Part 59

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PART - 59


"There are only two times I want to be with you - Now & Forever"


"Arjun, put her in the other room" Veer stopped him from entering into the master bedroom and asked him to carry his girlfriend to the other room whether they had two separate single cot beds which Kathryn and Naira could occupy.

"Okay but you guys don't go to sleep so soon. We will play some games." Arjun said.

"Sure, we will join you guys once she is done with her night prayer." Veer said and lead his wife into the bedroom and shut the door.

Arjun took his girlfriend to the other room and there he settled her on the right side bed which used to be Veer's bed. "Wait here. I will come now." He went to get a crepe bandage from the first aid kit and came back to her in a minute. He took her leg and placing it on his lap, he started wrapping the bandage tightly around her ankle.

"Is it tight enough?" He asked. Kathryn gave him a smile. "I love it when you care for me."

"I love it too." He said masking his surprise with a smile. He felt she was getting really soft on him. Well, he wasn't complaining. He absolutely loved it.

"This is my room. I shared it with Veer." Naira said as she walked into the room with Yash.

"Nice" Yash said as he looked around the room. "You guys come here often?" He asked. "I am asking it because this place doesn't look like it had been kept locked for long. It's so neat and clean."

"Once in a month we come here. Mom loves this apartment so much."

"I see" he said as he looked at the photo frames hung on the wall with curiosity. "Cute" he muttered, tracing his fingers over Naira's childhood pic in which she had twinned with her daddy by wearing police uniform.

"That's me you are circling with your fingers." Arjun said grinning. He tried to play the same trick he played with Inayat but this time it got backfired.

"Oh, so you were a girl by birth but later turned to a guy?" Yash teased. Naira burst out laughing. 

"What? No! I am a man with a sword! Right, baby?" Arjun asked his girlfriend. Surprisingly, she blushed and nodded her head. "See, she's very familiar with my sword." He winked.

Yeah, he was right. He had thrust his sword in her and made her bleed. So she must be very familiar with it.

"God! Arjun! Stop it!"

"My sister is very squeamish" Arjun pinched Naira's cheek little painfully and it turned red.

Before she could rub her cheek to ease her pain off, Yash caressed her cheek with the back of his hand, soothing her pain.

Suddenly, Veer walked in and Yash withdrew his hand.

"Oh c'mon jijz, you need not fear my brother." Arjun said noticing Yash's sudden hesitance. Yash wouldn't name it as fear but respect. He felt Naira's father and elder brother share similar traits. Both are vigilant, protective, and straight forward.

"He is really a cool guy. He won't mind you touching our sister in an appropriate manner."

"Yeah, he is right. As long as you don't make my sister feel uncomfortable, as long as she likes it, I have no issues with your decent, innocent and affectionate touch." Veer said.

"You look tough but you speak soft" Yash commented with a smile.

"Army man nah? Has to look tough, smart, unpredictable, emotionless, and secretive but when it comes to family, he is as soft and sweet as Gulab Jamun!" Arjun said grinning. Veer rolled his eyes.

"I see" Yash smiled.


"Bro! This is not fair! You can't keep on winning. You have to let others win, at least for once." Arjun complained as he threw his cards.

Veer, Naira, Arjun and Yash were playing 13 cards, sitting on the floor.

Inayat was sitting next to her husband and watching his game as she didn't know to play cards.

Kathryn was lying on the bed and crooning some random song, awfully as there was a slur in her voice.

"Stop your drama and play" Naira scolded him.

"I don't have cash to place my bet." He lost all his money to his brother.

"I will finance you, baby" Kathryn offered and gave her cluctch to him.

"How sweet. I will repay you later with kisses, darling." He blew a kiss to her and took her cluctch and opened it.

Inside he found a passport size photo of a baby.

What's this baby photo sentiment? He wondered.

