Part 18

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(18+ contents!)


“All that you are is all that I’ll ever need” – Ed Sheeran


"I just love my hijabi with or without her hijab" Veer confessed looking deep into Inayat's eyes.

" guys are cute" Naira squealed and hugged Inayat, breaking the spell, making Arjun slap his head. His sister had done her masters in ruining sweet romantic moments.

Right then they heard a knock at the door.

"Guess its dad" Arjun knew his dad would bring them popcorns though he had hang up on him after using a colorful profanity.

"Come in" Arjun shouted.

Madhu walked in with two bowls full of popcorn in her hands. "I was wondering why it was taking so long to make popcorns and now I know why" Arjun teased his mother. Madhu always takes her sweet time to roll off her bed and go to kitchen and cook for her kids.

Madhu glared her son. Arjun pinched his ear as if asking sorry.

"Share and eat kids" she said and gave one bowl to Inayat and one to Naira.

"The word 'share' never existed in Naira di's dictionary, mom" Arjun joked though it was a fact.

"Hey, c'mon, I will share with you" Naira said offended and gave the bowl to him. He took it in delight. 

"Maa, are you okay?" Veer asked noticing the dullness in Madhu's face.

"Your dad is running a fever so I am worried" Madhu said.

"What? What happened to dad? He was alright till evening, right?" Naira panicked.

"Today, he spent too much of time in the pool and got fever"

"Maa, shall we take him to the hospital?" Veer asked.

"You guys are time and again forgetting that you have an in-home doctor so why you need to go to hospital?" Arjun asked in disappointment. "I will go check on, dad"

"No, he took a Paracetamol and now sleeping. You don't disturb him" Madhu stopped when Arjun stood up to go and check on him.

"Alright!" He sat back.

"Ammi, if you need anything call us, any time" Inayat said. Madhu nodded with a smile.

"You guys enjoy the movie" she said and turned to leave but stopped. She just noticed how the four were sitting so close in one bed.

"It's too cool here. Why don't you cover guys?" Madhu asked and pulled the duvet over them, cocooning them underneath it instead of adjusting the AC temperature.

"Nice mommy!" Arjun thought. "I better use her in my mission bring 'Veerat' close"

"Good night, kids" Madhu said and the four chorused 'Good night'

Madhu walked towards the door, stopped, turned around and winked at Arjun.

"You knew?" Arjun mouthed. She subtly nodded her head and switched off the lights before stepping out the room.

"Wah! Why didn't I think about switching of the lights?"

"Shall we switch on the lights, please?" Inayat asked placing her hand over her heavy raising and falling chest.

"No" Arjun said.

"Please, I am already scared of watching a horror movie and that too without lights on? No way! I won't get my sleep after watching the movie" Inayat pleaded. Veer quickly switched on the light.

"Thank you" Inayat whispered to her husband. He smiled.

They were watching the movie in silence until Naira came up with a question for Inayat. "How long is your hair?"

"Huh?" Inayat was focusing on the movie so she didn't hear her properly.

"How long is your hair?"

"Long" Inayat whispered.

"Your hair reaches your breast or hip or butt?" Naira asked.

Inayat closed her eyes in mortification.

"Tell me?" Naira insisted. Inayat leaned forward and glanced at Arjun. Thankfully, this time he didn't eavesdrop to the girls' talk as he was busy eating popcorn and watching the movie with full interest and.

"Till here" Inayat gently poked her finger on Naira's hip, pointing till there her hair reaches. Naira squealed and pushed Inayat away making her fall on Veer. Inayat placed her palm over his taut torso for her balance.

"Don't touch me there." Well, Veer didn't say that line. It was Naira. "That's my sensitive spot" she said.

"Sorry" Inayat said to her husband for falling on him. Veer was only too happy that his wife fell on him and he was able to get a whiff of her sweet scent. "Sorry" she said again and this time to Naira for touching, well, poking on her sensitive spot.

"It's okay" Naira settled back to her position. Suddenly, Arjun got an idea! A wicked idea!

Arjun looked at his index finger and said "You go and do your job, finger!" then slowly he took his index finger nearer to his sister and poked her on her hip.

