Part 24

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"What the hell!!!" Rishab shouted at Madhu pushing himself away from her. "What the hell have you done, Madhu?" He growled.

"What?" Madhu asked puzzled as she covered her body with her bathrobe.

She had just walked out of the bathroom taking her shower only to be cornered by her husband. He pushed her against the wall and kissed her lips hungrily taking her by surprise. He tugged her bathrobe and removed it off her shoulders and buried his nose in the crook of her neck and nuzzled it. When he dragged his face down he noticed something ugly and recoiled from her.

"This!" He pointed his finger to her right side just below her shoulder and above her chest.

"Can't you see what that is? You are asking me as if you don't know?" She asked with a frown.

"I know what the f**k that is!" He shouted again startling her. He pinch his nose bridge and took few deep breathes.

"I am sorry for shouting... but why?" He asked tipping her chin up to face him.

"Why means what? I like it so I did it." She shrugged casually and covered her bare shoulders with her bathrobe.

"Don't you dare cover it from me, okay?"

"Rishab, please. Don't make it a big deal. Let me go so that I can get dressed for tonight's party." She gently pushed him and tried to walk away but he held her wrist and slammed her back to the wall again and gave her a death glare.

"I won't repeat again, Madhu so just tell me why you did this?" Rishab asked softly but in a menacing tone. She squirmed uncomfortably.

"I... I... I just wanted to... See, today when I went with mama and mom for shopping I found this shop next to the spa... I left our moms there in the spa to get their things done and I went to do this..."

"I didn't ask where and when you did this! I am asking why you did this." He asked losing his patience.

"It's not a sin okay?"

"Ugh! You are so infuriating, Madhubala!" He growled and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Rishab, calm down. I just tattooed my skin..."

"Why? To hide the bullet scar?" He asked.

"Yes." She nodded her head.

"I told you it wasn't ugly." Rishab said holding her head in his hands.

"And I told you not to feel guilty of it but every time... Every single time you see this scar your mood goes off. All I could see in your eyes were pain and guilt." Madhu got sick of his guilty look he showed they make out. He just stopped kissing her on her scarred region. Once she even asked him "was it ugly? You feel disgusted to kiss there?" But he reassured her it was nothing like that and he apologized for not kissing her scar better. She believed him and she even knew it was only his guilt making him to not even look at it so she decided to mask it with a tattoo.

"I gave this scar to you, Madhu." He sighed sadly.

"You didn't!" She snapped at him. "So stop blaming yourself." She slapped his arm and winced in pain while he stood unaffected by her hitting.

"Thanks for making me feel better... but that doesn't mean I appreciate what you did to yourself. I know permanent tattoos can pain like hell" he said sadly and leaned his head forward touching her forehead.

"You should have told me before doing something stupid like this." He scolded her but not angrily.

"Now, you have added one more feather to my guilty hat..."

"Shall I do plastic surgery then?" She suggested.

"Oh shit NO! Don't you dare do something like that then I will be f**king mad at you." He warned her.

"You are always mad at me so what difference that will make?" She asked him cheekily.

"Am I?" He asked narrowing his eyes. "I wasn't mad at you this morning if you could remember?" he asked wiggling his eye brows. She laughed.

"Yes, you were so romantic this morning even now... But that makes me suspect you."

"Suspect me? Why?" He asked in confusion.

"Planning any secret mission?" She teased him. Ever since he told her about how he killed Sultan in their semi-honeymoon trip she started getting suspicious when he tried to get romantic with her.

"Not at all funny" he rolled his eyes. "Now show me your tattoo. I will take a close look at it"

"Okay!" She excitedly pulled down her bathrobe and showed her tattoo to him. First time when he noticed the tattoo he was clouded with anger so he didn't see it clearly and now he saw it clearly and twisted his lips in disgust.

"You didn't get anything better?"

"Why? What's wrong with this mermaid tattoo?" She asked getting offended.

"You could have got some sun, gun or bullet tattoo. That would be so simple yet stylish... This is so huge and kiddish" he lied. He found the mermaid so sexy but he won't give it to her. His loathsome for fishes will not let him agree that the mermaid with a sexy upper human body and fish tail down her waist was beautiful.

"Bullet tattoo to hide a bullet scar? Whoa!" She mocked him.

"Was it too painful?" He asked ignoring her reply tracing his fingers gently on the tattoo.

"It's not new to me." She said with a wink.

"You have got more tattoos on your body before? I haven't noticed any?" He asked wondering how he could possibly miss that.

"Show me?"

