Part 17

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"I loved the trip..." Madhu said with a contented smile leaning her head back on the car seat.

"I am glad!" Rk said with a small smile.

"But I am sad to be back to the real world. It was so nice to be just the two of us." She mused.

"We will come again..."

"When?" She asked excitedly not even letting him complete his sentence.

"Whenever we both find free time." Rk said. He already had consider her wish and extended their trip for a night and he wasn't complaining at all for granting to her wish because they indeed had great fun making sweet love over and over again till they fell asleep completely worn out. And now they were heading back home after leaving Mukkund's jeep at his place and taking back their car. Mukkund wasn't at home as he had to see his wife and new born baby boy at the hospital but he had given Rk's car key to the watch man. Rk had thanked him over phone for making all arrangments for their stay in the jungle at such short notice and also promised him to bring his wife to meet his wife and kids one day.

"Then that will never happen"

"Why do you say so?"

"You police people work 365 days in a year then how come you will get free time? I am actually glad you get time to come home daily night." She muttered with a pout. He just didnt comment on that as he knew she was right.

"Only when you get your next suspension we can think about something like this." She said with a casual shrug, her tone was teasing.

"Not going to happen again!" Rk said dryly.



"You seem so confident having me beside you?" Madhu asked with a smirk. He shook his head knowing she was just teasing him so he played along.

"Fair point. I kinda forgot I am carrying a cat in my bag."


"Wildcat!" He said with a wink making her blush.

"I feel so different." Madhu said stretching her hands and getting comfortable on her seat by folding her legs and placing them beneath her.

"In what way?" Rk asked clueless. He glanced at her before sticking his eyes back on the road.

"Every way! I feel so different physically and emotionally. I feel like I have gotten what I wanted and given what to be given rightfully."

"You are talking in puzzle. Can you be little more clear?"

"You are so obtuse!" Madhu rolled her eyes. "I am talking about my feelings. I got your love and I have given you my love, my heart, my body and my soul."

"Oh! That. Right." He nodded in realization.

"Yeah oh, that, right... That's all you can say? Nothing more?"

"What's there to say? May be I could say same to you." He said with a casual shrug.

"So you feel the same? You feel you belonged to me?" She asked turning to his side.

"Not exactly."


"I don't belong to anyone. I belong to myself."

"That's rude!" She pouted her lips and turned away seeing yet unseeing the moving sights.

"Do you always expect to hear cheesy romantic lines?" Rk asked with a frown.

"Yes." She said and turned excitedly to his side hoping he will say one to make her happy.

"Then sorry you won't get one from me because..."

"Because you are one practical boring arrogant unromantic crude!" She blasted him.

"Did you just say I am unromantic?" He asked shooting his eye brow up.

"Yeah why?" She asked in a pissed off tone. He took his hand from the gear shift and took it back to his neck. Madhu watched him curiously and her eyes went wide when he pulled out his gun from his neck holster.

"Shoot me if I ever say you are unromantic" Madhu's words from the other day when he romanced with her rung in her ears.

"I was just kidding. You should never give literal meaning to my fun words." She gave him a goofy grin making him grimace his face.

"What are yoy talking about, Madhu?" He asked.

"Er... Uh... That... I told you... To shoot me... You unromantic... This gun... Dont shoot me again, please..." She stammered like a stupid.

"You are so silly." He shook his head getting what she was trying to say. "I just felt uneasy having this gun at the back of my neck so I took it and not to shoot you." He rolled his eyes.


"I was just about to agree with your assessment or accusation... However you name it was right... Because I myself know I am one unromantic husband and you are stuck to me."

"But then you are so romantic when you make love to me?" She stated but it was more like a question. She loved him more when he make love to her uttering those sweet endearments.

"You have a very fine and beautiful body so I appreciated it. Nothing much."

"So its just the body?" She asked, her temper hitting its peak.

"There is the Dhabha I was looking for. We will get the best aloo parathas here. I bet you will love it." He parked the car outside the highway motel.

"Really?" Madhu asked with a happy glint forgetting his mean comment.

"I am hungry." She said.

"I know." Rk smiled.

"Then what we are waiting for? Come lets go and gobble hot parathas."

"Madhu, wait." Rk held her wrist before she could jump out of the car. She turned to him and asked what by raising her brow. "Its not only your body... But the whole you is so beautiful. I love you." He said making her look at him with open mouthed. Not giving her a chance to say anything he opened the car and tucked his gun in his waist band and untucked his shirt hiding the gun from public view. He walked to the passenger side and opened the door for her like a gentleman and tapped on Madhu's shoulder bringing her back to earth. Once she snapped out and looked up at him still sitting inside the car, he put on his shades not letting her see his love for her in his eyes.

