How Could You Love Me?

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"As if I would ever date you! Ha I see why you don't have any friends either. Your so ugly! And the biggest fuckup there is! Haha I'm not surprise that everybody beats you everyday, or that you want to take your own pathetic life! No wonder you never talk or fight for yourself.  Your weak and cowardly. So why don't you run along and go cut yourself or just, I don't know, curl up and die!" Korey exclaimed. He's just rejected me as his mate in front of everybody at the school. He starts to turn around to leave when I shock everybody.

"Suicide isn't cowardly. I'll tell you what's cowardly, treating somebody so badly they want to end their lives," everyone turned and looked at me and watched me as I ran off into the woods. I quickly shifted into my formerly 'forbidden'  wolf , shredding my clothes, and ran to the pack house. Once there, I threw on some clothes that were kept in sections of the forest for these reasons. I ran up to my room and shoved a few days worth of crap into a bag. Then, to make everything worse for them, I trashed all different parts of the house. Including the backyard.  I heard a car in the driveway and made a break for it. I shifted again, carrying my bag in my jaws and ran as fast as I could to the border. Once I got off this territory I would be safe. I heard my name be shouted out and knew that Korey was coming for me. I pushed myself faster and nearly yipped in joy to see the border line.  

A few hours later, I finally collapsed. I had no clue what pack territory I was on, but knew that they would surely bring me death as I wished. I knew I was in luck when a large wolf, possibly the warrior of the pack growled out at me. He motioned me to shift, but I just ignored him obviously trying to piss him off. I knew it had worked when he lunged at me and started to go for my throat, then he suddenly stopped. He had that type of face that everybody gets when they're mindlinking somebody. No. No no no no! Korey must have called other packs to look out for me! I whimpered and gave the wolf a pleading look. He just looked at me shocked, then shifted to a human. I kept my eyes at his face, then looked away when he turned around and walked a bit away, I guess to get shorts. I started to get up so I could run when he stopped me.

"I wouldn't if I were you. I'd still chase after you," he said with a chuckle. I huffed and slumped down, also noticing he gladly had shorts on now.

"Do you think you could shift back and quickly put something on? My Alpha is wishing to speak to you. You don't want to get me in trouble do you?" he pleaded with a gentle voice. I looked at him and slightly nodded my head. He grinned, then turned around. I shifted then quickly threw on one of my brothers shirt. He had died last year, protecting his mate he had formerly rejected. I sadly smiled, then walked towards the warrior. I tapped his shoulder, telling him that I was covered.

"Alright let's g- holy shit! Your hot!" I shyly looked down at the ground and shook my head saying no.

"Um yeah. You kinda are! Now I can see why Alpha Korey was looking for you. Wait, why'd you run?" he asked in a concerned yet curious voice. I smirked at at him and shrugged my shoulders.

"Oh I get it now. You don't speak, huh. At first I thought you were really shy. Alpha Drake is going to want you to speak, if Alpha Korey isn't already there. Oh by the way I'm Cage, warrior of Winter Sun." he, Cage, said proudly. I couldn't help but smile. That caused Cage to basically freak out, and roll on the ground. I raised an eyebrow at him and continued to walk strait.

"Wrong way babe!" he shouts out after me, and jogging back to my side. "Come on its this way."

He put his hand to the small of my back - causing me to flinch slightly- and guided me to the left. As soon as we exited to tree line, we came into view of a beautiful white, Victorian styled house with three floors. Cage and I walked towards the back door when we heard a loud growl, then the door being slammed open. I whimpered and stepped back behind Cage, and him guarding me.

"Whoa calm down man!" Cage said, trying to calm the in raged Alpha. "Hey, listen. Don't you hear her whimpering? You're scaring the shit out of her."

Korey didn't even bother looking at him, just managing to growl out, "Move."

"No. Y-"

"CAGE! Move out of his way. Now. I'd rather not have any blood shed," an unknown man said with authority. Must be Alpha Drake. A large hand grabbing my arm snapped me out of my thoughts. I yelped out in fear and surprise.

Please, please, please! Just kill me now. Why did you even bother coming after me when you rejected me? Please just let me go!

"I will not kill you! Goddamnit, stop with all your pleading! You sound like a little bitch. I came after you because I plan to keep you around also so we won't have to find a new maid too! So shut the fuck up!" Korey yelled, his wolf about to talk over. Then he slapped me. It didn't really surprise me though because this was what I was trying to escape. There's still time though.

Cage started to defend me,"Alpha Korey. I don't really think tha-" 

"SHUT UP!" Korey said through gritted teeth. Then grabbed my arm and dragged me to his Ferrari. He threw me in, into the cramped backseat, and locked me in. I didn't even try to fight because I knew that I wouldn't win. My only prize would be an even worse beating than I'm already signed up for. I heard Korey sit down in the drivers seat, pause, then turn around to face me.

"You're in a shit load of trouble now," he said on that angry calm style of voice.


"Why'd you run?" Korey asked in an almost hurtful voice, after ten minutes of slow, silent driving. "I know you can speak. So talk, now."

I stayed silent and looked out the window, wishing I was anywhere but here. Korey pulled the car over and turned to face me. "Shay. I'm not in the mood for your little games!"

That was the first time in a year I had heard my name. I quietly and unnoticedly went into slight shock.


"You're the first one to say my name in a year," I said in a quiet voice. Korey seemed to be lost in what I had just told him.

"Wh-what?" he asked. I faced him, looked him in the eye and shrugged, then turned back to the window and my silence.

"Damnit!" he yelled in frustration. Then turning back on to the abandoned road going at a break neck speed. I started to panic and knew that this and everything else that had happened today was going to cause me a panic attack. Great, just the cherry on top. I started to shake and whimper, so I decided to lay down the best I could. Korey looked back towards me, rolled his eyes, and turned up the music. Tears started to fall down my face uncontrollably and in became harder to breathe. Korey shouted something at me, but I didn't hear a thing. Uh oh. This has to be something worse than a panic attack, but not as extreme as a heart attack. Korey must have noticed that something was wrong finally, and pulled over. He tried calming me down by saying sweet things, or making jokes. But nothing worked. He pulled out his phone to most likely call somebody. (A.n. well no duh!) That somebody was Kyle, his younger by 5 minutes brother.

*Kyle: Yello*

*Korey: I think something wrong with Shay.*

*Kyle: Whoa. Ok. Umm what's going on?*

*Korey: She's whimpering, shaking, crying, and not responding to contact.*

*Kyle: So basically she's freaking out and you're starting to also?*

*Korey: No. I'm perfectly fine. I just want to know what's going on so I can finally shut her up!*

*Kyle: Tsk tsk tsk. Do you even have a heart?*

*Korey: Kyle!*

*Kyle: Fine! God. She's having a panic attack but not with they normal symptoms. So something a bit more. You just have to calm her down. Maybe try holding her. *

Korey looked down at me then muttered a 'damn you Kyle' and picked me up and held me close to him, I was sitting on his lap and had my head resting on his shoulder. I was still whimpering and shaking but it was starting to calm down. I suddenly, on instinct, moved to straddle him and wrap my arms around his neck. Korey stiffened and I feared what he was going to do to me, but then he just held he tighter. After a few more minutes of staying like this, the whimpering and shaking stopped. He pulled me pack and I was expecting him to throw me off, but instead he slammed his cool lips to my own.

12:40 am Dec. 2 2013

I've decided to make this its own book Cx

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