after 5... Um.. No... 15 minutes." She mumbled sleepily.

"No milk so no coffee." He reminded her. She won't take her coffee black without milk.

"Hmm... Then green tea okay..."

"Well, get up and drink. I am not making another cup for you." He pulled her up and forcefully made her sit on the bed.

"You know what? You are bad! I hate you."

"Well, last night you said something else!" He asked with a smirk.

"You too were romantic last night but now? You are back to your boring strict police officer self nah? Likewise"

"Romantic and me? What made you think so?" he asked incredulously

"Oh please! Your love proposal was the proof." she said sleepily leaning on his chest.

"You remember?"

"Of course I do." she straightened and looked at his eyes.

"I thought you were drunk." he said disappointed.

"No! Well, yes a bit tipsy... But I very well remember every single word you said to me. Why? Won't you have said those sweet things to me if you had known weren't I comatose?" She asked incredulously.

"Hmm... May be yes" he said stratching his temple.

"Why is that so?"

"I would have saved my face from embarrassment." he said dryly.

"Why would you feel embarrassed of declaring your love?" She frowned giving him a puzzled look.

"I have never said that before to any girl so I kinda feel awkward" he said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh really?" Madhu asked beaming as she jumped on his lap. She felt a weird happiness hearing that her husband hadn't said I love you to any girl before.


"None of your girlfriends got to hear that three words?" she asked for confirmation.

"No! May be that could be the reason for them ditching me. You see its hard to live with me." He shrugged.

"I solemnly agree with you Officer." She teased him. "But Rishab... What made you confess?"

"You asked for it!"

"But you meant what you said right?"

"Of course I did mean every single word I uttered last night." he said with a casual shrug.

"Sigh!" She sighed dramatically sitting back on the bed from his lap.

"What?" He asked twisting his lips.

"For a minute I thought you will say "I thought I fell in love with you when you said you are my baby but NO!"... You sure nah? You finally fell for me... truly, deeply and madly right?"

"That's too cliche" he rolled his eyes at her.

"Why you find it awkward to say I love you?" She asked curiously.

"I don't know."

"Wait a minute! Are you shy?" She asked him teasingly.

"Nope!" He said getting offended.

"Then tell me."

"Tell what? That you are mad?"

"I love you"

"I know."

"Now you tell." She demanded.

Oh God! Why am I stuck with this silly girl? "This is so awkward."

"No, its not."

"Okay! I love you."

"You want coffee?"

"No, why?"

"It sounded like that only. As if you were ordering for coffee to a waitress. Even the one ordering coffee will show some politeness and enthusiasm but you? Your tone was so raw! Not at all romantic! Can't you look at my beautiful eyes and say I love you in a loving romantic husky tone?" She japed a finger at his chest and accused him.

"Oh! Well, I told you I don't do romance."

"You are hopeless." She got pissed at him and hopped out of the bed throwing an irritated glare at him.


"Hello!" Rk answered his phone seeing his friend Mukkund's name flashing on the screen.

"Rk, I'm no more your friend." Mukkund yelled from the other end.

"Oh! Good. Do that." Rk smirked. Madhu watched him curiously. "Mukkund" Rk mouthed at her letting her know he was talking to his friend. Madhu's face beamed. She liked her husband's friend.

"I hate you man." Mukkund grumbled

"That's not news to me, Mukkund." Rk said coolly.

"Hey, I wanna speak to him." Madhu butt in.

"Madhu, wants to speak to you huh."

"Oh yeah, give the phone to her. I have something to tell her."

"Tell her what?"

"You shut up. I'm not your friend anymore."

"Then why the hell you called me?"

"I don't have your wife's number."

"So you called to talk with her and not to me?" Rk asked offended.

"You are right."

"Here, he wanna talks to you." Rk thrust the phone in Madhu's hand.

"Hello, bhaiya. How are you?"

"I'm good sis. I have a good news to share."

"Guess your wife delivered your third baby."

"You are smart, Sissy" Mukkund chuckled.

"And guess again it's a boy like my husband cursed." Madhu asked grinning. Hearing her, Rk quickly snatched the phone from her.

"It's a boy baby?" Rk asked for confirmation.

"Then why the hell you think I am mad at you?" Mukkund growled over the phone. Rk burst out laughing.

"Stop laughing, man"

"I'm sorry. Well, I just wish all the three musketeers grow up as one fine troublemakers!" Rk wished sweetly.

"I thought you will say 'they will grow up as one fine gentlemen'..." Madhu muttered in disapproval.

"Gah! You arrogant asshole!" Mukkund shouted at the same time.

"Cool, man" Rk pressed his lips to supress his laugh when Madhu snatched the phone again and before she could talk she heard Mukkund's loud curse "And I curse you will have tripplets and all the three babies will give you a hard time at night and will never let you sleep or have sex with your wife!"

"Bhaiya!!!" Madhu shouted blushing and ran outside the tree house handing the phone back to Rk.

Rk gave her a look at her weird behavior. "What did you tell her now that made her blush and ran away from me?"

"I just gave you a curse."