"Aah!" Naira shrieked. Arjun chuckled and started tickling her.

"Arjun! Stop!" Naira cried and laughed.

"Crazies!" Veer muttered shaking his head. Inayat smiled.

"Arjun, please stop tickling me" Naira said giggling and wiggling.

“Always laugh like this, Naira di…” Arjun said as he stopped tickling her and hugged her. “…because you girls look prettier when you laugh” He missed his sister’s roaring laughter for the past two days and finally it was back. “You too laugh hard, bhabhi. It’s the cheapest medicine in this world and it’s very effective one. Doctor’s advice, so always remember it.” he said tapping his index finger on his temple.

Inayat’s lips curved in to a small smile as she nodded her head.

"I don't think we will finish watching this movie tonight" Veer commented.

"Oops! Sorry! I won’t tease anyone for tonight. Let’s seriously watch the movie" Arjun played the movie once again.

...In the movie, the heroine slowly walked into the haunted house in search of her husband...

"Don't go to the house, you stupid girl! It's haunted!" Arjun yelled throwing popcorns at the TV screen. 

... She searched everywhere and finally found him dead in the attic.

"Oh girl! He is dead! Leave him there and run" Arjun shouted.

... She cried and shook her husband but he didn't respond.

"The ghost is going to come. No, the ghost already came. It's in your husband. See, he will open his eyes and they will be red in color" Arjun rambled

"Arjun shut up and watch the movie" Naira chided.

... Suddenly, the hero opened his eyes like Arjun predicted. He pulled the heroine down and kissed her lips.

Inayat quickly lowered her head in shyness. Veer softly chuckled. He had his eyes, most of the time, on his wife and he noticed her blushing and looking away whenever a kiss scene came. "Oh my sweet innocent wife, I can't wait to kiss you" he thought.

"Fuck! He was playing a prank on her.” Arjun growled though he enjoyed the kiss scene as he imagined himself and Kathy in their place.

"Is this really a horror movie?" Naira asked with a frown. Ever since the movie started the couple was kissing and it was highly annoying her.

“I don’t know…” Arjun turned to his right and noticed Inayat hanging her head down as if she had committed a huge sin and begging for forgiveness. "Bhabhi, you can look up now. The kiss scene is over" Arjun said with a teasing glint.

"Oh please" Inayat turned her head and without realising, she buried her face in her husband’s chest to hide her embarrassment.

Now she wished the lights were off so that he wouldn’t have noticed her awkwardness to see kiss scenes.

“I have seen kiss scenes at the age of 8 but you are covering your eyes even after marriage?" Arjun loved to tease her. "Bhabhi is such a baby nah, Naira di?"

"Ask him to stop teasing me, Veer" she pleaded cutely looking up at her husband. Feeling his hot breathe on her face, Inayat realized how close they were. "Sorry" she quickly pulled herself off him and moved little away from him.

Veer sighed and said "Play the movie, Arjun" but the movie wasn't played as Arjun was busy checking his phone.

"Come home! Let's study" he softly read Kathy's text.

"I have to go now. We will continue the movie tomorrow or your guys watch without me" Arjun said and quickly scurried out of the bed.

"Hey, where are you going at this time of the night?" Naira asked. "I will tell to dad" she threatened.

"Go tell him" he said nonchalantly. He hoped at least by that way his sister will talk to their dad. Poor man was missing his darling girl's affection.

"I will tell mommy" she amended.

"It's an emergency, Naira di" Arjun said helplessly.

"What happened, baby?" Naira asked in concern

"My friend needs my help"

"You want me to come with you, Arjun?" Veer asked.

"To see me fuck my girl, bro?" Arjun thought with a mental chuckle.

"No, I will manage" saying that Arjun ran out of the room.

"Shall we resume the movie, tomorrow?" Inayat suggested slightly feeling sleepy.

"Sure" Veer and Naira agreed.

Once Naira left their room, Veer stood up to go and sleep on the couch.

"Veer, wait"


"Sleep here in bed..." Veer was about to deny her offer when she added "...with me"

"What?" Veer asked in utter shock.

"I just realized your closeness is not scaring but comforting me" she said with a genuine smile. Veer's face splits into a smile.

