Part 45

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(2 weeks later)

Madhu had recovered from the birth pretty quick but still she had to stay in the hospital as her baby girl was still in the incubator. Her baby boy was growing healthy and was active. He cried only when he was hungry or sleepy otherwise he wasn't a troublemaker. May be it was too early to judge. Madhu had nothing to do but just sit and admire her baby boy throughout the day and also pray for her daughter's well being.

On the other hand, Rishab had to go for work but he made sure someone was always there in the hospital with Madhu when he was not around. Both his mom and mom-in-law were so supportive. They spent their day times in the hospital with Madhu bringing her home made food and helping her to take care of the baby boy. At night times, Rishab stayed in the hospital with his family.

"Rishab, why don't you go home and sleep comfortably?" Madhu asked that night when Rishab came to the hospital after his duty.

"You look tired, husband. So go home and rest" she insisted

"I am not going home without you three." He said stubbornly.

Madhu sighed. "How was your day?" She asked.

"Pretty normal" he said rubbing his hands with the hand sanitizer so that he could take his baby in his hands without spreading infection to him. "How was yours?"

"Good" she smiled and passed the baby to him.

"Hello, there" he cooed his son. "Not sleepy yet"

"He slept whole day and now he is wide awake. Probably waiting for his daddy to come and play with him" Madhu said chuckling.

"Oh really?" He laughed. "You fed him?"

"Yeah yeah..." She said dryly.


"Rishab, the demand is high but the supply is low. There is no equilibrium between the two" she said and bit her lower lips.

"You are talking economics!" he stated though he got what she was referring. Her newly opened milk factory was slow in production but the consumption was more.

"I am sorry to say this but he literally sucked everything from me. He didn't even leave an ounce of milk for his sister" she complained about her son to her husband.

"I felt like crying when I couldn't pump any milk in the bottle so that the nurse could feed it to our baby girl." She still hadn't got the chance to lift her baby in her arms and no one for that matter.

Maybe this is your punishment for hiding about her to your husband!

She just got to see her baby girl daily once through the glass baby incubator. "Nurse consoled me and said she would make formula milk for our daughter. She is already so weak, Rishab."


"If she wasn't fed my milk then she would go weaker. I am so worried." she said and looked at her son in her husband's arms.

She instantly felt guilty for saying all that. "Oh God! I am a bad mother. I am complaining about my son for having a healthy appetite" she started crying covering her face with her palm. Her hormones were still all over her body.

"Madhu, don't cry" he stood up from the chair and placed his baby on his crib and then sat opposite to Madhu on the bed and held her shoulders.

"I don't know, Rishab what I am going to do with the twins." She couldn't help but panick.

"We will face it, Madhu. Don't worry" he said hugging her. "Madhu, why don't you collect your milk in the bottle first for our daughter and then feed our son? So this way both our babies will have your milk, right?" He suggested the idea struck in his head.

"Oh you are a genius" she smiled amidst her tears. "I will do that from tomorrow"

"Now, stop crying for everything like a baby." He teased her. She slapped his arm playfully.

"When she will start breathing without any support system?" Madhu asked hoping he would give her a solution for her this worry too.

"She is progressing well, Madhu. Her lungs started functioning normally and she has even put some weight" he had gathered the information from the nurse on his way now.

Madhu's face lit up brightly in happiness. She quickly thanked the Almighty God for listening to her prayers and helped her child.

"Thanks, Rishab. Now I can sleep with the hope of having my daughter in my arms soon" she kissed his cheek as a token of appreciation for giving her the good news.

Rishab smiled lovingly and kissed her forehead. "Good night" he said and turned to go and sleep on the couch put in the private room.

"Sleep with me" Madhu said grabbing his hand.

"Ahaan! Getting bold are we? You want me to sleep with you in the hospital that too having our baby in the same room?" He acted as if shocked.

"Hey! You knew what I meant"

"No, I didn't know, baby" he teased her.