"What curse?" Rk asked.

"Go ask your wife" Mukkund said arrogantly.

"Anyways, congrats man."

"Thanks dude"

"How is your wife and the new boy?"

"Shreya is drained. My boy is adorable. I fell in love with him just by one look."

"That's lovely."

"So when are you planning for a family?"

"I don't know. I don't mind waiting. Madhu and I just realized how much we love each other and we need more alone time to spend... so that we can strengthen our tender relationship but then if Madhu wants a baby soon I will be okay with it too."

"I guess you are right. One thing Rk, your wife is such a sweetheart. Make sure you keep her happy."

"I know. I will." Rk gave a brief reply but it held so much promises.

"Okay, do come and visit my new boy. Oh and Shreya will also love to meet your Madhu."

"Sure thing."

"Okay, bye."


Rk walked out of the tree house closing the door behind him. He was taking his wife to the falls. Madhu was shyly standing at the end of the wooden steps and Rk hurriedly walked down to her.

"Why are you blushing so much?" he asked with a frown.

"You get signal in this forest?" Madhu asked him surprised and also she wanted to change the topic.

"If I didn't get then my phone wouldn't be ringing and we wouldn't be talking." Rk said as matter of fact

"You are rude!" Madhu pouted her pretty lip.

"You call it rude when I state the fact?" he asked smirking.

"Don't smirk at me."

"Why?" he asked still holding the smirk on his face.

"Whenever you give me that sexy smirk I feel like kissing you and I am in no mood to kiss you now!" she said.

His smirk grew wider. "Oh God!" she moaned and smacked her lips against his. With her left hand she pulled him down and she deepened the kiss. For the first time he lead her dominate him while kissing. He just followed her lead and was quite surprised that she had learned to kiss well.

"Now, don't smirk. This time you do on purpose... then I will bite you." she warned him.

"Jungli-billi" (Wild cat) Rk muttered under his breathe.

"I heard it!" Madhu nudged the side of his stomach with her elbow but it wasn't painful at all.

"What my annoying friend told you?"

"He is not annoying!"

"Why are you defending him always?"

"I like him. He is so fun."

"Oh really?" Rk rolled his eyes. "He is such a clown. Just like your friend... what's his name? Oh I guess Sikky... right?"

"Don't you dare call them clowns. They are my bhaiya and best friend."

"Two clowns your bhaiya and best friend? Well, suits you." he teased her.

"Rishab!" she glared at him.

"Okay. No teasing" he surrender not wanting to irritate her. "Now come, jaanu" Rk drew her closer by her waist. Madhu blushed heaing his sweet endearment. And to her shock he kissed her pale pink cheek too. What's wrong with my husband? Does any ghost of a romantic soul got into him? Madhu wondered as they walked down to the dense forest to reach the water falls.


"Omg! This is absolutely stunning." Madhu said in awe looking at the small falls with a good forceful flow of fresh water.

"Madhu, careful." Rk helped Madhu to step down from a huge rock. "There are pebbles under the water and its quite slippery so take firm steps okay?"

"I'm not a kid, Rishab" Madhu rolled her eyes and next second her leg twisted and she was about to fall back into the water when her husband firmly gripped her waist and prevented her fall.

"Kiddo!" he teased her. "Do you want me to carry you on my hips like a kid?" Rk asked grinning.

"No thanks!" she said and dragged herself to the natural shower.

"You look so desirable when you are angry." He whispered hugging her from behind pushing her closer to the waterfalls as they got drenched completely.

"Ohhh" Madhu shrilled and wriggling out of her husband's embrace she ran and stuck her body to the rock which was naturally designed in convex shape and the water flowed outer the rocky shelter.


"Oh my God... water is so icy. I will freeze" Madhu shivered and her teeth started clattering.

"C'mon Madhu... stand here for few seconds then your body will adjust to this chillness." Rk encouraged her and Madhu looked at him doubtfully. Rk sighed and took off his black vest showcasing his toned muscles and six packs. Madhu's mouth dropped down as she lustfully stared at her handsome husband. He dragged fingers through his wet hair and deliberately posed his well built physique and Madhu was instantly drawned to him like a magnet. He gently held her by her waist and jerked her forward making her bust pressed against his hard torso.

"Feeling hot now?" Rk asked smirking.

"Yes! Can I take off my clothes as well?" she asked shyly meeting his eyes.

"I'm afraid not."

"But why? No one is here right? Just you and me." she asked. She wanna tempt him too.

"I don't even want those monkeys to see your body." he said pointing to monkeys sitting on the branch of a tree little away from the falls.

Madhu just rolled her eyes.

"Just kidding. Up your hands" he said and quickly rolled her tops and removed it over her head. Rk looked down at her and groaned in disappointment as she had worn a lace camisole beneath her full sleeve top.

"Should I take this off too? Are you wearing anything beneath this camisole?"

"Um... a lace bra."

"Why you wear so many inner garments? And how you manage to put all those with one hand? As far as I remember I just helped you wear the bra." Rk wondered.

