Part 54

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Part - 54


"I look at you and I am home"


Veer stood at the balcony and looked at the night sky, leaning on railing and thought about the beautiful moments he had with his wife a little less than an hour ago.

A smiled formed on his lips when he turned his head and looked over his shoulder at his sleeping wife.

You are beautiful, Inayat. He once again mumbled the words he had been chanting throughout the time he was making love to her.

She looked so desirable and he was tempted to wake her up and make love to her over and over.

I have already exhausted her!

Sighing, he looked away from her.

Let my poor baby take some rest and prepare her body for more action in the near future.

"Veer..." Though her voice was low it still startled him. He turned around and faced her with a smile.

Wasn't she sleeping when I last saw her?

How long have I been standing here and gazing at the stars?

She must have realized I have left her alone on the bed so came to take me back in.

"You didn't sleep?" She asked shyly without meeting his eyes.

"I couldn't sleep"

"Why? Did I fail to..."

"No, please don't think like that. I had the best night ever." He cupped her face and forced her to look at him so that she would know he meant his words.

"Really?" She smiled making his heart skip a beat.

"Yes. You made my four years of wait worth it."

"Four years?"

"Ever since I set my eyes on you, I wanted to marry you and make love to you."

She blushed.

"How are you?" He asked finally getting the chance to ask her that. By the time they were done the deed, she passed out.

"How do you think I am?" A small frown marred her forehead.

"I have never heard you scream like that." He teased her and pecked her lips. "It felt like you have been saving your voice all along for this night."

"It was kinda painful... and I think it will take some time for me to adjust with this uneasy feeling of... you know... having... um... you in me." she said hesitantly yet honestly. When he broke her virgin wall and sharply filled her tight, slick cave with his length, he literally knocked the air out of her lungs.

Even now she could feel mild ache between her thighs.

"I am sorry. I am as inexperienced as you are in this matter so I couldn't make it easy and pleasurable for you." He apologized and he wasn't ashamed at all to tell her he was 'inexperienced'

"You made me forget everything once I had overcome the pain, Veer." She said looking into his eyes. Her eyes conveyed a deeper meaning to her spoken words. "Veer..." She gently caressed his cheek with her finger tip.

"Hmm?" He hummed leaning to her soft touch.

"This was your first time, wasn't it?"

He nodded his head, affirmatively.

A beautiful smile broke on her lips. "You know what? It's a common dream of every woman to be her man's first woman..."

And I am lucky my dream came true...

"I know"

"You do?" She asked.

"Yes" he smiled.


"My mom knows my dad loves her more than life itself and she will be his 'forever' woman but still it always stung her knowing she wasn't his first woman."

"Ammi is uncle's second wife?" Inayat aaked shocked.

"What? No!" He laughed at her ridiculous assumption.

"You said she wasn't his first woman..."

"I meant to say she wasn't his first woman to make love to..." He paused and thought for a moment and reframed his words. "Technically speaking, he had sex with couple of his ex-girlfriends before marrying my mom but never loved any of them like he did and does love my mom."


"And after his marriage, his first and only marriage if must say... It was only my mom for him."

"So technically speaking your mother was his first woman to whom he made love wholeheartedly!"

"That's exactly my dad's point too..." He smiled at her, "...but maa never took it easy."

"I understand"

We women take things in literal sense than see logic.

"So when I got sexual maturity, dad strictly told me to control my urges and wait till I find my one and only"

No fuck ups in between!

"If I recollect, his exact words were - Don't give into your sexual desire and fuck a random chick, Veer. If you do and later accept it to your future wife honestly, she will never forgive you for that and you will never hear the end of it from her." He chuckled.

"I am glad you listened to him and waited for me"

"I am glad too" he gently caressed her swollen lower lip with his thumb before leaning down and nibbling it.

"Abu didn't give this piece of advise to Arjun?" Inayat asked curiously.

"I don't know but I am sure he would have advised him as well..."

"But he didn't take his advise seriously it seems."


"He didn't wait till marriage..."

"My dad never said wait till marraige. He said wait till you find your one and only woman."

"Oh right"

"Arjun is a lucky guy. He didn't have to wait long. He found his 'one and only' at the age of 18, unlike me. I found you only when I was 22, almost 23."

"Are you complaining, Veer?" She shot her brow up.

"Not at all, darling, so eyebrow down." He kissed her nose tip.

She hung her head down and blushed. She loved it when he used endearments and kept kissing her.