"Share the bed with me. It's big anyways."

"Nah! I can manage on the couch"

"Please, I miss 'us' cuddling."

"Oh oh! Then it's surely the 'sleep with me' what I thought in my head" he winked at her making her blush.

"Shut up! Our son is hearing us"

"He won't understand our adults talk"

"Just shut up and join me in the bed. You need few hours of good sleep."

Rishab couldn't turn down her offer this time like the previous nights. His back was really aching sleeping on the couch for two weeks now.

"Alright!" He quickly kicked his shoes and socks and got on the bed.

"Hey, where are you going?" He asked when she sneaked out of the bed before he could cuddle her.

"I will go say good night to my baby girl and then to my baby boy" she said and slipping on to her flats she walked out of the private room to go see her daughter in the neonatal ward.

Five minutes later, she walked back into her room. "She was sleeping and they have removed the ventilation pipe. I hope they will hand over our baby to us by tomorrow" she said with a beautiful smile.

"That's great. She really scared us, didn't she? Rishab asked as he watched Madhu walk towards their son's crib and then knelt down beside it.

She made her rough and tough ACP Daddy Cry so isn't it obvious she scared us all? Madhu thought.

"Yeah" she said and then placing her hand on her son's head and closing her eyes she murmured few prayers. "Sleep well, sweetheart. Momma is right here" she took his tiny hand and kissed his fingers.

This is why I love this woman!

She is so sweet and loving though she is crazy in many ways!

"Do you daily pray for me too?" He asked curiously. "Or the special prayers are only for the babies?"

"Yes, of course, I pray for you too" she gave him a smile.

"What you pray for me?"

"I pray to God that you come back home daily, unscathed. I can't bear seeing you hurt." she said ruffling his hair. He loved her care and concern for him. There was a time he harshly scolded her for caring and crying for him. Well, now he started enjoying her care but definitely not her cries.

Madhu rolled on the bed and rested her head on his chest and hugged him tightly.

"It feels strange to have you this close without the baby bump on the way" Rishab got so used to her fat belly in the past few months and now he found it different to see her flat just with little baby fat.

She really had an enormous bump!

And now he understood why!

She had twins!

And I didn't figure it out!

I just thought she was having a big and healthy baby in there!

How wrong I was?

"Hey hello, this is the real me. This is how you married me so don't forget this shape of my body."

"But I liked you more when you were pregnant. You were so full and sexy"

She frowned not knowing whether it was a 'mean' comment or a 'compliment' so she just let it go.

"Do you have any plans for getting me pregnant again just because you like me that way more?" She asked.

"No!" He shouted.

"Shush! He is sleeping. You will wake him up"

"Okay" he whispered. "I swear I won't get you pregnant again. We planned for only one child..."

"Not 'we' but 'you'. Only you were so adamant to have only one baby. I always wanted at least two kids. Well, of course I hoped to have our second baby after some 5 or 6 years by somehow convincing you or even put a fight with you..."

"You will put a fight with me to get you pregnant?" he laughed. "Oh silly billy! All you have to do to get you knocked up is just seduce me wearing that sexy lacy black lingerie"

"Oh! I will keep this in mind" she said cheekily.

"Madhu, please! No more babies. You wished for two kids and I wished for a baby girl and we both are blessed with our wishes. It's a win-win situation. So now let's just think about our twins and I bet they will be handful" he said with a soft chuckle.

"Hmm...Okay! I'm happy with my twins, my fishes and you. I don't want anything more or anything less" she said and softly planted a kiss on his lips. "Oh that reminds me, are you feeding my fishes daily?" she asked. He nodded. "Good. They must be missing me" She said sadly. "I wish our babies like fishes"

"I don't wish so. I don't want our babies to go crazy for fishes like you."

"We will see" she said twisting her lips.

"Madhu, have you thought any names for our babies?"

"Yeah, I have!"