"You sure?" He asked for confirmation. He didn't want her to feel compelled to do something she didn't want to do.

"I need some time to adjust with the whole thing...but for now, yes, I am sure you can lie next to me..."

"But?" He asked feeling she was holding something.

"Make sure you don't come too closer to me. I might panic"

"Don't worry. I won't cross-border"

"I know you won't, captain" she said with a giggle and his heart swelled with joy.


Naira stood outside the bedroom holding the door knob contemplating whether to go in or not. After few minutes of thinking, she came to a conclusion that she wouldn’t get her sleep if she didn’t see her daddy for herself and make sure he was okay.

Naira slowly opened the door and stepped into her parents’ room. Her mother was lying on her side, facing away from her and her father was lying on his back, sleeping.

Naira slowly walked in and sat on the edge of the bed. Feeling someone's presence Rishab eyes sprung open and his lips twitched to the left twice before settling to a perfect smiled. "What are you doing here, honeybee?"

"How are you, daddy? Mommy said you're running a high fever..." 

"Mild fever and I will be fine by morning. Don't worry, baby. Go, you go and sleep"

"Daddy" she started taking her dad's hand in hers.

"Yes, darling?"

"I am sorry" she said feeling remorseful.


"I didn't talk for two days with you and I was behaving so rude..."

"It's okay, Naira. I scolded you and you got angry on me. It's understandable" he said calmly.

"Actually I wasn't angry on you. I was angry on myself and I just took out the anger on you"

"Why are you angry on yourself?"

"I... I am such a disappointment, daddy" she said with her gaze casted down.

"Hey! Look at me" he put his fingers under her chin and lifted her head up. "You are not what you think. You're daddy's proud girl." He kissed her daughter's forehead.

"Daddy, I realized it was so stupid of me to think I can make Sabeer love me..."

"You can, darling. You can easily make him or anyone love you by being yourself because the real 'you' is too good for anyone to say no."

"Daddy" she cried emotionally and hugged him "I don't want Roshan. I don't want Sabeer. I don't want marriage. I just want to be your little girl, forever"

He softly chuckled ruffling her hair "Alright, honeybee. I am not going to force you."

Naira smiled happily looking at him, after releasing herself from her dad's protective embrace.

"But baby, remember this, one day you will find your one true love and you just can't wait to start a life with him and at that time I want my brave girl to come in front of me and boldly ask me to get her married to her man, okay?"

"Okay, daddy"

"Good! Oh and make sure you don't fall in love with a spineless coward guy!"

"I won't!" She said confidently. "Good night, daddy. I love you"

"I love you too, sweetheart" Rishab replied with a contented smile.


Arjun walked into Kathryn's house as soon as her house keeper opened the door and quickly raced up to her room. He didn't bother to knock her room but entered in. He found Kathryn curled up on the bed and covered her body with a hude duvet. 

"Kathy?" He called but she didn't respond.

"What happened to her? Always, she attacks me with a wild kiss, right? Then what happened today?" He wondered.

He took long strides and reached her side. "Kathy? Are you unwell?" He asked as he leaned forward and cupped her cheeks with his gentle hands. Kathryn opened her eyes and quickly wrapping her arms around his neck, she pulled him onto the bed.

"Kathryn, let me go" Arjun tried to sit up but she rolled over and straddled over him.

"Why you texted me?" Arjun asked ignoring the fact her bottom was placed on his bulge.

"You know why" Kathy said batting her eyelashes.

"We are over, Kathy" he remined her.

"Oh really? Then what are you doing here?"

"You texted me"

"One text and you are here, Arjun. That proves you can't be without me. You can't end things between us." She said looking intently at him. "We were good, right? We can be good again. Just let me please you, babe" Kathryn fell on him and took his lips in hers.

"Kathy... Please" he pushed her off him and sat up.

"You want me as much as I want you, Arjun, then why are you denying this?"

"I am denying this 'sex' because I want to make 'love' to you, Kathy. I love you" he said.

"Arjun, one more time you say you love me then seriously we are done and I will find a better fuck buddy"

"You already found one, right? You just called me here to make sure I am out of your life once and for all!" He said venomously.

