Part 22

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Rishab walked into the bedroom and stood by the door way holding the door. He looked at his beautiful wife sleeping peacefully on the bed hugging a pillow.

He locked the door behind him and headed straight to the bathroom to take his shower.

He stripped his clothes and stood under the shower facing the wall and placing his hands over it.

He closed his eyes tightly and tilted his head up letting the water run over his face and body.

He hoped the cold water gushing over his body will cool down the blazing rage building in him but it wasn't helping him.

"No, I can't calm down till I hunt down and kill the person who is behind the life of my wife." He said to himself gritting his teeth and banged his fist hand against the wall.

"I will protect you, Madhu. I won't let anything happen to you." He silently vowed and stepped out of the shower and took a towel from the shelf and wrapped it around his waist.

He didn't bother to dry his hair.

He just walked out of the bathroom and went to the closet to take out his track pants and put it on.

He sat on the bed with his legs down touching the floor and his hands gripping the edge of the bed tightly as he bristled in anger.

He glanced sideways feeling his wife stirring in her sleep.

He kept still so that she won't get up from her sleep.

He watched her closely and found her crunching her forehead as she had a very disturbed sleep.

Her hand searched for something beside her, probably her husband so Rk held her hand.

He caressed her cheek gently with his knuckles and with his thumb he eased the frown marring her forehead. Once she settled back to a normal sleep he stopped caressing her and turned away leaving her hand he was holding.

He couldn't lie down and sleep. His mind was preoccupied. He was just recollecting the day's event. He had seen some stranger entering the apartment through the surveillance camera but he couldn't see his face clearly as he had his hoodie over his head and his gaze was down cast. He rested his chin at the L' of his thumb and index finger and shut his eyes tightly replaying the footage in his head.

He wanted some hunch which could lead him to the next level. "Who is that guy? Is he working for someone? If so then for whom? Or Am I just reading too much? Could it be anyone else than the one I figured from the CC TV footage? No, it can't be. He was the only one who entered the apartment just an hour before the incident happened in the elevator. He walked out talking to someone over the phone once the elevator crashed down the ground floor. It was all recorded in the CC TV. So he should be the one. I should get to him before it's too late." Rk decided.

He took out his phone and looked at all the pictures in his gallery. He had asked his trusted policeman Joshi to send the entire footage in snap shots so that he could zoom it and try find for some clue.

He was deeply immersed in checking all the picture and he didn't realize his wife was up.

She looked around sleepily and found her husband scrutinizing his phone. She sat up and slowly crawled to his side and from behind she stretched her legs and wrapped it around his stomach and hugged his chest with her hands. She placed her cheek at his back. Her eyes fell on the burns on his right side shoulder and hand. She raised her head up and kissed the corner of the still fresh burn.

Rk shut his phone screen the moment he felt her getting closer to him. He stayed still letting her to make her move. He loved her touch, so soft and warm. He felt himself getting calm and his stiff muscles loosened. He felt the irritation from the burn get ease out with her soft kiss.

She kissed the base of his neck and again rested her head on his shoulder.

He felt wetness on his shoulder and realized that she was crying silently. He suppressed his groan and took her hand from his chest and held it tight and swung her around from behind and made her sit on his lap at the front and then he hugged her tight burying his nose in her hair.

"Whatever is the reason for your tears I just want it to stop. Now!" He ordered still his face settled on the crook of her neck.

"I am not crying." She said defensively.

"When did you start lying to me?" He asked

"I have never lied to you and I am not going to start now."

"You sure?" He asked looked straight at her eyes. She gave him a puzzled look. "Do I have anything to know, Madhu? Are you afraid of telling anything to me? Whatever it is I just want you to trust me and tell me everything honestly so that I can help you."

"What are you talking, Rishab?" She asked with a frown.

"I don't have anything to hide from you."

"I know... Well, I want to know if you have had missed out to tell me anything... even a minute detail, of course unintentionally."

"Rishab, I don't get what you are talking about. Care to explain?" She asked cupping his face with her hands. 

"Do you have any issues at your work place? Have you messed with anyone in the past? Just think, Madhu... Think and tell me. You know what happened this morning and I am not going to fool you saying it was nothing to worry. It's something big and serious. I want you to help me."

"I don't know anything, Rishab... Please trust me..." She said as her lips started trembling in fear. She couldn't think of anyone who had a serious grudge on her that they would want to finish off her.

"Madhu, listen... I didn't mean to make you cry..."

"No, Rishab... If anything had to happen to you... Because of me then it would kill me..." She sobbed hugging him tight.

"Look...look at me" Rk made her look at him.

"What's the need to cry? I am just asking so that I can be alert and make some progress in the right direction. I don't want to waste my time in finding ways in dead end. Do you understand?" He asked her. She nodded her head biting her lower lips.