"Nope! You figure it." She challenged him.

"Challenge accepted!" He grinned widely and jerked her towards him by pulling her bathrobes and started kissing her neck.

"I don't think you are in the mood to find out anything now so you better leave me. I have to get ready." She pushed him off her and ran away from him before he could tackle her. He smiled at her and walked to the bathroom to take his shower.


Madhu adorned herself in a beautiful black net saree and let her hair loose flowing in waves on her right side shoulder which reached till her waist. She had her make up so light and natural. Her eyes were beautifully painted with eye liner and mascara and her plum lips were coated with pretty shade of pale pink lip stick. She was about to place a streak of vermilion on her forehead when her husband asked standing from behind her "let me?"

"Sure" she smiled and passed the small container which contained the red powder to him.

"Wait, Rishab" Madhu stopped him by holding his hand. "Make sure you don't ruin my makeup. Don't drag it too long. Just keep it small. Right at the center. Oh and take a pinch of vermilion not this much. You will surely smear it all over my forehead..."

"Shut up!" He placed his finger on her mouth. Once she stopped blabbering he thrust the container back in her hand. "Sue me if I ever ask you to let me fill your parting." He said in a pissed off tone and walked towards the dresser mirror to get ready. Madhu pouted her lips but didn't say a word.

"Ready?" Rishab asked impatiently tapping his shoe while he checked his cell phone. He was dressed in black slacks, white shirt and black tuxedo and no tie. Madhu insisted him to wear his tie but he denied and left the top two buttons open making him look dashing.

"One minute." Madhu said and sat down on her bed and pulled up her legs to put her thin silver ankle chain with jingles.

"Hey wait..." Rishab looked up from his phone to see what she was doing and surprisingly his eyes caught something.

"What?" She asked subtly covering her left leg with her saree. He pulled out her leg and looked closely at it. He scratched his nail on her ankle.

"I got it." He smirked at her finding the other tattoo.

"What's this actually? It's so small. I can hardly see any design." He asked her.

"It's a fish"

"Ah! I should have guessed it after all "My Fish Lady" is crazy for the damn fishes." He chuckled. She stuck out her tongue embarrassed.

"Why so small?" He asked.

"I wanted to get it done big... But seeing the needle I chicken out... I started running from the shop but my friends forced me to get a tattoo finally I gave in and asked them to put something small." Seeing his frown she answered his unasked question.

"If you are wondering how I got a big... Well, medium sized tattoo this time then I will tell you I am grown up now. When I got this fish tattoo I was only 14 year girl so I was scared."

"Okay. Shall we go now if you are done with hooking the anklets?"

"Sure." She got off the bed and quickly grabbing her clutch and phone she walked out along with her husband.


(At Purple Orchid Hotel)

Rishab and Madhu walked into the hotel lobby hand in hand.

"Which floor?" Rishab asked Madhu the floor where the party was going on.

"Fourth" Madhu answered distractedly. Rk didn't notice her discomfort and walked ahead towards the elevator and pressed the downward arrow button on the pad and waited for the elevator car to come down to carry them up.

"What are you waiting for?" Rishab asked turning back and looking at Madhu. She stood rooted to her spot.

"Shall we go by steps?" She asked hiding her panic. She wasn't ready to enter another elevator this soon.

"C'mon, Madhu. I am with you." Rishab encouraged her and held out his hand for her to take. She took a deep breath and grabbed his hand. She kept her eyes tightly shut and her hands tightly wrapped around his arm as the elevator ascended. As soon as the elevator dings and the doors opened she jumped out of the elevator in such a hurry. Rishab shook his head but didn't comment on that and followed her.

Madhu looked around the huge hall cooped with throng of guests. Ladies were gushing gossips. Men were sipping drinks and discussing business and politics sitting near the bar area. Few young couples occupied the dance floor.
Madhu looked up at the high ceiling and the beautiful crystal chandelier. She didn't know why but that place vaguely looked familiar to her.

Rishab got a call from the station and he was answering to it letting Madhu walk a step ahead of him.

"Ouch!" Madhu yelped when someone bumped on her hardly, knocking her off balance. She dropped her cell phone on the floor and and stumbled on her footings.

"Careful." Rishab swiftly held her waist and Madhu grabbed his coat for support and then he steadied her. Madhu rubbed her ribs were the person had elbowed her. It doesn't seem to be an accident to Madhu. She felt that the person had purposefully run into her to hurt her.

Madhu and Rishab both turned back to see who was the one who dashed her and walked off without apologizing. A slim figure wrapped in a short knee length cocktail dress walked off taking long strides talking over the phone.