"Oh. I made a list of girl baby names before you told we were having only a boy. After that I started thinking of boy baby names only."

"Oh cool. One day when you are free we will sit together and short list the names and choose the best name for our kids, okay?"

"I'm planning to keep the naming ceremony right after you three get discharged from here. What do you think?"


"And Madhu, I get to name our daughter and you, our son"

"Seems like you are so obsessed with your baby girl"

"At least I am not obsessed with effing fishes like you" he said annoyed.

"I seriously don't get what you have against my fishes." She gently pushed his chest and turned facing away from him.

Finally! I get to sleep! Rishab thought and close his eyes.


Ah! Mommy! Why this girl never lets me sleep?

"What?" he grumbled.

"Rishab, your mom told we should move in with them... as it will be difficult for us to handle the twins..." She gentle broached that topic.


"So what you say?"

"I don't like the idea of moving in with them, Madhu. I'm so used to living in our apartment and I want our kids to grow in our home, not in my parents"

"That's also our home, Rishab. Don't forget they are your parents and they want to be part of our babies' lives..."

"Even your parents have the right to be a part of our kids' lives and does that mean you will move in with them taking our kids?"

"No, I won't. I want to be with you. They can always come and see our kids but I am never going to take our kids away from you. You are more important to our kids than them. I thought you won't have any problem staying with your parents so I suggest..."

"You really want to move in with them?"

"Only if you are happy with that idea" she would never want anything which would make him unhappy.

"I really don't feel comfortable with the idea. I love the privacy we enjoy staying in our apartment." He said honestly.

"Hmm... shall we stay with your parents for few months? Till the twins grow little big? Because I don't have a freaking clue what do with them. I am still learning how to hold our babies without dropping them. I don't know how to change diapers. I don't know to run a bath to our twins. I worry what if we couldn't take care of our twins properly? We need someone to guide us and I am sure your mom will be a good help."

"Alright! For you and for our babies, we will move in to my parents' place but on one condition"

"What's it?"

"I want our babies to stay their first night (after discharging from hospital) in our apartment"

"That's fine by me" she smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Now sleep"

"Wait. Wait. Wait. I have one more thing to add"

"What's it?"

"I'm quitting my job"

"You don't have to that, Madhu. See now we have decided to move with our parents they will help us in looking after our kids."

"Oh Rishab, it's not like we are short of a penny. You earn well and we both have pretty decent savings so why not I quit my job..."

"It's not about money. It's about you and your dreams. You told me how much you love your job..."

"But I love you and our kids more. You three mean the world to me."

"You sure about your decision? No regrets?"

"Positive. I want to be there for my kids at all the time." She was firm with her decision mainly after seeing the struggle her baby girl took to survive. She couldn't let her alone, not ever for a minute.

"Will you think about pursuing your career at least after our kids have joined school?"

"I will. I can't sit idle at home forever. I will grab a job when they turn 3 or 4"

"Now, I am happy with your decision. And thanks for being such a wonderful mother to our kids" he took her head between his hands and kissed her lips passionately.

They pulled apart hearing their baby boy's ear piercing cry.

"There goes our sleep" Madhu laughed.

"I will get him" he clambered out of the bed and moved towards the crib. Then he gently picked his son in his arms. "What's your problem young man? Can't you let your daddy kiss your mommy for a minute? It's not like I am stealing your milk for you to cry in protest!"

"Rishab, you are rude. Give my baby to me" she snorted with laughter.

Once she got her baby in her hands, she fed him and put him back to sleep and then the husband and wife went to sleep, cuddling.


"Hey everybody look who we have here, my little surprise package" Rishab announced as soon as he stepped into the private room carrying his baby girl in his arms.

It was a Sunday and Rishab had the day off so he decided to stay in the hospital. As soon as he got up after resting well sleeping beside his wife on bed, he quickly freshened up and went to check on his daughter and also to give her the bottled milk which Madhu collected earlier that morning before feeding their son.

