Part 5

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No time to proofread so excuse the mistakes!


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"The Heart Wants What It Wants"

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"Darling, I love you... Please marry me" Roshan begged as knelt down on the floor in front of Naira.

Naira gasped and took a step back. It pierced her heart to see her best friend begging her to love him. She would have loved him if she hadn't fallen in love with Sabeer, already.

"Roshan, what are you doing? Get up, man!" Rishab ordered.

He shook his head in no and bowed down in front of her, feeling so defeated and vulnerable.

"Roshan, son, please don't do this. We are sorry, really sorry for what our daughter did to you. We know she broke your heart but try to forget everything and move on" Madhu too slumped down on the floor beside him and caressed his head as she cried.

"Auntie, please convince your daughter instead of telling me to forget her." Roshan pleaded to Madhu taking her hand in his. "You don't know for how long I have been in love with her, auntie. Marrying her was a dream till yesterday and today I want to make it real."

Madhu cried feeling his pain. She wished she had another daughter so that she could have married her to such a gem of a man.

"Roshan, get up from the floor and sit on the bed. We will talk" Rishab didn't like him in the submissive pose.

"Buddy, calm down." Veer patted his shoulder and helped him stand up on his feet.

Roshan sat on the bed and held his head in his hands.

"Roshan, trust me, you will get someone better than me for your good heart..."

"I don't want someone better, Naira. I just want you." He snapped getting mad momentarily. Then he closed his eyes to contain his temper.

"I have been loving you all my life...and I thought one day you will also reciprocate my love..." His voice broke and he bit his lower lip preventing from crying.

"Roshan, sorry, I can never reciprocate your feelings..." Before Naira could finish her sentence, Roshan was up on his feet and marched towards her taking two long strides and took her face between his hands and was about to kiss her but Rishab anticipating that move from him, he too quickly pushed Roshan away from his daughter, before his lips could even brush against hers.

"Stay away from my daughter!" Rishab roared. Roshan stumbled back on his feet with the force Rishab pushed him but Arjun and Madhu supported him and steadied him.

Naira hugged her daddy and cried against his neck. Rishab held her protectively in his arms.

"You have no fucking right to kiss my daughter because she is not yours, Roshan"

"I want to show my love to her" Roshan said in a desperate tone.

"How? By kissing her forcefully? That's not love. That's madness" Rishab seethed. "If you truly love her, let her live, Roshan..." He said "...please" he added for kindness sake.

"I can't live without her, uncle" Roshan said helplessly.

"Of course, you can! Never wish to marry the girl who wants to dump you. Marry the girl who loves you. She will make you happy, all your life!" Rishab said from his own experience, glancing at Madhu.

"Can you give me two minutes of silence?" Roshan asked as he sat on the edge of the best and rested his arms on his knees, calming his raging breath. Everyone remained silent and calmly watched Roshan except for Naira who kept crying hugging her father.

After what felt like eternity but in actual just less than two minutes, Roshan looked up and faced Rishab. He didn't bother to spare a look at Naira. It wasn't like he hated her for ditching him on their wedding day but it pained him to see her, to see her crying.

"I am sorry, uncle. I went out of line and tried to..." He stopped feeling ashamed of himself for even trying to kiss Naira out of her will. "It will never happen again. I am really sorry." He genuinely apologized for his misbehavior. Rishab nodded his head accepting his apology. "I am sorry, Naira" his eyes met hers briefly, just to show his genuineness to her. She swallowed the lump formed in her throat and nodded her head twice.

"You surely don't want to marry me?" He asked for one last time hoping she will change her mind but to his dismay she gave a positive answer 'Yes' which was actually a negative answer to him.

"Can we still be friends?" He asked hopefully.

"Sure" she pulled a small smile on her face.

"Good. Good luck for your future" he wished. She smiled again.

"Can I use your washroom?" Roshan asked Veer.

"Come, I will show" Veer said and walked ahead.

Roshan briskly stood up and followed him out of the room and went into the room across Naira's.

"Can I borrow a fresh pair of pants and T-shirt, preferably black T-shirt, Veer?" Roshan asked.

"Sure" Veer quickly grabbed the clothes from his wardrobe and handed them to Roshan along with a towel. After muttering a thanks he stepped into the bathroom and locked the door behind him before walking to the sink.