"Hey, you! Don't you have eyes?" Madhu shouted but the lady kept walking without any care for the world. Madhu got so pissed with that manner less girl's attitude. Squeezing herself among the people in the crowded party hall she made way to reach her so that she can give her nice tongue lashing. "Hey, bitch! Don't you hear me? Stop!" Madhu raised her voice. This time that lady stopped and glanced at Madhu first and then at Rishab over her shoulder through the corner of her eyes. She didn't show her face but surely they could tell she was glaring at them with her smoky dark eyes and gritted her teeth in envy before rushing to the elevator.

"Hey, stop there!" Rishab ordered getting suspicious with that lady's strange behavior but it was too late as the elevator door shuts and they missed to see the mysterious lady's face.

"Let her go, Rishab." Madhu stopped Rishab when he tried to take the stairs and see who that lady was.

"Must be in a hurry so she didn't bother to stop for a second and say sorry." Madhu said calming down but Rishab wasn't convinced.

"Papa" Madhu spotted her father who was talking with a tall man dressed in business suit. She dragged Rishab's hand and walked towards them.

"Madhu meet Mr. Harshavardhan Kapoor, he is our new client and Mr. Kapoor this is my daughter Madhubala and that's my son in law Rishab. He is..."

"I know him. ACP Rishab kundra." Harshavardhan said extending his hand for a shake with Rishab

"Hello, Sir." Rishab took his hand and politely nodded his head acknowledging him. Both Madhu and Malik shared a look wondering how they knew each other.

"Two days back my daughter Simmy was kidnapped by a deranged asshole..."

"Oh! That's pathetic..." Malik shook his head to snap out of the long forgotten memory which resurfaced now. He drew his daughter closer to him and wrapped his arm around her shoulder protectively. Rishab didn't miss to notice this gesture and smiled.

"...but fortunately she was brought back home without a scratch. All thanks to your son-in-law." Harshavardhan once again thanked Rishab.

"Your daughter is actually safe because of my wife so I guess you should thank her." Rishab placed his hand around her waist and brought her forward. Madhu shyly smiled.

"She only tackled that guy down and helped me catch him."

"Thank you dear. God bless you." Harshavaradhan blessed Madhu. She just smiled not knowing what to say.

"Did you find anything about the case? Who was the guy? Was he working for any big shot?"

"We are yet to find that Sir." Rishab felt a pang of guilt for not doing his duty and partying here. He knew he couldn't leave Madhu on her own and go to work so he took a day off and for her only he agreed to bring her here so that she will get a welcoming distraction.

"We inquired that guy but I don't think he is telling the truth. He is just cooking up things and trying to act smart. Well, I am sure in the next few days he will spill the bean. You don't worry Sir."

"Mr. Kundra, please make sure this news don't leak out to the press. You know these press people will write some trash and spoil my daughter's name and my reputation."

"We don't write trash! We write facts!" Madhu growled getting offended.

"Sorry, she is in press and media so your words stung her." Rk said smirking as he looked down at his wife who glared at him.

"Oh. I apologize" Harshavardhan genuinely apologized.

"How is your daughter? Is she fine now?" Malik asked in concern.

"She is okay. Scared and bit shaken."

"That's understandable." Malik looked down at Madhu and pressed a kiss on her head making her lookup at him and smile.


"I never thought the place will be this crowded." Rishab said rubbing his temple as his head started throbbing mildly with all the loud music and peoples chattering. He took a seat at the farthest corner of the bar where no one was there to disturb him and ordered for a drink.

"You are going to drink?" Madhu asked wide eyed as she took a seat next to him. She was eating a huge slice of cake from the plate she was holding in her hand.

"Of course."

"But we have to drive back home right?"

"You drive the car. I will have a drink or two." He said and took the crystal glass half filled with some amber liquor.

"Cake?" She offered him a spoon full of cake.

"No, thanks"

"Wanna dance with me?" she asked. He smiled at her and shook his head in no.

"Too boring husband you are!" she huffed. "Look at your mom and dad" she said placing her palm under her chin, her elbow resting on the bar counter as she admired her in-laws dancing for a slow song with so much of love. Rishab rolled his rolling chair and turned towards the dance floor to see his parents dance.

"They are born romantics" he commented with a chuckle.

"I can't believe you are their son" Madhu teased him and giggled. He rolled his eyes and took another sip oh his drink.


"Hey, Rk" a cheery lady voice called his name. Rishab turned around to find his Ex- girlfriend making her way towards them. "What she is doing here?" Madhu scoffed. Her good mood sunk down in just a matter of seconds seeing Ria.