He was surprised when the doctor thrust hos baby girl in his arms saying she was fit and fine to be taken to her mother and directly fed.

"Oh my Rishab" Madhu squealed and jumped out of the bed. "Give her to me, please" he nodded and gently passed the baby to Madhu.

"My baby" Madhu carefully held her and planted feather soft kisses all over her face.

"She is so adorable, Rishab" she said not tearing her eyes off her daughter. "How are you, my little heart?" Madhu asked, her vision blurring with unshed tears.

"You know, momma was dying to hold you like this" she cradled her baby to her chest and kissed her little forehead.

Radha and Padmini were also there in the room. Padmini brought breakfast for her daughter and son-in-law and Radha just came to be around her grandchildren.

"Your daughter is a blessing for my son, Padmini" Radha said adoring the cute family in front of her.

"I could say the same to you, Radha" Padmini was so happy that her daughter found the right man in her life and she was so happy with him.

"I still can't believe you had this little miracle in your tummy, Madhu" he said in awe. Madhu softly smiled knowing her husband had forgiven her.

"May be she was the one who played with me whenever I rubbed your tummy." He said thoughtfully. Madhu rolled her eyes.

Then she heard her baby boy's cry. "I will go see him. You hold her"

"Sure" he took his daughter back in his arm and put his forefinger in her soft little hand so that she can grip it. "Your fingers may be small, sweetheart but I am sure you have already wrapped daddy around them" he whispered in her ear and kissed her forehead.

"Rishu, show some love to your son too" Radha reminded him.

"Mom, he is a baby but she is an angel" he said grinning widely. He won't deny the fact he loved both his kids but his daughter a bit more.

"Rishab!" Madhu admonished him not liking him being partial. "You don't worry baby boy, momma loves you so very much" her son stopped crying and looked at her mommy blinking his eyes and for the first time he smiled in the two weeks.

"OMG! Rishab, come here. He is smiling" Rishab took two long strides holding his daughter and went near the bed to see his son's first smile. Radha and Padmini too eagerly went around the bed to see his pretty smile.

"He has dimples just like you, Rishab" Madhu couldn't contain her contentment. "Oh my! He is so perfect and so beautiful when he smiles."

Rishab quickly fished out his phone from his pants pocket and took a snap of his son's first smile in his mobile camera.

"Rishu took nearly two months to bless us with his first smile." Radha said shaking his head. "I'm glad at least my grandson has a smiling face unlike my poker faced son." Radha said.

"Mom!" Rishab growled at her. Madhu burst out laughing. Her baby girl started crying. She didn't like too much of noise so like her daddy. Rishab tried calming her down but she wailed and squirmed in his arms.

"Guess she is hungry."

As soon as Madhu placed her son down on the bed to take her daughter in her hands, he started crying.

Madhu looked at her crying baby boy and then looked at her crying baby girl, confused. Finally, she looked up at her husband for help.

"Hey wait!" he took out the small milk bottle from his pants pocket. "I will feed her bottle milk and you breast fed him as he is not used to bottles yet."

She sighed and took her son again. The naughty boy stopped crying as soon as he was back in his mommy's arm.

Radha and Padmini walked out of the room to give the cute family some privacy.

Madhu watched her husband cooing their daughter lovingly as he sat on the couch and held the milk bottle to her mouth.

She heard many saying 'Dad of twins is essentially a second mother' and now she realized it was true. Her husband was a second mother to their kids and that fact made her love her husband more.

"Husband..." she called him.

Rishab looked up from his daughter with a huge grin knowing what was coming up.

"...I love you"

He blew her a kiss in return.

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Sorry for dragging this story. I plan something but I write something totally different LOL!!!

I really love to show Rishbala with kids because in show we didn't get to see that, sadly.

I am really enjoying writing on this couple. Hope you all are enjoying reading too.



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P.S – I will reply to previous part and this part's comment later!!! 

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