He took out the photo and viewed it closely. "I have seen this baby before but where?" He wondered. "Oh fucking shit!" Suddenly it struck to him. "It's me. It's my baby photo." He mentally slapped his head. "Oh hell no! She bloody looted my photo from my baby album." He didn't know when she went snooping about and from where she found it. "Oh my God! She has a photo of mine in her clutch. Aww, I am melting." He quietly put the photo back in to her clutch and took some big bucks from it.

"Bhabhi, my brother's lucky charm, will you sit next to me for one game and make me win? Please?" Arjun begged cutely.

Inayat looked at her husband and he shrugged his shoulders as if he didn't mind because he believed it wasn't luck that made him win. She moved to Arjun's side to see his game.

"Take my cards and hold it for me" Arjun ordered. Pouting, Inayat took his cards and spread it for him.

Just by seeing the cards he knew he was going to win. He smirked and quickly guided her to align the cards properly. With his fingers he pointed how the sequence goes because he couldn't openly reveal what all cards he was having. "Is this sequence right?" Inayat asked. From watching her husband play for an hour now she learned a bit.

"Yes" he nodded as he gently massaged Kathryn's ankle without her asking. That was why he asked Inayat to hold his cards so that he could press her leg and ease her pain.

"Did we..." Inayat looked up at Arjun smiling excitedly.

"Show" Arjun declared his win and grabbed all the money placed as bet and Inayat spread the cards down for everyone to see. 

"So it's not your talent but her luck that made you win so far hun?" Arjun teased, continuing his massage. Kathryn kept crooning and he just wished she would stop that. His head was starting to ache but he didn't ask her to stop and he was glad his family didn't make any comment on her singing and hurt her.

"It's my skill..." Veer retorted.

"Oh please. It's your wife's luck. Why don't you agree, Veer?" Naira too joined in teasing her brother. Her twin brother never believed in luck but she did. If there was no luck then he wouldn't have got such a sweet soul as his wife in his life. And she wouldn't have got her Yash. Unconsciously, she leaned against Yash's shoulder, getting comfortable and held his arm, surprising him.

"By fluke he won a game" he argued with his sister.

"Fluke? I prefer the word 'luck' better. It's my bhabhi's luck that made me win."

Veer frowned at him and then turned his gaze to his wife to see whether he had hurt her but much to his relief she was smiling. She knew he loves her but for her he couldn't lie and say it was her luck that made him win.

"Won't believe? Cool. Let's play one more game. Bhabhi, you are playing my game this time too. If I win.. No, there is no 'if'... I will win and I will give the whole credit to you, unlike my ungrateful brother."

She playfully slapped him for saying her husband 'ungrateful'.

"Let's see" Veer grabbed all the cards to shuffle.

"Wait! What's the bet?"

"The same. 100 bucks"

"No!" He wanted to raise the bet. Before he could place his demand, Inayat pulled him closer to her and whispered something to him.

"That's what you want?" He asked her with a frown. He thought of asking something big from him.

"Please" she pleaded cutely.

"Alright. Bro, the moment we win, you have to..."

"Firstly you are not going to win so I don't want to know the bet. Secondly, even if you guys win.. I am ready to give whatever my wife has asked for"

"You sure?" Arjun checked with him.

"100%" saying that Veer quickly shuffled the cards and put 13 cards for each of them.

Naira seemingly innocent leaned to her side to see Yash's cards and drop the card he wants and make him win.

"Naira di, play fair!" Arjun admonished her when he noticed her checking Yash's cards.

Grinning, Naira moved away and Yash held his cards close to his chest so that she wouldn't try to see again.

Within two rounds, Arjun proudly announced his win. "You are my talisman" he took Inayat's hand and kissed the back of it making Veer growled at him in jealous.

"What do you want from me?" Veer asked looking at his wife.

"Sing a romantic song for me" Inayat asked shyly. She had never heard her husband sing.

"What?" Veer asked, shocked. "I can't sing. I don't know to sing."