Madhu gulped in air and water at the same time and she moved a step back from the water flow. she choked vigorously.

"You okay?" Rk asked in concern. She nodded her head as she spit the water out which she had involuntarily gulped in.

"Good" Rk pecked her lips.

"I wanna kiss you here" she points to his sternum.

"Kiss me!" he nodded his head. She moved closer to him and gently kissed his sternum once and then twice... then kissed his throat and dragged her face up and grazed his jaw line with her teeth. He suddenly stepped back and crouched down before her and caressed the sides of her hip. There was small gap between her camisole and her denim shorts revealing her belly button. Rk stuck his tongue out and licked her belly button making her tremble. He peppered kisses all over her belly making her wet between her legs.

Rk was completely turned on when she volunteered to kiss his chest region and she started tormenting with her slow sweet kisses.

He couldn't control himself from kissing her intimate parts. He hooked his two fingers in her denim shorts and pulled it down a little along with her panties and kissed her V line.

Just when he was about to swoop his tongue deeper he felt her hands gripping his shoulders tightly as she moaned in pleasure closing her eyes. He stopped his action and looked up at her. When she lost the contact of his lips on her apex she opened her eyes. She looked down and he was looking at something on his shoulder. He was looking at her death grip on his shoulder as her nails dug in his skin. She quickly loosened her grip and gave him a sheepish smile for digging her nail in his skin making him bleed but he wasn't bothered about that.

"Rishab, kiss me there please." Madhu whispered but he didn't respond. She wondered what's gotten into her husband now? Rk slowly stood up and gently draped her hands around his back and leaning forward he started kissing her shoulders. He felt Madhu hands slowly trailing up his back as she hugged him tight to her body. She didn't want to lose his bodily contact.

Rk gently removed her hands from his back and held them in his hands.

"What?" she asked confused. He let go of her left hand and examined her right hand. He first fist her right hand fingers.

"Your hand is functioning." he stated softly. "Madhu just lift your hand up." he insisted. She did as she was told. "Spin your hand above your head." he instructed again. She did again.

"Do some dumb-bell exercise, Madhu"

"Rishab, look at me." she cupped his face with both her hands. "Relax! I can move my right hand freely." she smiled and tiptoeing she kissed his lips softly.

"Do you have any pain?"

"Yes but it's a mild ache only when I lift my hand up and rotate it." she said honestly.

"Thank goodness. You are alright." Rk hugged her tightly. His whole body relaxed visibly.

"I'm so happy for you, baby and I promise I will never let you suffer ever again in pain." he took her head in his and kissed her lips passionately. Then he rested his forehead against her giving them a moment to calm themselves. Madhu hadn't realized he was stressed over her hand not able to function. Only now when the faint line of frown marred in his forehead disappear she had noticed how worried he was for her. He hadn't given into his desire but stopped the moment he felt her hand functioning normally.

"Now that my hand is working fine I have a lot to make up for you for being my right hand all these days." she said with a naughty glint.

"What?" he asked confused.

She slipped her right hand into his shorts pocket making him jump a step back.

"Body wash" she said innocently clutching the bottle. "Shall I rub your back with my firm hands?" Madhu asked sweetly.

"Oh Mrs. Kundra you can. With pleasure. But not now. I have other plans." he winked at her.


"I wanna make love to you!" he said huskily near to her ear and giving her waist a gentle squeeze.

"Then do" she said in need.

"Here or on bed in the tree house?"

"Your choice."

"Bed. It is then. Come" he took her right hand in his.

"But we didn't play in this waterfalls?"

"We will come later."

"Sure?" she asked. He nodded and dragged her.

"Oh wow, fishes" Madhu said looking at the clear water. Seems like her love for fishes was stronger than her love for her husband.

She can easily get distracted from the matter in hand! Rk thought. "Will you catch me a fish?" she is seriously out of her mind! "Which I will take home and put in my fish tank?" she asked her husband excitedly.

"Later" he hissed.

"No, now" she said stubbornly. He turned and glared at her silently asking her to shut her mouth and walk with him.

"Rishab, please" she said not even looking at him but greedily gazing at a red color fish with black spots on it.

"Why you are hell bend to spoil my mood, Madhu? Why do you always test my patience hun? Can't you see how desperate I am to make love to you? It's been nearly 3 months Madhu. Three!!! It feels! God! I ache for you... but you? You want me to catch those f**king fishes? You can't be serious?" he bursted at her angirly.

"You are scolding me" she said in a accusatory tone.

"Yes, I am because you are acting so stupid and childish!" he shouted at her.

"Will you hurt me when you make love to me?" she asked the stupidest thing to him. She got worried that her husband will not handle her gently as he was mad at her right now.

"First of all your question itself is senseless. How will I hurt you when I make LOVE to you? Am I not a f**king bas***d to f**k you hard and let you scream and bleed! I am your f**king husband okay?" He snarled at her. She cowered in fear and looked down ashamed. "And secondly I'm not going to do a f**king thing to you now, dammit!" he said through gritted teeth and walked away making sure she was following him to the tree house.

... to be continued!!!

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