"You look hot with shades on." She muttered after gapping him for few good seconds.

"Keep your compliments for later. Now breakfast." He yanked her out of the car and dragged her to an empty table.

"Madamji, you... You come in TV right? In one news channel... What's the channel's name?" A man, who seemed to be the owner of the dhabha as he was sitting in the cash counter came running to Madhu and asked her, while he admired her beauty.

"Sakal news channel." Madhu said with a smile.

"So it's you. News reporter Madhu... Madhubala-ji?" He asked again to clarify.


"Oh ji... I am your big fan. I watch news just to see you ji... You look so beautiful. So beautiful in person than what I see in TV. Shake hand ji shake hand...please." The man said and took Madhu's hand forcefully and shook her hand and didn't bother to leave it. Madhu nervously smiled and looked at her husband sitting opposite to her. She gulped seeing the murderous glare Rk was giving to the man.

"Madhubala ji... Why you work as a news reporter? With the beauty you have you should really try in movies ji... You will become a star like the legendary actress Madhubala." He complimented.

"Thanks." Madhu hesitantly smiled and tried to pull her hand out of his hold but he didnt let it go and he was totally oblivious to Rk's presence.

"Madhubalaji, I forgot to introduce myself to you. My name is..."

"Dead body!" Rk said through gritted teeth and placed his gun on the table giving him a back-off-now-or-I-will-f**king-kill-you look.


"You will become a deadbody if you dont leave my wife's hand right now" Rk said in a calm yet threatening tone. The man left her hand as his eyes were transfixed on the gun.

"Am... Sorry ji." He muttered not particular whether he was saying it to Madhu or Rk.

"Madhu, come." Rk stood up and held his hand out for Madhu.

"But Rishab, breakfast?" Madhu asked but still she stood up from the chair and took his hand.

Rk took his gun with other hand and walked her out without answering her.

"There is another decent hotel coming up in a mile. We will eat there." Rk said starting the car.

"Hmm..." She nodded and looked out of the window.

"Are you mad? At me?" She asked after few minutes of silence.

"What? No. Why would I be mad at you?"

"I didn't know what to do or say when that man started blabbering."

"I know, Madhu. I noticed how uncomfortable you were and how much you tried to pull your hand from his grasp. He was so indecent to take your hand for a shake before you give him...What irked me more was... He was feeling up your hand and outrageously flirting with you. That's why I took out my gun just to threaten him and show him his place."

"I got scared." She said.


"I thought you would beat him up black and blue."

"Well, I would have if he had gone one step ahead and troubled you with his nuisance." He agree. "Well, He was just a mere crazy fan of yours... so I didn't beat him up. "No harm to harmless people" that's my policy."

"I like your policy." She smiled gratefully that he was okay and not burning in rage.

"So he flattered you? Didn't he?" Rk asked with a smirk.

"Honestly? Yes. He did." She grinned.


"How you will feel If I get a chance in movies and become a star?" Madhu asked casually.

"You have any plans?" Rk asked.

"No, just asking." She said.


"What? You didn't answer me?"

"More than me my parents will be so disappointed. Especially my mom. She already has issues with you working in media after what happened to you... She got so worried when you were in hospital... She blamed it was your job that put your life in danger."

"Oh... You didn't tell me anything?" She said feeling happy that her mom in law cares so much for her but at the same time worried that she might force her to quit working.

"What's there to tell? When I already told her not to bring up the topic."


"You love your job as much as I love mine. If anyone... Why even you tell me to quit my job I won't do that. Likewise I know you won't how much ever risky your job is. All I can ensure my mom was I will keep her daughter in law safe." He said. She nodded with a smile.

"So back to the topic... My mom wont like you acting in movies getting close and intimate with other heroes."

"Well, I am asking about you. How you will feel?"

"Well, the rational part in me will let you do whatever your heart desires whether I like it or not. I will never force my will on you but the irrational part in me will never let you work in movies... I don't want to share you with the world. Everyone eying my wife, admiring and commenting her beauty... Why even dreaming on her... will drive me crazy. But still I will give the choice to you. So you tell me what you will choose?"

"I will always choose possessive Rishab." She said softly with a shy smile. And that was her answer.

"Then its caging you at home and refusing you to act in movies if you ever get the chance." He said with a chuckle. She laughed.

"Really that was an unexpected compliment. I never thought of acting and all and I will never think of it too. I love what I do. I love what I have. If anything I want then it will be a small family of our own... in the future. 

"No hurry." She quickly adds.

"Hmm... Then remind me to get condom packets. We are going without protection."