"Bet is bet! You have to sing for my bhabhi"

"I have a horrible voice"

"Horrible than hers?" Arjun jokingly asked pointing to Kathryn. Suddenly she stopped singing and smacked his head.


"Please sing for me" Inayat asked hopefully. He knew his wife wouldn't force him if he didn't want to sing and that made him to sing for her.

"Okay, I will sing but you guys shouldn't laugh at me."

"Okay" Everyone agreed.

"I heard this song in car on our way here. I liked it though I don't know from which movie it is..." Ever since he joined army he never got time for entertainments.

"Just sing, bro"

Veer cleared his throat and sang out of tune.

"Tu pehla pehla pyaar hai mera
Tu pehla pehla pyaar hai mera
Tu pehla pehla pyaar hai meraa
Tu pehla pehla pyaar hai meraa haa..."

Naira looked down at her lap controlling her laughter. Yash softly smiled. Kathy sighed in relief. She wasn't the only one with horrible voice. Her brother was there to give her company.

Inayat was extremely happy hearing her husband sing one of her favorite songs from Kabir Singh movie. She only put that song in Arjun's in-car music player.

Then Veer abruptly stopped as he didn't know the lyrics.

"That's all?" Inayat asked in disappointment.

"Bro, what was that? You just recited a single line four times!" Arjun couldn't believe his brother really sucks in singing.

"That's all I know." He shrugged.

"Alright. Just tell me, is bhabhi your 'pehla pehla pyaar'? (First love?)" Arjun asked cocking his brows. "As far as I know Thea was your first love."

"What nonsense?" Veer made a face hearing his neighbor aunty's daughtercs name. "She was a leech. I hated her."

"Then, was it Niki?"

"No! She is my friend Hardik's sister so she is like a sister to me."

"So it's bhabhi?" He asked incredulously. "Definitely not that South Indian girl.. What was her name? Naira di, what was her name? Your classmate. That tall and tan skinmed beauty?"


"Yeah, right, Barghavi. Bhabhi, your husband gave her a nickname too. It's Bar. Ask him all about that!" Arjun encouraged her to put a fight with him. He was bored of seeing them being so nice and understanding. He wanted them to put some solid fight and later make it up in a passionate way

"I can't believe you remember all this, Arjun. You were what? 10 at that time? And you noticed on whom I had a crush at that young age? I thought you were an innocent baby"

"Innocent and him?" Kathryn smirked. "He is a devil"

"Agreed" Veer said. 

"I was mommy's spy" Arjun proudly announced opening his arms widely.

"What?" Both Veer and Naira yelled at once.

"You never told me about any of these girls" Inayat asked when the focus was shifting to something else.

"Inayaa, Bar was..."

"See, still he is using that nick name he gave her."

"Shut up, Arjun." Veer said through gritted teeth. "Bargavi was Naira's best friend. She used to come to our house often in the pretext of getting noted from her. I kinda had a crush on her as I found her attractive and I liked her Tamil."

"See, one by one he's spilling all his secrets"

Glaring at his brother, Veer continued "But her intentions were so wrong. She used my sister's friendship to get closer to me. She hurt Naira's feelings by being fake to her so I rejected her even before giving her a chance. That's it. End of story. You are my first and only love" Veer said everything in single breathe and held his hand out. Inayat blushed and took his hand. He tugged her to his side and tucked her under his arm.

Enough sitting with that dog!

"Yash, now you dedicate a song for me" Naira asked when everyone turned silent all of a sudden.


"Yes, you."

"C'mon, sing, jijz. We are eager to dig your secret stories now from your song."

"Alright. I will sing my favorite song from the same movie - Kabir Singh which we..." He was about to blurt out that he had watched that movie with Naira but stopped when Naira subtly pinched his thigh. "Iss... I mean... I watched it this morning..." He stammered.

"With my sister. Another movie date huh?" Arjun guessed, smirking.