"See, it can be someone who wants to take revenge on me too... and I am questioning myself on who all I have left as unfinished business. The job I do revolves around criminals and it's just not easy to pin point the real culprit out the lot but still I am trying to figure and I want you to help me from your side too because as you know we both were in the elevator... We both were so close to death. I am not sure whether the culprit wants to kill either of us or both of us... There is a lot of mystery behind this unprovoked attack and I want to unveil it sooner than later" he said rubbing his hand over her back to give warmth to her cold body.

"I know. I will tell you if I could remember anything."


"You didn't put ointment to your burns?" Madhu asked after composing herself.

"Wait, I will bring the ointment and apply it for you..." Madhu said and was about to unlock her legs from straddling him but he stopped her shaking his head and holding her tight in his arms.

"No need. You just stay like this." He said in a husky voice and she could feel his rock hard erection against the apex of her thighs. His hands slipped under the slit of her kurta and he started feeling up her soft skin.

"Rishab, let me tend your injury first... Otherwise it will scar badly."

"Forget about my hand, Madhu." He said lying back on the bed taking her with him. She balanced her weight on her elbows and knees and sat up on his lap.

"Please." She pulled him up to sit again. "Then promise me you won't cry all over again when you tend my burns. I really lose my mind when I see you cry and I unnecessarily shout at you which I regret later."

"I am used to your shouting so don't worry." She said and without getting up from his lap she stretched her hand and took the ointment tube from the bedside table. He sighed and let her tend him. She applied the ointment very meticulously not hurting him. Her eyes stung with unshed tears but they feared to slip out as two blazing eyes were closely scrutinizing her bead of tears.

"Stop staring at me. I am not going to cry." She scolded him. He chuckled and kissed her eyes and the tears escaped from the bay.

"See, your tears ditched you." He teased her. She glared at him and wiped her wet cheeks with the back of her hand and breathed sharply.

"So what now?" She asked.

"Whatever you want? Sleep or sex?" He asked haughtily.


"What?" He asked furrowing his brows. "Well, that wasn't in my option" he said as he realized what truth she wanted to know.

"It's your turn to be honest with me. I feel like you are keeping me in the dark by not telling me anything which concerns me... um... concerns us!"

"I am just protecting you, Madhu."

"I am not a child"

"I am aware of that." He said nuzzling her boobs.

"I want to know what's happening around me which goes unnoticed by me." She asked bunching his hair in her fist and lifting his face off her boobs.

"So you want me to tell what happened to Sultan?" He asked guessing where she was heading with the topic. "Exactly! Why you didn't tell me about his death? How he died? Who killed him?"

"I... I only killed him."

"I am not surprised much. I guessed it the moment I saw the satisfied smirk playing on your face when you told me he was dead in the morning in car."


"Now tell me where and when?"

"Well, this time you will surely get surprised... Nah, you will get shocked if I say where and when" He said smirking devilishly. She didn't reply, just waited for him to continue.

"Very recently I finished him off..."

"When exactly? The time I was in hospital?" She asked biting her bottom lip.


"Rishab, c'mon tell me. Stop making me guess. This suspense is killing me." She said exasperated.

"When I took you to the trip... to the forest. There I killed him the night you got drunk and I confessed my love to you." He said in one breathe. She gaped at him open mouth. To tell she was shocked would be an understatement. She was beyond horrified. In their romantic almost like a honeymoon trip her husband killed a killer?

"I can't believe this..." She uttered meekly once he gently pushed her jaw up and closed her mouth.

"You took me there... Shit, I thought..." she covered her mouth as she couldn't vocalize anything.

"I thought it was just the two of us..." For her it was more like a honeymoon trip! Shit!

"There were 20 policemen... surrounding us in the forest."

"OMG!" she gasped. "You had me under watch?"

"Not really. I just left a couple of armed lady police to look after you when I wasn't with you in the tree house to protect you."

"Did you get me drunk purposefully?"

"No. That wasn't a part of my plan. You demanded to taste the beer and I just let you have some but you being a novice to alcohol got so high and you passed out once I confessed my love. Well, I took that to my advantage and let you sleep peacefully while I deal with my mission"

"So the police forces were there the entire time of our stay?"

"No, they left once the killing mission was accomplished and the dead bodies were disposed. They were there only for a night. Rest of the two days it was just the two of us."

"Oh my God, there was nothing suspicious. I couldnt even pick up a small hint. Everything appeared so natural. You acted as if you were there to chill out but you had a diabolic plan cooking in your head." Madhu said in disbelief.

"When did you plan all that?" she asked after a moment.

"So hungry for more information" Rk smirked at her.

"Tell me?" she insisted.