"I fervently pray my brother and Kathryn end up getting married or else..."

"Or else what?"

"Arjun would live a celibate priest... Um... a celibate-doctor life." He joked.

Inayat gasped in shock. "No!"

"Yes and now enough about Arjun. This is our night."


"Let's get back to bed" he suggested.

"And do what?" She panicked.

"How about cuddling and kissing?" He knew she was sore so he had decided to love her in a soft way.

"And some talking?" She didn't want to sleep and waste the limited time she had with her husband.

"Sure" He let her walk back into the room first and closed the balcony doors before following her.


Yash turned off the engine before getting out of the car and walking around to open the passenger side door for Naira.

She stepped out taking hold of his hand and yawned right on his face.

"I am sorry" she muttered,  embarrassed. He held her left hand and she held her clutch in her right hand so she couldn't cover her mouth while yawning.

He chuckled and shook his head asking her not to feel bad about it. "You don't have unpleasant smelling breath so it's cool" he assured her with a smile.

"You are spoiling me" she said shyly as she walked to the front of the car and parked her butt on the bonnet.

"How exactly?" He asked with a confused frown as he followed her and stood in front of her. Isn't she going into her house?

"First you took me to beach..." She started counting with her fingers "...then dinner at a fine restaurant... I really loved the food there" she closed her eyes and licked her lips.

By now he had figured they had lots in common and the biggest one was - they both were foodies.

"...and finally late night movie show. You know how to show a girl a good time" she said with genuine smile.

"I just want to spend as much as time I can spend with you, Naira"

She stretched her hand for him and when he took it, she squeezed it and didn't let it go.

"You know what? I have never been to cinemas at late hours."

"A first?" He asked, surprised.

She nodded her head.

"Your parents won't allow?"

"Not really. They would surely allow me to go with my brothers if not alone but I have never gone, why, because I can't stay awake throughout the movie."

He started laughing hearing that.

"What's so funny?" She asked showing fake anger though she liked his carefree boyish laugh.

"Now I understood why you slept as soon as the movie started."  

"Hee..." She grinned and poked her tongue out. "I am sorry..."

"You are so adorable" he couldn't resist but pull her cheeks and twist them.

"Ah" she pushed his hands away and rubbed her cheeks.

"You should have told me you go to bed early. Then I would have canceled the movie plan and brought you home right after we had dinner and by now you would be in deep sleep."

"I had a good sleep in theater too." She grinned.

"True" he smiled remembering how she curled up comfortably on the seat and laying her head on his shoulder, she slept. He watched her sleep more than the movie. He didn't even use the movie break time to go and get some snack, why, because he didn't want to disturb her sleep and moreover, she had looped her arms in his.

"Naira..." He whispered her name as he inched forward.

Should I suggest her to go on a long drive with me?

But it's late, man and she needs her sleep. I should let her go in.

But I don't want our moment to end.

"Hmm..." She looked up at him as she anticipated him to kiss her. They were dating for a month now and they liked each other damn much. In two days they would be engaged and got married in two weeks so she didn't find it wrong to share her first kiss with him now.

Whoa? Is she suggesting me to kiss her?

Well, this suggestion is much better than going on a long drive.

Maybe a kiss will help me from going crazy for her.

He brushed a strand of waving hair off her face and tucked it behind her ear.

She closed her eyes and slowly tipped her chin up.

Oh shit!

"I am not going to kiss you..." He whispered.

Naira's eyes flung open and she looked hurt and insulted.

"Not that I don't want to kiss you" he quickly said as a way of explanation and also to ease her mind. "I do... I really do want to kiss you but..."

"You want us to wait till our marriage?" Naira asked meekly.

"Um... Maybe but that's not the reason why I don't want to kiss you now"

"Then what's the God damn reason?" She asked gritting her teeth.

Fiesty lady!

"Don't react. Be casual." He placed both his hands on her shoulders to hold in place. "Your parents are watching us from their balcony."

He didn't feel it right and good manners to kiss Naira having her parents witness it.

And also he didn't want to give them a chance to question his character.

He had high regards for their daughter.

"Shit!" She closed her eyes, mortified.

Are they spying us?

"What the hell are they doing at the balcony at this time?"

"Maybe they are waiting for their daughter to get back home safely"

"Yeah, maybe, but then I texted them I am having a movie night with you and I will come home late. I explicitly told them not to wait for me and I will let myself in with the spare key I have." She grumbled.

"It's okay. Chill." He rubbed her arms in a comforting way.