"Oh!" Her mouth formed to an O shape. "Conceiving a baby would have been the last thought in my head while we had sex... I would be happy if I don't get pregnant now as I am not ready yet. I just want it to be the two of us for a while... Besides I want all the shits floating around us to settle down. I can't risk having a baby at the moment" She was worried about Sultan who was still on loose and wasn't planning any serious move yet which means he will make his move any unexpected moment. She was worried about the unknown intruder who broke into their house. "Rishab, suspects it to be a lady... Who could it be?" Madhu wondered. She was worried about Dutta's death. Rk had told her that his younger brother will seek revenge one day from killing them. So much of risk on their way and her worry gets tenfold more when she thinks about her husband's safety. She will be damned if anything ever happens to him.

"That I doubt. If one problem dies down then another one will pop up. We shouldn't fear of our problems... Then we will lose our peace. So don't worry... We will face it." Rk said and gave her hand a squeeze.

"Other than that reason... I would agree with you. Even I am in no hurry to make a family. But then if we have already made one... We will have it."

"Him." She corrected him when he referred the baby as 'it'

"Okay. Her."

"That's better." She smiled feeling giddy at the thought of having her Rishab's baby.

As soon as Rk opened the main door of their apartment, Madhu ran in to her fish tank almost pushing him.

"Hey, babies... Did you miss mommy?" Madhu cooed to her fishes and kissed her fish tank. Rk shook his head and dropped on the bean bag tiredly.

"Rishab, take the red fish from the plastic cover which I kept it in the picnic basket." Madhu ordered him.

"Rishab!" She called him again when he didn't respond her. He just gave her his trade mark angry glare. "Now why are you looking at me like that?"

"You have the nerve to ask me that woman!" He growled.

"If you cant help me, say it. I will help myself." She said and bit her lower lips.

"You should feel glad that I haven't killed your f**king red fish yet for what you did yesterday, so you better not bring that damn fish close to me or I wont hesitate to fry it in the frying pan."

"Please. Don't. I love my red fish." She said and quickly ran to check the fish in the plastic bag filled with water.

"Uff... My fish is alive." She breathed a sigh of relief.

Yesterday, they had gone to the water falls area again and as promised Rk caught her a red fish alive after trying for more than an hour and gave it to her. Then he struggled hard and caught another fish for himself to fry and eat. He gave the fish he caught for himself to Madhu to hold for a while or to safely put in the water pot in which she had her red fish but this irritating girl dropped his fish back in to the water. She claimed it was an accident that the fish slipped out for her hand and jumped into the water but he had high suspision that she deliberately did it to save the damn fish's life. He was too tired to try and catch another fish so he left back to the tree house brooding. He even got so tempted to fry her red fish but she begged him not to do that. He knew she would eat his brain if he had eaten her red fish so he controlled his temptation and ate instant noodles without any side dish cursing her in his head.

"My babies... Meet your new friend." Madhu announced and dropped the red fish safely in her fish tank.

"Madhu... You behave like a nut case at most of the times." Rk commented.

She ignored him and continued talking "Red... Meet your new friends Jelly, Goldie, Pinky and Shiny" Madhu introduced Red to other fishes.

"Now, say cheers." Madhu said and put some fish food into the tank.

"Okay, babies, you all eat and play. I will go make some lunch for your daddy..."

"I am not DADDY to those fucking fishes!" He snapped at her.

"Then where I will go and find a daddy for my babies." She asked sadly.

"You are insane, Madhu." Rk threw his hands in the air in frustration.

"What has gotten into you now? Why you are so mad at me and at my babies."

"They are not babies dammit! They are fishes." He stressed it.

"I know but I will call them babies."

"Then what the f**k you will call your actual babies?"

"Jelly bean? Or nuggets? Or peanuts Or little munchkins?..." She said as she wondered what other pet names she could come up with for her babies.

"Madhu, come here." He gestured her to come closer to him. When she walked closer to him he tucked her hand and made her sit on his lap.

"Get ready this evening we are going out." He said.

"Where?" She asked with a frown.

"To meet a psychiatrist." He said with a sweet smile. Madhu took a throw pillow from the nearby couch and started hitting him with it.

"Okay... Okay... Cool..." He said and held her hands to stop her beating him. "Seriously get ready this evening. My mom text me now inviting us for dinner tonight. We will go see your parents first on our way to my parents place and then we will have dinner from my parents place."

"Sounds like a plan." She smiled. "I will cook lunch for us and then I need a short nap. After sleeping for an hour or two only I will get fresh and get ready to meet our parents."

"Okay" Rk agreed and released her. When she was up off his lap he pulled her back again onto his lap and roughly held her face and gave her a bruising kiss.

"Now, go." He said wiping off her lipstick mark from his lips with the back of his hand.

... To be continued!!!



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