He placed his widely spread palms on top of the counter and looked up at his face in the mirror fixed above the sink. He wished he could smash the mirror with his fist and break it into pieces but he couldn't do that because it was his property.

"Roshan, my baby, you look so handsome in this Sherwani." Just before he came to Naira's house, his mom Shreya said with eyes full of admiration for her first son and kissed both his cheeks.

"Yeah, bro, mom is right. Strangely you look hotter in this traditional attire than in your usual black suit!" His younger brother Rohan compliment in a teasing way.

"Bro, I bet Naira bhabhi (sister-in-law) is gonna faint seeing you in this fabulous Sherwani" his youngest brother Rohit said and cackled.

Roshan looked at his midnight blue Sherwani made in Kinkhab fabric and black pants made in Art silk in the mirror and shook his head. "I look ugly in this Sherwani" he muttered and removed his wedding clothes off and changed into the borrowed shirt and pants.

Then he opened the facet and splashed water on his face repeatedly.

He wiped his face with his hand and his fingers ran over his perfectly trimmed and groomed beard. "Good thing I have a beard already otherwise people will thing I started growning beard after my love failure and tag me the famous title Devdas!" Roshan chuckled at that thought.

"Now, tell me, uncle, what should I do?" Roshan asked after walking back into Naira's room.

Rishab stared at him in surprise seeing the sudden change in him. Few minutes ago he was on his knees begging Naira to marry him, then he went to forcefully kiss her and now he was asking him what to do as if nothing happened at all?

What should he do? What exactly I want him to do? Rishab thought in confusion

"Madhu auntie, you please stop crying. I am fine" Roshan reassured her draping an arm around her shoulder.

"You are such a nice boy. Wish I had one more daughter so that I could have married her to you" Madhu said with asad pout.

"Yeah, I agree. Arjun could have born a girl so that I could have pursued her and married her" Roshan joked and winked at Arjun. Arjun made a face and hid behind his girl, Kathy and she burst out laughing.

"Uncle..." He turned towards Rishab and started "I will explain everything to my parents and make them understand but what about the guests... Won't they think wrong about Naira if she called off the marriage at the end moment?" He asked thoughtfully. "I think I should go somewhere and not turn up to the wedding so people will think I ditched her and this way no one will blame her..."

"Aww" Kathy awed audibly, hearing Roshan's kind words. "Would you like to marry me?" Kathy asked shocking Arjun.

"No!" Arjun shouted before Roshan could reply. Madhu glared at her son. Rishab cocked his brows with a smirk and muttered "Interesting"

Roshan was shrewd enough to guess Arjun liked that girl so he decided to tease him. "I would love to, sweetheart..." He started. Arjun glared at him, murderously and shook his head warning him to take his words back. Roshan chuckled and decided to show some mercy on the poor kid so said "...but you are too young for me. That kid..." Pointing to Arjun "...will suit you so try your luck with him" Arjun sighed in relief.

Madhu coughed not at all approving Roshan's suggestion.

"I think I should leave now..."

"No! No, Roshan, I don't approve your idea. We are at fault so we should take the blame and insults, not you and your family." Rishab said firmly.

"But uncle..."

"Even if you didn't turn up to the wedding this society with talk shit about my daughter. They will thing something is wrong with her and that's why you dumped her in the altar so it's better we come clean. I will let everyone know everything and ask them to go back home..."

"Dad" Veer interrupted his dad and everyone turned their attention towards him.

"I know it's not the right time to bring this topic..." He hesitated.

"What's it, Veer?" Rishab asked though he already guessed where the matter was leading to.

"I would like to marry in this Muhurat (auspicious time)..."

"Don't tell me you want to marry that girl" Madhu warned pointing her finger at Inayat.

"Yes, I want to marry Inayat, now" Veer said decisively.

"Great! I will ask my junior Mhd. Aashiq to prepare the Nikahnama (Marriage contract)" Roshan said with a smile. "And Veer, you make sure to send me a cheque of Rupees 50K for doing this job" he added behaving like a typical Advocate.

... To be continued!

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P.S - I will post "Baby daddy" tommorw for sure. I already wrote half of the update but I didn't get the mood to write further so dropped it and I started writing "Darling, I love you" update and I completed it so posted now.

If time permits, I will also update "My baby brat" tomorrow otherwise no because my main focus will only be on "Baby daddy" story.

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