"I think you should take your hands off me and step back." She said with a fake grin. He gave her a confused look. "I can swear and tell my dad is angrily glaring at you now for touching me"

He chuckled and moved back, shoving his hands in his pants' pockets.

"Your dad is overprotective of you I think"

"You have no idea"

"I swear I will be like him if we have a daughter in future"

"Then I will love you all the more" she mumbled, barely audible to her own ears. 

"What did you say?"

"Nothing" she gave him a secretive smile.

"I think you should go before they come and drag you in."

"Yeah, I should" she jumped off the bonnet and gave him a quick hug. "I had a great time with you. Thank you."

"Same here." He returned her hug and let her go. He waited till she got into her house and locked the door. 

His phone buzzed in his pocket. He took it out and checked it. It was a text message from Naira.

"You can leave now."

"Okay. Bye. Good night :)" he replied.

"Good night :)" she replied.

Smiling, he revved up the engine and drove off.


"Kathy, Kathy..." Arjun tried waking up a sleeping Kathryn by calling her name and shaking her shoulders.

"Hmm... Let me sleep, Arjun" Kathryn groaned and buried her face deeper in her pillow.

"Kathy wake up. I am going home."

Kathryn scrambled up and blinked her eyes rapidly. "You leaving?" She panicked.

"For now, yes."

"Why? What's wrong? Did you get call from your mom?"



"I... I..."

"Can't you stay the night here with me?" She asked, her eyes pleading "It's been so many days since I have slept well... so please help me sleep well  tonight, Arjun, by staying with me." 

"Oh baby, I want nothing more than staying with you but right now I am dying in hunger and there is no food here." He cried. He just had a light lunch and went to the old apartment to help Inayat and then went to pick up his brother from the Airport and after that he dropped his sister at the beach and came to Kathy's place skipping his dinner.

Here, he had wasted too much energy on what? You know that already.

"Too much of physical exertion made me hell hungry and I can never sleep when I am hungry."

"Oh" she didn't know how to help him.

"Mommy, my stomach is paining. Somebody feed me something." He cried again rolling on the bed.

"What am I going to do with this cranky baby?" She scratched her head in frustration.

"I am going home. My mom keeps the fridge stocked with food, unlike you. You have only beer bottled stocked in your fridge." He grumbled and rolled off the bed.

"Wait" she ran behind him and stopped him.

"What?" He barked.

"I have a carton of eggs. I can make omlet for you. Is that okay?"

"Yeah hell okay." He dragged her to the kitchen. "Where have you kept the eggs?"


"How the hell I missed them?"

"You go blind when you are hungry"

"True and I go crazy too"

"I can see that"

"Enough talking and start cooking for me, girl"

She quickly pulled out the carton of eggs from the refrigerator and placed then on the counter top. She took a bowl and a fork.

"How many eggs?"

"You gonna share with me, Kathy?"

"I am not hungry but I don't mind eating a small piece for taste"

"Alright, then crack 3 eggs."

"Okay" she cracked 3 eggs into the bowl and started whisking with the fork.

"Do you have onions, green chillies and capsicum?" Arjun asked so that he could chop and add them to the omlet.

Kathryn gave him a glare. "I have only salt and pepper."

"Okay cool." He shrugged. As long as he got something to eat he would be fine.

"You go sit there. I will bring it once it is ready."

He nodded and went to the dining area. He pulled out a chair and sat on it.

She rolled the omlet before shifting it from the pan to the plate and then sliced the huge roll into four with a knife.

"Here. Eat." She placed the plate in front of him and he attacked the omlet immediately.

He was about to eat the last of the omlet when she said "That's my piece"

"Oh right" he took the fork to her mouth and fed her. "Delicious nah?"

She nodded her head, smiling. "Feeling better now?"

"Yes. Thank you for the yummy omlet. I loved it." he took her hand and kissed the back of it. "You really deserve a gold ring for feeding me that."

Arjun, man, trying a way to put a ring on her finger?

"No thanks." She denied. "I don't wear rings on my fingers."

Not until I get engaged or married to you, Arjun!

Arjun pouted and took the empty plate to wash it. She followed him.

"So you are staying with me, right?" Kathy asked for confirmation.

"Only for tonight" he made it clear to her.

"Cool" Kathryn knew she couldn't make him sleep at her house daily. His mother would find it out and she wouldn't like it.

"Come" he took her hand and led her back to the bedroom. Cuddling, they went to deep slumber.

... To be continued!

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