Part 20

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NOTE - Continuation scene of previous part is written in this part so it will be full of Rishab and Kathy's talk and it might be quite short and boring. I will make the next part interesting by showing Naira's love story for which many are waiting.




"There is only one happiness in life - to love and to be loved!"


"Mom, look over there" Naira tapped her mother's shoulder and pointed somewhere.

"What?" Madhu asked looking at her daughter.


Madhu followed her gaze and found her husband talking with her son's girlfriend.

"What business he has with this girl?" Madhu wondered with a frown.

"Come on, let’s go and see what's going on there" Naira suggested.

"No, your dad won't appreciate our interference. I will ask him the matter later when he gets home. Now, we will go find Inayat"

Naira and Madhu stepped on the escalator to reach the second floor where Inayat had told them she will be shopping.

Inayat and Arjun walked out of the shop holding their purchase bags only to meet with Naira and Madhu.

"What are you doing here?" Madhu questioned Arjun.

"Um... I... bhabhi asked me to help her choose a shirt for Veer bro so I directly came from college for her, right, bhabhi?"

"Haan... haan... I asked his help. That's true" Inayat agreed with half of his story.

"You didn't come with your dad?" Madhu asked with a suspicious frown.

"Dad is here? Where? I didn’t know. I didn’t come with him" I came with my girl, so, yeah, I am not lying. Arjun looked around as if really searching for his dad.

"He is in Ibaco with your girlfriend Kathryn" Naira said.

"Oh really?" Arjun acted shocked.

"You didn't know about your girlfriend meeting with daddy?" Naira asked cocking her brows.

"Naira di, we just broke up couple of days ago. Mom, you know that right? Then how would I know about their meeting? Maybe, they just bumped into each other and dad being the nicest guy offered her to buy an ice cream." Arjun bluffed. Madhu eyed him suspiciously.

"Mom, don't look at me like that. You know I don't lie..."

Inayat audibly gasped in shock hearing his big fat lie about not lying.

Madhu and Naira burst out laughing seeing Inayat's reaction. "Even Inayat can tell how big liar you are" Naira teased.

"I am sorry" Inayat softly said to Arjun.

"Too bad, bhabhi" Arjun shook his head as he tried and failed to keep a straight face.

"Done with shopping? Shall we go home?" Arjun asked no one in particular to change the topic.

"Sure" Madhu said. Inayat and Naira agreed.


"Arjun didn't notice me" Kathy said with a pout. "I was like every other girl in the college for him. I thought he forgot me, forgot our kiss..." She crunched the tissue paper to a ball as anger built in her.

“How you made him notice you?”

“I didn’t do anything deliberately to seek his attention, well, at least not initially.”

“I didn’t get you”

“I just started taking drugs again as I was so depressed. I didn’t have anyone and I was going crazy.” Kathy said in a mere whisper. She felt so ashamed of her own skin for what she’d turned out to. “One day I accidentally overdosed drugs and was hospitalized…”

“Accidentally?” Rishab didn’t believe that part.

“Okay, I agree, not accidentally but intentionally I overdosed. I wanted to get high and forget what I saw…”

“What you saw?”

“I saw Arjun kissing this pretty girl from our class Aasya who he dated in the first year of college…”

Rishab frowned. He didn’t know anything his son dating anyone but Kathryn. He even said it was love at first sight for him then what’s all this twist? Why he ignored Kathryn and why he dated this other girl when he already fallen for Kathryn?

“Well, when I was in hospital, Arjun came to see me much to my surprise. It wasn’t hard for him to read my medical report and tell I was taking drugs.”

“He made you stop taking drugs?”

“Not at first” Kathy shook her head. “Well, he tried but couldn’t succeed because I didn’t listen to him. I knew drugs were the only way I can keep him closer to me.” Kathy said feeling guilty. Rishab shook his head not at all appreciating her reckless move. “I realized he cared for me with the way he took care of me when I was in hospital. He even bunked classes and stayed with me throughout the day. It was really sweet of him.” she smiled at the fond memory “Well, I took use of his weakness and started consuming drugs more frequently and he was forced to stay around me…”

“What you did is wrong and you know that, right?”