"How do I know?" Rishab asked with a frown and plaster a smile on his face to greet Ria.

"Hey! How are you?" he asked politely.

"I'm grand, man." Ria threw herself at him and wrapped her arms tightly around his neck. Rishab awkwardly released her hands from his neck and took a step back.

"Oh c'mon don't be like that with me" she said flirtatiously slapping his arm.

"What you doing here, Ria?" Rishab asked placing his hand on Madhu's waist and moving closer to her so that Ria will acknowledge her presence but the dumb girl had her eyes only on him.

"I'm the event manager for this party." Ria said clasping her hands. Madhu pushed his hand rudely off her waist and walked away angrily.

"How dare she flaunt all over my husband in front of me? And my moronic husband was enjoying her company!" Madhu talked out to herself. He wasn't enjoying her company. He wanted YOU to be with him but you like a fool showed your irrational anger on him and left his side. You made way for that bitch to have her way with your husband! Her inner voice screamed! She wanted to run back to her husband's side and chase that bitch away but something was stopping her after rudely walking away from there.

With her head held down and busy talking to herself she didn't notice the person coming opposite to her and bumped into the person.

"Ouch! Why the hell all are bumping into me?" Madhu cried and looked up to see a familiar face.

"Hey, Sexy, as always you are hot! Want me to cool you down?" the guy waved his hand at her. She gave him a confused look. "Don't you remember me? I'm Sunny. We met few months back outside a hotel. I called you "Sexy" and you bashed me."

"Oh you! Seeing my husband and knowing he was a policeman you called me "Sister" didn't you?" Madhu laughed remembering the teenage boy. He grinned goofily and nodded his head.

"Your husband is scary. I peed in my pants that day" Sunny said shivering.

"Oh boy! You are so cute and funny." She pinched his cheeks. "BTW, what are you doing here?" Madhu asked still giggling.

"I am your waiter for tonight. Part time job" He grinned. "You want me to get something for you to eat?"

"No, thanks. I just had a humongous size of cake."

"So... You..."

"What?" Madhu asked wiggling her brows.

"Wanna dance with me?" Sunny asked shyly.

"Boy! Don't feel shy. Of course I will dance with you. Come." She took his hand and dragged him to the dance floor. They didn't realize a pair of eyes was boring holes at the back of their heads.

Madhu placed her left hand on Sunny's shoulder and he placed his right hand on her waist and they clasped their other hands as they slowly swayed to slow tune.

"What's your age Sunny boy?"

"I'm in the last year of my teenage"

"Oh cool." She giggled.

"I won't ask you your age because I know you are only sweet sixteen" he winked at her. Madhu laughed and slapped his arm playfully.

"You dance pretty well." She complimented him.

"All to impress the pretty little lady in my arms." He said grinning.

"You are such a flirt." Madhu laughed again.

"May I cut in?" They both snapped their heads to their side to find an angry Rishab standing with his hand held out for Madhu to take it. He didn't ask actually instead he commanded her to take his hand and dance with him.

"Hello, ACP Sir" Sunny smiled politely and took a step back leaving space for Rishab to take his spot. Rishab gave him a glare silently warning him to get lost. Then he pulled Madhu in his arms with a jerk. Madhu stood stiff staring at his dark eyes. He forcefully put her hands around his neck and he placed his hands around her back possessively almost hugging her.

"Done with your Ex?" she asked sarcastically. she loved dancing with her man.

"Right now I really have a waspish tongue so don't try me. Your better keep your mouth shut for your own sake." He said in cold clipped tone.

"Are you jealous?" she asked him daringly.

"Weren't you?" he retorted. he twirled her by holding her hand up and then brought her back in his arms.

"That's different. I was dancing with a small boy who is like a brother to me but you? She was your Ex-sweetheart. She was all over you and you were enjoying the fun." She said through gritted teeth, her hand caressing his toned chest.

"Blast your big mouth." He scoffed.

"Let me go." She wiggled in his arms to get freed. If they keep continuing this they will end up in an ugly fight as they both were being irrational and consumed with jealousy and anger, which she didn't want to happen, at least not now, not here in the party.

"Stay" he said in a soft tone now.

"I wanna pee." She growled at him. He reluctantly let her go.

"Where is the rest room?" Madhu asked a waitress on her way.

"Down the corridor. Left side, Ma'am" she said. Madhu thanked her and walked towards the direction.

