Part 38

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(No time to proofread as ever so excuse the mistakes)

Here goes nothing... LOL!!!

Rishab got an alert message in his phone so he quickly fished it out from his pants pocket. He frowned checking his GPS tracking app. "Two devices showing two different locations?" He scratched his temple to ease the worry line.

"Did she miss her phone somewhere?" Rishab wondered. He quickly dialed her number. "Hello Madhu..."

"Hi, uncle Rishab"

"Who is this?" he couldn't recognize the voice though it was a familiar one. May be the tension building in him wasn't letting his mind work properly.

"Uncle Rishab? You forgot me? Too bad!"

"Roshan?" Suddenly it struck to him. It was Roshan, Mukkund's elder son's voice.

"Yay! You got it right, my smart uncle."

"Where is Madhu aunty?"

"She gave me her phone to play."

"Oh! Is she with you now? Can you pass the phone to her?"

"No, she is not here. She went with two big uncles."

"What? Did she say anything to you?"

"Yeah..." Roshan drawled.


"Madhu aunty said she loves you" Roshan said and laughed. Rishab didn't get what the little boy found so funny about that line to laugh.

"Anything else?" Rishab asked hoping his wife would have left him any hint of with whom she went.

"Nope" Roshan "She just told me to keep her phone safe and she will get it back when she sees me next time or hand over it to you."

"Where is your father?" Rishab asked.

"Daddy has gone to meet your mommy. He left me and Rohan in Madhu aunt's watch but she left us alone and went with those two big guys." He complained.

"Uncle, wait... daddy is here. I will give him the phone."

Rk didn't hear a word from the other side for few seconds making him go restless.

"Hello Rk? Where is your wife? She left my kids alone and went somewhere. She should have informed me right? What if someone had kidnapped my kids?" Mukkund blasted over the phone.

"I trusted her and left my kids with her but... How irresponsible she is? You tell me is it safe to leave two little kids on their own in this huge mall?"

"Mukkund, listen to me..."

"I didn't expect this from your wife..."

"Mukkund! Madhu is in some serious trouble." Rishab raised his voice to shut his rant.


"Otherwise I am sure my wife wouldn't be so heedless." he said in a stern voice.

Rishab knew his wife can be reckless when it comes to her personal safety but he also knew she wouldn't put other's life in danger. "She probably would have safeguarded your kids by leaving them there in the mall instead of tagging them along with whatever mess she is in now." Rk reasoned. He kinda got offended when his friend called his wife irresponsible.

"How can I help you?" Mukkund said in a contrite tone now understanding the situation.

"Just drop my mom safely at her place." he said and quit the call.

"Joshi, I have to go now... "

"But Sir... You have to be here for Home Minister's protection..." Inspector Joshi said.

"I have better job to do than saluting the Minister and escorting him" Rishab said.

"Sir, it's your duty" Joshi reminded him

Rishab glared at him. "You don't have to remind me what my duty is"

"Sir, already you have been in suspension and now this dereliction of duty will cause you high..."

"The fuck I care!"

"Sir, I can't believe it's you who is talking like this! You worship this job"

"Don't you think you talk too much?" he asked gritting his teeth.

"Sorry, Sir"

"Of course I love my job but right now..." he ran both his hands through his hair to contain his frustration. He can't believe the intensity of love he had for his wife. He felt like his very existence would be worthless if his wife wasn't by his side. It wasn't only his wife now. She was also carrying their unborn child. He promised her to protect their child. He had to go now from here and reach his wife before it was too late! He decided. "...I do have a duty to protect my wife as her husband."

"Your wife? What happened to her, Sir? You said she was pregnant the other day right? Is it an emergency? You want me to come along with you?" Joshi asked in concern.

"Thanks but no thanks. I will handle this matter on my own."

"May I ask what this matter concerns about? Is it about her health?" he can't help being curious.

"No, no. She is fine or at least I hope so"

Joshi nodded and hesitate to ask the next question seeing Rk was in a hurry to leave the spot.