"Ever since the day he kidnapped you I was hunting for him." Sultan made the biggest mistake of his life by taking his wife away from him and threatening him to kill her. f**k!

"Oh... But why you took me along with you if you had planned a secret mission?" She asked pissed.

"Because you asked me to take you on a trip and I didn't want to disappoint you by saying no to you... So I took you along with me... But just kept you out of my business so that you can have fun. I just made sure you were safe there." he said casually. Okay! So it was all planned that's why he could pull the trip in such a short time as it was already planned! Great!

"Hmm... how did you know Sultan's whereabouts?" She popped another question.

"Mukkund hinted me" Rk replied with the shrug. "Being a forest officer he gets to know about the strange happenings in forest and he brought to my notice that Sultan was hiding there and we tracked him down easily..."

"How Mukkund bhaiya knows about Sultan?"

"I circulated his photo to all my friends in different departments and asked them to keep me posted if they ever get any news about him..."

"Oh!" She said.

"So yeah that coward Sultan was hiding in there and dealing with illegal activities thinking he could evade from police"

"What kind of activities?" Madhu asked curiously.

"We found two dead bodies... of girls... they were raped and brutally killed."

"Sultan did that?" Madhu asked wide eyed.

"He and his team"

"The other three dogs who always tag behind him wagging their tails?"

"Yeah, the very same bas***ds" Rk said gritting his teeth.

"What you did to them?"

"We killed all the four. My team handled the other three men and I took the pleasure of killing the despicable sorry excuse of a man Sultan."

"How you killed him?"

"You don't need the gory details"


He shook his head asking her to let the matter go.

"Okay, I won't ask... but I just hope you had evirate his dick before killing that bloody f**ker." Madhu seethed thinking what those creeps did to those two girls, well, it wasn't just the two girls they messed with... they did worse with many innocent girls spoiling their lives so they deserved to be killed brutally.

"That's so unladylike, Madhu. I don't like my woman taking such vulgar Slang." Rk admonished her.

"I'm sorry." She said and pecked his lips.

"Well, we had a vicious pit bull (dog) bite his crotch and I did my famous headshot operation after torturing him."

She pictured what he said in her mind and her stomach churned and she gagged covering her mouth with her hand and rushed to the bathroom to throw up closing the door behind her.

"Madhu, you okay? Shall I come in?" He asked knocking the bathroom door.

"No, I am fine. I will be out in a moment." She said and after brushing and gargling her mouth she stepped out of the bathroom.

"What's wrong?" he asked rushing to her side and held her waist.

"Nothing, it's the image of dog biting him made me puke." She said in disgust.

"Oh. I thought you wanted to know the gory details?" he teased her. "I just put the scene light but that was enough to make you puke." He smirked.

"Shut up, Rishab." She slapped him playfully, feeling so embarrassed.

"It's okay... there is nothing to feel embarrassed... it's not like every day you are dealing with criminals and blood and death?"

"Yes" she smiled and hugged him.

"Now, come, we will go and sleep. I am tired." He said yawning subtly.

"My poor husband had such a long shitty day."

"And my curious minded wife is not letting me sleep as she wants me to feed her information."

"Sorry" she grinned cheekily and dragged him to the bed. Once he laid down she tucked him under the covers and jumped on the bed and rolled over him and went to her side.

"You know you could simply walk around and get to your side of bed right?"

"Oops! Sorry."

"Never mind, I like it."

"Then why make that unwanted rude comment?"

"Just to annoy you." He said and wrapped his arm around her waist drawing her closer to him.

"Rishab, I have one question"

"What?" he asked her sleepily.

"You could have told me everything before itself nah?"

"You already had enough to worry at that time, Madhu. I didn't want to add more to your worries. I just wanted you to be oblivion to everything happening around you and enjoy your time there. Tell me honestly didn't you have a great time there?"

"Of course, I had my best time ever. You were so sweet and romantic in the whole trip."

"That's because I was relieved that Sultan was no more a threat in our lives" he said.

"Hmm... But Rishab, I don't like you keeping secrets from me." Madhu chided him.

"Tell me if I had told everything beforehand would you be coolly asking me to get you a red fish from the pond?" he asked to distract her from taking the conversation to a fight.

"Oh yeah, my red fish. I love it. Oh wait, did you feed my babies?" she asked. He smirked inwardly as his distraction trick worked.

"You said you had only question to ask me? I think this is more than one."

"Please answer me this one last question for the night then I will let you sleep"

"Yep! I love my life and I know you would kill me if I had forgotten to feed your babies." he replied quickly so that she will let him sleep. He loves his sleep so dearly.

"Husband, I love you." she said grinning happily and kissed his cheek. He smiled and they went to deep slumber. 

... To be continued!!!

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