Yesterday, they had gone night show and Naira had slept off as soon the movie started so today Yash suggested they go to the same movie again as he loved it so much.

Yash closed his eyes and bit his lower lip with his teeth, feeling embarrassed.

"Yeah, he took me on a movie date. What bothers you?" Naira got all protective and defended her man.

"Nothing bothers me. You could have just told me the truth instead of lying that you had court work."

"You are mom's spy and you expect me to tell you so that you can report to her?" She didn't tell because it wasn't planned. She had just dropped by his office to give him the food she made but when he asked her for a movie date, she couldn't deny him.

"And you are questioning her as if you don't lie at all?" Kathryn mocked.

"Exactly" Naira agreed with her

"I said I was mom's spy and I stopped being her spy when she started spying on me." Arjun clarified and turning to his girlfriend he whisper "I lie to save your ass"

"Mine or yours?" Kathryn smirked.

"You tell the story?" Arjun ignored Kathryn and turned to his sister, feeling he was about to lose his temper.

"I went to see him at his office this morning..."

"Why? To make him taste your hand cooked mushroom pulav and kadai paneer?" Arjun guessed rightly again.

"How did you know all this as if you saw it with your own eyes?" Yash asked in disbelief. Naira blushed.

"I am a smart guy, jijz"

"No, he is a fraud. He has done all such thing so it wasn't hard for him to guess." Kathryn commented.

Arjun turned and glared at her. "I am a doctor so show some bloody respect." He warned through gritted teeth. He didn't like to be tagged as a fraud.

"I was just teasing you. I am sorry." Kathryn apologized realizing she had touched the wrong nerve and hurt him. "Sorry, baby" she pressed his shoulders and gently kissed his cheek to cheer him up.

"Will you stop kissing me in front of my family?" He asked pissed.

"Arjun!" Veer admonished him.

"Go to hell" she pushed him and laid back on the bed looking up at the ceiling. "He can tease everyone but no one should tease him. How unfair? Asshole." She talked to herself softly. "I am not going to talk to him at all."

"Did you like her mushroom pulav, Yash?" Inayat softly asked as she couldn't take the sudden tension in the room. She was getting uneasy.

"The best I ever had." Yash said glancing at Naira. She smiled.

"You still haven't sung a song for me" Naira reminded him.

"Oh right" Yash took Naira's hand and looking at her he started singing

"Hansta Rehta Hu Tujhsay Mil kar Kyun Aaj-kal,

(Why does meeting you makes me smile, nowadays.)

Badle-Badle Hain Mere Tevar Kyoon Aaj-kal,

(Why is there a sudden change in my attitude, nowadays.)

Ankhein Meri Har Jagah Dhoondein Tujhe Bewajah,

(My eyes look for you everywhere, without any reason.)

Yeh Main Hoon Ya Koyi Aur Hai Meri Tarah.

(Is this really me or someone else.)

Kaise Hua Kaise Hua How did it happen? Tu Itna Zaroori Kaise Huwa,

(How did you become so important (or essential) to me?)

"Kya hua?" Kathryn asked hardly understanding the meaning of that song.

"Pyaar hua, pagal. Love happened." Arjun pulled her cheeks, forgetting his anger. Kathy slapped his hands away and glared at him.

"Kids" Veer sighed.

"You sing so well" Naira complimented him. He still hadn't let her hand go and she didn't want him to.

"Thank you" he planted a small kiss on her knuckle before placing her hand back on her lap. Naira blushed.

"You guys are perfect for each other." Veer said happily. My sister is in safe hands. He thought with a sigh.

"Want me to dedicate a song for you, sweetheart?" Arjun asked nicely.

"No" she was mad at him.

"Just hear me sing. You will love it."



"Okay but before singing, you have to kiss me... Right in front of your folks" She challenged him.

"Excuse me guys" he hurriedly mumbled and pulling her by her neck, he softly sealed her lips with his and slowly nibbled her lips.

