Part 1

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Author's note - New readers, please read "Part One - Darling, I Love You" before starting this book, otherwise you won't get the continuity.

Unedited short update!

Part - 1


"When you hold your marriage as your sacred property you will do everything to protect it"


Yash walked into his room and sighed,  taking in the sight. His room was appreciably decorated with flowers and scented candles were lit everywhere setting a pleasant mood but he couldn't care much about them now. He had other priorities.

He locked the door behind him and leaned his back on it as he gazed at his sinfully beautiful wife sitting on the middle of the bed and crying uncontrollably.

He walked closer to her and sat next to her before taking her hand in his. She lifted her head up from her propped up knees and looked into his eyes before lauching herself at him.

He held her gently in his arms and patted her head. He didn't know how to console her. He had tried every trick but still couldn't put a smile on her face. Even when they had to play some fun games as a part of their wedding ritual, she wasn't happy. She just couldn't wait to be taken to her room so that she could melt down.

"Naira, baby... Hush now." He pressed his lips on her temple. "Enough with the crying. I can't bear seeing you like this. Please."

"I want to go home." She cried against his chest.

"Alright. I will take you home." If that was going to stop her cry then he would willingly do that. "You go change into something comfortable and come. I will take you to your daddy." He knew she was missing him terribly.

She was impressively strong while leaving her home but broke down when she saw her father cry. Even he was stunned when Rishab took his hand and literally begged him not to hurt his baby girl.

Yash couldn't forget her father's look of gratitude when he promised him "Naira is a like child to me. I will take good care of her, dad."

"Really? You will take me to my home?" Naira asked. He nodded his head and pecked on her cheek.

"Thank you, Yash" she hugged him once more before jumping out of the bed and grabbing her things from her suitcase, she headed to the bathroom.

Yash walked to the balcony and leaning on the railing, he waited for Naira to change.

Twenty minutes later, Naira emerged out of the bathroom freshly showered. She was wearing palazzo pants and T shirt. Her hair was dripping wet.

"You are going to come in that?" He asked as he didn't find her dressing appropriate.

She shook her head and went and sat in front of the dressing table.

"Give it to me." He said as he took the towel from her hand and started drying her hair.

"I am sorry" Naira whispered.

"Why, baby?" He asked looking at her in the mirror.

"For crying... For being tough to console."

"I understand you. I understand what you're going through now." he lifted her chin up and bending down, he planted a kiss on her forehead.

"While I was showering, I got some time to relax and think..."


"It wouldn't be nice to go home now. Your mom will feel bad..."

"You don't have to worry about her. I will explain to her. She will understand."

"And my parents will also get disappointed." She added.

"So what you wanna do?"

"Sleep, maybe" she whispered.

"Sure. Anything you want."

She weakly smiled at her husband before walking to the bed and curling up on it.

Yash looked at her for few good seconds before getting into the dressing room to change.

Moments later, Yash switched off the lights and cuddled up next to her.

"Naira, are you crying again?" He asked switching on the bedside lamps.

Naira pulled the duvet over her head refusing to face him.

"Naira, please don't hide from me." He yanked the duvet down and cupped her cheek with one hand. "Talk to me?"

"My legs are paining" she cried.

"Oh darling" he rested his head on her and closed his eyes feeling a bit relieved that she wasn't missing her home and crying again. "Wait, I will come." He quickly went and brought a pouch.

"Who gave you this?" She asked recognising that pouch. It was her medical kit.

"Your dad" he unzipped the pouch and took out an oil bottle. Ayurvedic pain relief oil. "Show me your legs. I will massage them."

"No, I will manage..." She hugged her legs with her arms.


"I have let only my dad to massage my legs... I will feel awkward if you..."

"Your dad is not here but I am. And you don't have to feel awkward around me. I am your husband for God sake."

"Are you angry?"

"No, I am not. I am just frustrated..."

"Why? Is it because our first night is not going as you planned?"

"No! It's not that. It's actually... I feel so helpless. Just let me ease your physical pain, at least." He pleaded.

"Yash, you don't have to..."

"Show me your Goddamn legs, Naira"

"Alright big guy. Chill, okay?" She tapped his cheek with her knuckles before rolling her pants up.