"What nonsense you're talking?"

"Alex is your new fuck buddy, right?"

"For pete's sake, he is my best friend, Arjun"

"You think!" He said with an arrogant smirk. Kathryn scoffed.

"I am leaving" Arjun stood up from the bed.

"Arjun, calm down, please. Let's sit and talk" she stopped him holding his hand but he shrugged off her.

"Whoa! First time, I am hearing you say 'Lets sit and talk' instead of 'Let's sprawl and fuck', Kathryn! I am really surprised" he said with a humorless chuckle. Kathryn glared at him.

"Why can't you love me, Kathy?" He asked in a serious tone.

"Arjun, we are young to think about all that shit!"

"We are bloody fucking, dammit and you say we are young? Fuck! We should be falling in love before doing all these fucking shits but we didn't do that!"

"Arjun, you offered to help me"

"Yes, I did but I think drug is no more your addiction. I am your addiction, Kathryn" and you are mine but it's not just the desire to have you in bed. It's more than that, baby. It's more. It's love.

"Yes, you are my addiction. I want you, Arjun" Kathryn stated and chewed her lower lip.

"Ah" he dragged his fingers through his hair in frustration. He felt like they were running in circles!

"Arjun, all these months you didn't have any issue with our raw sex, right? Then why suddenly you are confusing yourself and expecting for a relationship between us?"

"I am sick of what we were doing so far, without a break! I don't want anymore of 'raw sex' because it's boring as fuck!"

"You are bored of me!"

"I am not bored of you. I am bored of... You won't get my point, ever, then why should I try and explain?"

"Arjun, just tell what you want from me?" Kathryn was too desperate and was ready to do anything for him only if he agreed to satisfy her.

"I want you to be my girlfriend. I want us to do all the normal stuff couples usually do. Above all, next time when you text me 'Come home, lets study' I want us to study our books."

"Too much of demands you are placing there, Arjun!"

"I did everything you wanted me to do so far and now, it's your turn!"

"Alright! I will be your perfect & pretty "Cinderella girlfriend" at day times and sassy and sexy "SIN-derella girlfriend" at night times"

"Great and I am ready to do the SIN now" Arjun fucked her lips as he pushed her on to the bed and fell on top of her without breaking the kiss.

After fucking hard for the first round and making slow passionate love for the second round, the two spooned cuddling on the bed in a tangled mess.

"Kathy, my dad wants to meet you"


"I don't know. He said he wanna talk with you"

"Oh! Okay. I will meet him, tomorrow, after college?" Kathryn kinda liked Arjun's dad so she didn't hesitate much to meet him. She would have said no if it was his mom who wanted to meet her.

"Cool" Arjun pecked a kiss on her lips. "Oh and I forgot to ask you why you changed your WhatsApp profile pic?"

"Today, Alex's birthday so I set mine and his close up pic. You liked it?"

"I didn't like him rubbing his cheek against yours" Arjun said frankly.

Kathy slapped his cheek making him hiss in pain

"Oh my! I forgot to ask you, what's this bruise on your face? Who hit you?"

"Well...that..." Arjun thought for a moment and came up with a logical lie. "I had a fight with a rogue who teased my sister. I bashed his face black and blue and now he is in ICU and I just got slight bruises which will fade off in two days"

"Arjun, I didn't buy your lie so honestly tell me who busted you?"

"Fine! My brother and I were practicing kickboxing and he accidentally punched me" though he lied again, it was closer to the truth so she believe him.

"Oh!" Kathy grinned "Remind me to kiss your brother when I meet him, for nicely punching you. I so wanted to throw a punch on your face for breaking up with me, yesterday"

"Kiss my brother?" Arjun asked gritting his teeth.

"Well, just a cheek kiss."

"No! You are kissing no one but me"

"You can't dictate me"

"You agreed to be my proper girlfriend"

"Yeah but I didn't agree to be your slave"

"Oh girl! Stop arguing and kiss me" Arjun said and slammes his lips against her.

... To be continued!

Last part got the maximum votes! I was overwhelmed seeing the response! Thank u so much guys!❤

Please do VOTE and COMMENT on this part too and make me happy!😄

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