"You want to say something?"

"What excuse should I give if Commissioner Sir asks about your absence?"

"Tell him I got 'Dengu' fever and admitted in hospital." Rk replied sardonically leaving Joshi to gap at him, open mouthed.


(Few hours later, At Agatti Island, Lakshadweep Archipelago, India)

"We are here. Get down" One of the guys who abducted Madhu shoved her arm waking her up from her sleep. Yeah, she dosed off as soon as the plane took off. It helped her to keep her mind off of the events happening around her and also she got some rest.

"What did I tell you about touching me?" Madhu barked at the guy for rudely awakening her. "Next time you dare touch me I will fucking kill you." Madhu threatened him through gritted teeth. "Remember it isn't an empty threat. I'm damn serious." She added when the guy chuckled taking her threat lightly.

The guys were taken aback by her guts. She was one fragile looking lady but was fearlessly daring against 6 men and threatening them. Un-fucking-believable!

What on earth gave her that much strength and guts to even think that she can fight them? They all wondered and shared worried glances. "Does she carrying any explosives? Will she blow up them all? Should we check her?" one of the guys whispered to the leader guy who was giving instruction on what to do next, where to take her and all.

Madhu can tell he wasn't the leader as he himself was getting orders over phone from someone else and it wasn't hard for her to guess they were taking her to their boss.

Though they talked in mere whisper still Madhu managed to catch few words. "Check me? Will they ask me to remove my shirt?" Madhu thought nervously.

"That's not possible. She can't carry explosives or any other weapons with her to the mall" the leader guy brushed away the concern. Madhu sighed in relief.

"Yeah but look at her eyes? She doesn't fear us"

"Policeman's wife nah that why she is showing attitude." A guy mocked her throwing an arrogant smirk which Madhu conspicuously ignored.

"Step down" a tall guy with well built body opened the plane cabin door and poked his gun to the side of Madhu's stomach. Madhu cringed back in fear making the guy frown suspiciously and too soon his frown turned to an arrogant smirk finding out her weak spot and he deliberately poked the muzzle of the gun on her belly again. Madhu wanted to kick herself for giving away easily despite being warned by her husband not to give the slightest of indication to the enemies that she was pregnant otherwise their baby will be their enemies' first target.

"Hey, if you pull the trigger intentionally or unintentionally you will kill me, you dumbass" Madhu growled at the gun. "So take this damn thing away from me." She shoved the gun away and acted as if she panicked momentarily for pointing the gun at her and tactfully concealed the fact about her being pregnant.

Madhu stepped down the steps as she looked around the place to guess where she was.

"Is this Agatti Island?" Madhu asked no one in particular.

"How do you know?"

"I have been here. College trip to Lakshadweep" Madhu said distractedly. She knew only Agatti Island has aerodrome and from here they had to take seaways to reach the nearby Islands.

She worried where they were taking her to. "In Lakshadweep Archipelago all the islands are not inhabited so what if they take me to some deserted island and finish me off there without giving me a chance to fight them back? Will I get back to my Rishab in one piece?" her heart beat raced to a different notch and her palms got sweaty with that thought.

She really wanted to succumb to tears but she couldn't. She just couldn't show herself weak in front of them. She decided to fight till death!

"Where the hell you guys are taking me?" Madhu shouted losing her patience. She was tired of walking to nowhere in particular for half hour.

"Don't raise your voice to us." A guy growled and pointed his gun at Madhu. Madhu glared at him for a moment before clamping his hand with both her hands and swiftly twisting his hand upwards almost breaking his wrist bone, she snatched the gun from him and aimed back at him. The other five guys got alerted with her smart move and pointed their guns at her surrounding her in a circle.

"Don't you guys dare point your fucking guns at me" Madhu growled at them, her eyes filled with red hot fury. "I'm not at all scared either of you boys or your toys" she said and threw the gun back to the guy from whom she snatched it and held him at gun point.