Inayat and Naira scrunched their eyes tightly. Veer and Yash watched their respective pair with a smile.

"I love you. I will do anything for you" Arjun confessed after breaking the kiss.

"Sing. Now."

Smiling he turned around and said "Forgive me guys, I am going to sing an American pop song for my American girl so that she can understand." 

"I've been dancing on top of cars and stumbling out of bars
I follow you through the dark, can't get enough

You're the medicine and the pain, the tattoo inside my brain
And, baby, you know it's obvious

I'm a sucker for you
You say the word and I'll go anywhere blindly
I'm a sucker for you, yeah..."

(Song: Sucker - by Jonas Brothers)

"Suck!" She thrust her middle finger in his mouth stopping him from singing. "Suck, babyyyyy"

Arjun pulled her hand out as he groaned. "Gawdddd"

"Oh boy! You are so squeamish" Yash pinched Arjun's cheek just like he did to Naira a while ago saying the same line. Naira beamed happily at her man for avenging her.

"No, I am not. I am just getting turned on"

"She just asked you to suck her finger. Don't let your imagination run wild."

Naira slapped Yash, blushing.

"Allah Allah" Inayat softly muttered closing her eyes, blushing profusely. All their dirty talks and open display of affection were so new to her. Veer chuckled and quickly kissed her pink cheek. She opened her eyes and looked at him first and then looked around, scandalized, cupping her cheek where he kissed her. She sighed when the other two couples missed their 'stolen' kiss moment.

"Ah, it's paining. You really pinched me hard." Arjun said as he rubbed his cheek.

Yash grinned not at all feeling guilty.

"It's okay. It's okay. I will kiss it better." Kathryn placed soft kissed on his cheek making him forget his pain.


"Madhu... Madhu..." Rishab called his sleeping wife and gently shook her shoulders to wake her up.

"What?" Madhu grumbled sleepily.

"Where is our baby?"

"What baby? Who baby?" Madhu asked in confusion.

"Our baby. Our Naira. She is not in her room." Rishab said, panicking.

"Madhu..." He patted her cheeks when she had gone back to sleep.

"Don't disturb me." She groaned.

"Madhu, please, wake up. We have to find our daughter."

"Our sons are also not at home" she mumbled with her eyes still closed.

"Who cares about them?" He said irately. They know to bring their asses safely to home. He just wanted to know where his daughter was. "Wait! Is Inayat home?" He worried for his other daughter. "Madhu, wake up and answer me, dammit?" He yelled at his wife for sleeping without any care.

Madhu sat up, startled and then joining her hands, she said "Husband, I am so sorry..."

"Why are you saying sorry?" He asked confused.

"Now I understood how annoying and how maddeningly angry it makes you when you were ruthlessly woken up in the middle of your sleep. I have done that so many times to you and I sincerely regret it now. Please forgive me." She fake cried.

He looked at her as if she had gone mad. What was he asking and what was she blabbering? "Tell me where are Naira and Inayat without irritating me."

"They are in our apartment. All of them. Arjun called me and told his car broke down somewhere near our apartment so they went there to spend the night. They will come home tomorrow morning."

"They could have simply took a cab and got home, right?"

"They might have not got a cab at that time. It's okay. Let them have some fun time. You stop worrying and sleep."

"You sleep" he said and stood up.

Madhu watched her husband walk to the balcony area and stand there with his head bowed, sadly.

"What's bothering him now?" She asked to herself and kicking the duvet off her legs, she jumped out of the bed and walked to him. She stood closer to him but he didn't seem to notice her presence. He was lost deep in his thought. What is he thinking now? Oh husband, what is wrong with you? Why do you look so sad, even scared?

"Rishab?" Madhu called him gently as she placed her hand on his shoulder and rubbed him there.


"What happened?"

"Nothing" he said without looking at her.