She was walking alone in the corridor and she felt like she was being watched. She looked over her shoulder but couldn't find anyone. As she walked to the end of the corridor the noise from the party hall reduced and she could hear only the pitter-patter of her footsteps. She hugged herself with her arms and increased her pace and quickly got inside the restroom locking the door behind her.

She went into one of the stalls and sat on the toilet tapping her heel shoes anxiously.

Could someone be watching me? was it Rishab? just checking on me that I wasn't flirting with another little boy on my way? No, I know Rishab won't do such stupid things. He is not a stalker!

"Madhu, you are probably just being paranoid. Relax, okay?" she gave herself a pep talk. She held her head in her hands and closed her eyes. Then she heard hard footsteps followed by the sound of whistling.

"Who is that?" she wondered. The person whistled in a particular tune which was familiar to her. She heard it before but where?

She wanted to go out and face the person standing outside her stall but she was too scared. What if that person slit my neck with a knife? Or pull the trigger and shoot me right at the moment I step out of the bathroom? I better stay in. she decided. Few seconds later the sound of whistling and footsteps faded.

She started sweating profusely and felt suffocated in the confined area. She was even affected with nausea; feeling inclined to vomit. She rubbed her throat to settle down the disgusting feeling. God! Why the hell I left the dance floor? I should have better stayed there and danced with my husband.

She couldn't stay a minute longer inside the toilet booth. She slowly cautiously opened the door and peep her head out and scanned the room to find no one. She heaved a sigh of relief and stepped out of the booth and walked to the sink to wash her face. She splashed water on her face not minding about her makeup. After two more splashes she looked up to see her face in the mirror but she couldn't as the room went dark.

"Ahhh" Madhu shrieked a cry as the lights went off completely.

She was petrified as darkness engulfed her. She just couldn't move from her place. She placed her palm over her chest and could feel the loud thumping of her heart.

She couldn't see anything around her. She clutched the tile slab tightly to prevent herself from sinking down on the floor.

"Somebody please switch on the lights?" she tried to shout but her voice came hoarsely. "Hell! There is no generator in this god damn five star hotel?"

To make her situation worse a wave of nausea hit her again and her stomach churned badly.

She turned back to the sink and puked and puked until she was dry heaving. She felt so helpless and tired. Her legs gave away and she sank to the floor and sat on her heels, her hands cupped her head.

The place... The whistle sound... The darkness... brought back some dreadful memories to her. Her head started spinning.

"Madhu, you there?" she heard Rishab's voice from outside the bathroom door before she could completely black out.

"Rishab..." she whispered and shook her head to clear the cloud of darkness. "Rishab, help. It's dark here..." before she could say further he burst open the door and walked into the dark room holding his mobile torch.

"Hey" he held her hand and lifted her up. "You okay?"

She shook her head in no as she clung to him. He helped her walk out of the room. There was light everywhere in the hotel except for the restroom. Strange!

"What happened? You took so long?" he asked as he wiped off the sweat beads from her forehead with his kerchief.

He waited for her to come from the restroom so that he can talk to her calmly and tell her not feel jealous of Ria as he find no interest in her. It was only her and also he wanted to apologize to her for being rude. he waited and waited but she was seen nowhere so he went to check on her.

"It was dark. You know I'm scared of darkness... I just panicked..."

"Okay. Okay. Relax."

"Take me home, Rishab"

"But the party isn't over yet?"

"I don't care."

"Okay. Drink a glass of water. Then I will take you home." He suggested and she agreed. Rishab asked for a glass of water to Sunny and before he could bring it he had a quick word with his mother.

"Is she okay?" Radha asked looking at Madhu who was sitting at a distance on the bar stool.

"Yeah, mom, she is fine, just not feeling a bit well. I am taking her home, to our apartment." He wanted to talk to her in private so he decided to take her to their apartment than to his parents' place.

"Why? You didn't fight with her right?"

"Mom! No, I didn't fight with her. We just need some privacy to talk things."

"Okay" Radha gave him a smile caressing his cheek. "Don't forget we are there for you, Rishu."

"I know mom. You and dad go home safe when you both are ready to go."

"Sure." Radha smiled and worriedly looked at Madhu. She can tell Madhu wasn't well but her son wasn't telling her. "Take care of her."

"Yeah, I will." He gave her a side hug and walked back to his wife to take her home. By the time they reached their apartment Madhu had fallen asleep in the car seat. Rishab carried her in his arms and took her to their apartment and into their room and settled her gently down on the bed without walking her up. He pressed a kiss on her forehead and went to freshen up.

... To be continued!!!

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