“I wanted Arjun. I was so obsessed for him and still I am.”

“You used my son for your psychotic obsession you had on him” Rishab hissed through his teeth. “And you are still using him as your sex toy”

“He told that to you, didn’t he?” Kathy laughed ghostly.

Madhu was right! This girl is weird! He thought.

“You are going to end this, Kathryn” Rishab stood up almost knocking down the chair he was sitting a moment ago.

“End what?” she narrowed her eyes in confusion.

“Everything! Everything you are making my son do” he told. She shook her head in no. “My wife was right. You are a bad influence on our son. So its better you leave him for good”

“I won’t”

“You will”

“Make me” Kathryn smirked arrogantly as she casually leaned back on her chair and looked up at Rishab. “Your boy is my toy, my teddy bear. I won’t let him go” she smiled devilishly.

“Are you challenging me, kid?” Rishab chuckled as he sat back on the chair. He pitied the poor girl for not knowing his ability.

She shrugged. “Think whatever you want. I don’t care. All I care is Arjun”

“You love him?” Rishab asked hoping that will help him understand her better.


“Then what’s all the stalking, relocating, feeling jealous, and taking drugs to draw him closer to you and in that fucking attempt you almost killed yourself, you fool” he roared making few heads turn his way. “Sorry” he muttered softly and sighed.

“Uncle” Kathryn leaned across the table and softly whispered “You and aunty gave birth to the most beautiful baby of this world and now the baby has grown thousand more times beautiful. Oh and he's so freaking handsome." She said placing her palm over the middle of her chest and sighed heavily with her eyes closed. "I can’t take my eyes off him or my hands for that matter. I want him. I madly and badly want him all my life but no love, no marriage and no babies between us. Clear?”

“I will tell you only one think” Rishab whispered back “You are insane” he said before standing up and walking out leaving Kathryn all smiling like a Cheshire cat.  


Rishab was driving back home when he noticed a text message on his phone.

“Dad, mom and Naira saw you in the mall with Kathy. When mom asked whether I came with you guys I said no so you maintain the same story and tell her you just accidentally met Kathy in the mall and had a friendly chat with her”

He sighed after reading Arjun’s text and threw his phone back on the passenger seat.

He suddenly remembered something and dialed Kathryn’s number.

“You’re still there in the mall?” he asked without any preamble.

“Yes, uncle”

“I’m coming back. I have something to tell you”

“Find me in KFC” she said and hung up on him.


Kathryn was stuffing her mouth with a crispy chicken when Rishab walked and sat opposite to her. She pushed the chicken bucket to him to have a piece but he shook his head in no. She shrugged and continued eating as if he wasn’t watching her.

He cleared his throat making her look up at him. “Hmm?” she asked tipping her chin up.

“Arjun loves you” I forgot to tell her that before so he came back to tell her that. He wanted to see how she reacts to that.

“You think I don’t know that?” she snickered. “By now he would have told me ‘Darling, I love you’ for at least thousand times”

“And what would you say in reply?”

“I slap him every single time he says that to me and I would kill him if he ever dares to say it to any other girl” she said fiercely. Rishab fist his finger in anger, not at her but at his son for shamelessly running behind this psycho girl.

“He told me it was love at first sight for him…”

“Really? Then why didn’t he recognize me in college? Why was he dating Aasya?” Kathryn eyes widen in shock.

“Maybe he wanted to seek your attention. Maybe he wanted to make you jealous. I don’t know for sure…”

“Maybe you are right”

“Arjun truly loves you so you better stop abusing his love and hurting him, Kathryn…”

“Are you warning me?” she asked because Rishab certainly wasn’t pleading her.

“Yes, I am because you don’t know my son but I do. He seems to be a playful and fun loving guy to the world but he is not. He is a very sensitive and emotional guy and he can be ruthless and merciless to people who hurts him.”

Kathryn laughed not at all taking his warning serious.

“Kathryn, I am not joking here for you to laugh. If you lose Arjun once then you won’t get him back ever again”

“Stop threatening me, uncle. Arjun is nothing like you think. He’s a sweetheart. Even two days back he broke up with me but the very next day he came crawling to me like a puppy. He can’t live without me”

He sighed. She had framed her mind and she wasn’t ready to listen to him.