"No, something is bothering you. I have been noticing you for the past few days and you look worried. You are not sleeping properly, eating properly. What's wrong? Just tell me so that I can help you."

"I just panicked when I couldn't find Naira in her room."

"What were you doing in her room?" She asked gently rubbing his chest.

"Madhu, every night when I wake up in the middle of my sleep to use the restroom, I take a minute to go and check on our daughter to make sure she is safe and having a good sleep."

What if she needed me and my help?

"God! Rishab, you made that a ritual?" She asked in disbelief.

When Naira had met with that gut-wrenching car accident, she was in immense pain and she couldn't sleep at night. She would cry for dad and he would run to her room, craddle her to his chest like a baby and put her to sleep. He would sit with her all night and take care of her. Helped her when she had struggle walking to the restroom. Coaxed her and fed her. Made her take her medicine on time. He literally did everything for her.

Well, ever since that accident, he would wake up in the middle of his sleep and go to her room to see she was fine and sleeping.

"Our Naira is absolutely fine now so you stop worrying. You are only spoiling your health." She scolded him.

"Look, she is going to get married in two weeks and she will be moving out. So you stop this habit of checking in on her at untime and better get some proper sleep. You look tired."

"Just two more weeks, right?"

"Rishab, please..."

"Why my baby grew up so fast? Why she has to get married? Why can't she just stay with her daddy?" He asked, his eyes welled up.

"Oh Rishab" Madhu hugged her husband tightly. "Please control yourself. Our baby is going to start a new phase in her life. So just feel happy for her."

"I am happy but at the same time I am scared. What if Yash hurts my baby? What if he doesn't take care of her like I do? What if he doesn't like her? What if he leaves her just like his father left him and his mother? What if..."

"Shush" she covered his mouth with her fingers. It broke her to see him like this, so vulnerable. "Stop crying please. It's hurting me." Madhu too had tears seeing her beloved husband in pain.

"I am sorry, Madhu..." he hugged her and rested his chin on her shoulder. "I can't bear it if he hurts my baby" he whispered.

"You weren't this worried when she got engaged to Roshan. Then why now?"

"I know Roshan. I have seen him right from the day he was born. I have seen his love for Naira so I had this confidence that he would treat my princess like a queen so I wasn't that worried. I even had this plan of making them stay at our house even after marriage so that I won't miss my daughter."

Madhu shook her head. Roshan wouldn't have agreed for that.

"But Yash... I don't know him thoroughly. I know he is a gentleman... But..."

"He is not like his father. He is different. He is nice. You only made me understand this when I was in dilemma whether to choose him for Naira or not, remember?"

He nodded his head.

"He will love our daughter as much as he loves his mother. I have full confidence in him."

"You do?" 

"Yes" she smiled. "He won't hurt our daughter. Ever if he hurts her by mistake it's fine as long as he loves her truly and takes honest effort to heal her." She said that with her personal experience. Her husband had hurt her at times and she had hurt him in return but that didnt kill their relationship. They had only taken some extra efforts to not hurt one another. "And also I believe, some hurt and pain will only teach you how to love someone without hurting them."

"That's a nice one."

She smiled.

"Oh and Rishab, we are not getting our daughter married to some NRI and sending her abroad. She is going to live nearby. We can go to her home whenever we feel like seeing her. And they can come here during weekends and stay with us." She told to ease his worry.

"Things seem better now. Thanks, Madhu."

"Shall we sleep now?" She asked brushing aside his thanks.

"Sure" he let her walk first and closing the balcony door, he followed her to their bed. 

"You didn't cry like this even when our son joined the army and left home."

"I have told you already that only you and Naira have the power to make me cry, didn't I?"

His sons were just his sons but his girls were his Angels. He loved them so much. And if they got hurt, he would be damned.

"I don't want that power, Rishab, because I can't see you crying, ever."

He leaned in and kissed her forehead lovingly.

"And Husband, I love you" she whispered making his heart jump in joy.

... To be continued!

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