"Now scram!" she ordered. The guys were sorely tempted to knock down her unsettling brave attitude but they couldn't do a shit about it. They were ordered only to bring her in one piece, without harming her.

"Do you think your ACP husband will miraculously find you and rescue you from us?" the same guy who pointed his gun at Madhu and peed in his pants when she turned the gun at him asked mockingly. "Seems like you didn't learn your lesson after all" Madhu smirked and looked away. They were now sailing in a boat.

"How long it will take to reach the other Island?" she asked breaking the silence.

"Not less than two hours."

"Do you guys have something to eat?" she asked feeling hungry. They glanced at each other and finally shook their heads in no.

Madhu sighed and dug her hand into her left pocket remembering she pocketed a chocolate bar this morning before starting to work.

She took it out and started munching it after stripping naked the chocolate bar from the wrapper.

If the circumstance was different she would have enjoyed the tranquility of the sea and beauty of the setting sun. She wished she was with her husband now instead of those 6 bulldogs.

"Ugh!" she groaned when a wave of nausea engulfed her. She threw her half eaten chocolate bar in the sea as she knew it will only aggravate but not alleviate the feeling if she continued eating it. "Of all the time I could have my morning sickness this is the worst time" she grunted and held her mildly throbbing head with both her hands.

"What's wrong?" a guy asked with an impassive look seeing her go pale.

She didn't bother to reply to him but just tried the breathe in-breath out technique to no avail.

"I won't need it, Rishab!"

"Just have it with you all the time. You don't have to use it if you really don't want to"

"If I feel like throwing up I will just throw up... what's the need for this?"

"You told you won't take any drugs to stop your morning sickness so I got this acupressure wrist band. It will help you, Madhu"

"I don't want means I don't want!!!" she said sternly.

"Why you are so difficult to deal, always?" he asked tiredly. She glared at him holding her hips with her hands "I can't see you like this baby. You look awful, so lean and pale. If you don't keep anything down in your stomach and keep throwing up everything you eat, you will easily fall sick. It's not good for the baby." He said in a worried tone as he leaned his forehead against hers. "Try to understand my concern and keep this" he said and shoved the acupressure wrist band (which will provide an easy and natural way to combat morning sickness without taking drugs) in her jeans pocket.

She lifted her head up from her hands and smiled a little thinking about her husband's thoughtfulness. She slipped in her hand and pulled out the wrist band from her right side pocket.

"Hey, what's this? Is this a tracking machine?" a guy asked as he snatched the wrist band from her hand and examined it.

"Hey, give it back to me. It's not a tracking device. It's just an acupressure band."

"Why you use this?" he asked suspiciously raising his brow up.

"I have sea sickness." She lied. She can't tell them it's to control morning sickness. "I can't take the smell of sea for long"

"You carry this thing with you all the time?" he asked incredulously. She knew why he was giving her that doubtful look. She wouldn't be taking sea route to reach her office and back to home, would she? Then why would she need that thing?

"I generally have motion sickness. Be it car, train, flight or ship I tend to vomit so I carry this band with me, always." She amended her former statement hoping they will believe her and give her back the band.

"Oh" he looked convinced and passed the band to her after making sure that band wasn't bugged or imbedded with any tracking device.

"Bunch of Fools!" she thought. She strapped the band in her right wrist and held it tightly with her left hand as she checked the time in her brand new watch tied around her left hand wrist.

"Oh my God! I thought you got this gift, your first ever gift for me out of love... I... I... I really thought you wanted to present me something special and make my day happier but no! It's on purpose. Ugh! Of all the things you got only this watch... my favorite watch... to implant the tracking chip? Well, why am I shouting at you unnecessarily? When I am the stupid one here! I should have known already that my husband can never do anything romantic unless it has an ulterior motive! But I believed you like a fool and really thought you got me a Valentine's Day special gift!" she cried.

"Trust me you will thank me later for doing this!" Rk said with his trade mark smirk.

"Thank you, Rishab." She muttered softly expressing her gratitude. "I hope you will find me soon" she wished fervently.

... To be continued!!!





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