“Kathryn, can I ask you a question?”


“You said no love, no marriage and no babies, right?”



“People say love is everlasting but it’s a folk tale, uncle. Marriage destroys love and babies are just burdens”

"I beg to differ with you dear. Marriage gave me everything I ever craved for. It gave me my one and only love, my wife and three beautiful kids who are not at all a burden but a blessing to me. And the love my wife and I share... It just keeps growing with our age but definitely not getting old"

"Lucky you, uncle" Kathy said with glossy eyes and sad smile before looking away to blink back her tears but it didn't go unnoticed by Rishab.

"Kathryn, I want to tell you one more important thing..."

"Yeah, tell me?"

"You are like a daughter to me and I care for you..." That's why he came to warn her about the two boys she was messing with, one in the name of love and another in the name of friendship and both seemed to be dangerous in their own way.

"Okay" she patiently waited for him to continue.

"Your friend Alex..."

"What about him?"

"My instinct says he is not a good guy so you steer clear of him"

"You don't know him, uncle, so please don't talk nonsense about him." Kathryn snapped. "He is my only friend, more like a brother to me. When I had no one he was there for me. He gave his shoulder for me to cry..."

"Then why the hell he made you a drug addicted?" Rishab retorted.

"He didn't force me to take drugs. I needed it."

"Kathryn, you were young and he might have tricked you..."

"No! Not at all. He was neglected by his parents just like me so when I found out how he was dealing with the hatred, anger and pain, I sought for it too"

Rishab huffed and ran his hand through his hair.

"You quit in taking Crack, right?"

"Yes, for Arjun" Kathy said with a small smile.

"And you tell me you don't love him?" He asked, chuckling.

"Yes, I don't love him and I quit crack because I got Arjun, the world's best drug any girl could ever get." Kathy said with a wink. Rishab shook his head in disapproval. He didn't like her addiction for his son.

"I want to see my son a successful doctor and even he is aspiring to become a neuro-surgeon..." He said tentatively.

"Yeah, he always talk about his dream. He is bright student, uncle." Kathy said with a proud grin. "Even I want to do MD, Pharmacology"

"Ah, you do love to deal with drugs" he joked good naturedly. Kathy giggled.

"Make sure you guys don't complicate your life with unnecessary commitments and please do focus on studies" that was his wife's major worry.

"Exactly, uncle! That's what I am telling Arjun but he is not understanding me. He keeps on talking about love and relationship."

"You have to understand him, Kathy. He has seen his parents deeply in love. He has been loved by his parents, brother and sister, unconditionally. He believes in fairy-tale kinda love unlike you."

"Hmm, I think I get your point. We both have different thoughts and opinion about love and relationship but we are making compromises now. I even agreed to be his girlfriend"

"Good." He said and waited for few seconds for her to tell something else but she went back to eating. "I think I will take your leave. Oh and thanks for agreeing to meet me. Though the meeting wasn't absolutely pleasant it went well than I had expected it to be" he said offering her a polite and affectionate smile.

"You are a sweet and honest man, uncle" Kathy said with eyes full of admiration. She wished she was his daughter then she would have felt so loved and protected which was a major missing in her life now.

"Tell me something I don't know, kid" Rishab said with a pompous smirk.

"I like talking with you"

"I know that as well" he chuckled. "My son's little bird would have fled away by now if she hadn't liked talking with me" he said and put his shades on.

"You look handsome"

"Now I know why my son fell for you. You are an outrageous flirt just like him" he said with a chuckle and she laughed.

"Kathryn..." he called once her laughter died down.

"Yes, uncle"

"I am sorry for calling you insane, earlier" he said feeling remorseful. It would have hurt him if someone had called his daughter 'insane' so he felt bad for calling another father's daughter 'insane'

"Oh" Kathryn's face fell "I thought that was a compliment" she said with a sad pout.

Rishab laughed and said "You are really insane" and with that he turned on his heels and walked away leaving her grinning happily.

... To be continued!



P.S - Next I will update "Baby Daddy" story (most likely this weekend) and I will take my sweet time to post this story as I have my college project work to do!

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