"Thighs or knee joint or calves?" He asked.

"Calf muscle. And don't put too much oil."

"Okay" he pour some oil into his palm before rubbing it on her legs. Then he started massaging both her legs at once. "Am I doing it right?" He asked. "I have never given a massage to anyone before so I don't know." He felt like he was just squeezing her muscles.

"I am glad to hear that. And yes, you are doing fine. Thank you."

"Stop being formal with me." He scolded her.

She smiled and observed his face. "You seem so relaxed and happy."

"You are right." He grinned. "Till the end moment I was shit scared that you might call off our wedding..." She glared at him for saying that. "But now that we are married I feel so relaxed and happy."

"If I hadn't called off my wedding with Roshan, you wouldn't be massaging my legs now."

He laughed. "True"

"My legs are not sexy with scars, right?" She had a huge scar on her right calf and small scars on both knees. 

Only then he realized that he was mechanically massaging her legs and didn't see them properly yet.

"I beg to differ here." He lifted her right leg up to his mouth and peppered kisses on her scar and then whipped his oily lips with his T shirt making Naira laugh.

"Do you have any scars?" Naira asked casually but Yash tensed up.

"What? You do?"

He nodded his head.

"Show me" she sat up.

At first he hesitated but then pulled the neck of his shirt down and showed her his chest region.

Naira moved closer and gently touched his scar. "How did you get this?" She asked curiously as it looked like a scar from stab wound.

"Your legs still aching?" He asked changing topic.

"No. I feel better now."

"Shall we sleep then?"

"Answer me first and then we can sleep."

"I stabbed myself." He said avoiding eye contact with her. He worried what she would think of him. A coward?

"Did you try to..."

"No! It wasn't a suicidal move."


"I consciously inflicted pain to forget another pain."

Naira gasped and went utterly silent, just staring at his scar.

"Do you think I am weak? Do you hate me, Naira?" Yash asked with eyes full of fear.

"No! Never! I am just shocked." She could barely speak. "Wondering what could be that excruciatingly painful thing that made you do this?" She whispered caressing his scar.

"Love" he breathed.

"Love? Did you do this for not getting your father's love?"

He rolled his eyes. "I don't give a fuck about that man!" He said vehemently.

"Then you did this for a girl?"

He put his head in his hands feeling all kind of foolish.

"I can't believe this, Yash!" Naira knew he had loved someone in the past but never knew it was this deep. She assumed it was something similar to her love story, baseless and silly.

"How many years of love?"

"8 years of love and it's been 6 years since break up."

She didn't ask why they broke up because she knew it already. She remembered Yash telling her once about it that the girl's father talked wrongly about his mother being a divorcee and he had punched the man on his face in return. There, their love story ended. He told so but it didn't seem like that to her now.

"When did you do this bizarre thing?" She asked taking a look at that scar again. It looked deep but faded.

"On her wedding day which happened soon after our breakup."

"I see" she wrung her fingers nervously as she kept staring at his scar.

"Naira, don't be scared of me... I will never ever get violent and I will never ever hurt you..."

"Oh please! I know to protect myself even if you get violent. My dad has trained me well." She said proudly.


"It's you I am concerned about. You just don't commit self-harm again. It's fundamentally wrong." She admonished him.

"I know. I am sorry."

"Did you think of your mother once before doing this?" She asked. Yash lowered his gaze feeling ashamed.

"I can't even think what she might have gone through then but I am sure her pain would have been lot worse than yours."

Yash nodded his head agreeing with her.

"Poor woman, all she has is you in her life so never do anything stupid like this." She said that and planted a gentle kiss on his scar, healing him completely.

"I won't. I promise." He hugged her tightly.

"Do you still love this girl?" She asked breaking the hug and looking straight at him.

"No! I love you now."

That statement made her lips to quiver up.

"I couldn't forget her for long." He confessed. "Even after her memories faded away I didn't want to get married. But that thought changed the moment I met you."

"What's so special about me?"

He shrugged.

"Okay. Let's sleep" Naira said deciding not to probe him further. He had already revealed a lot to her.



"I have a wish..."

"What's it?"

"I want to kiss you" he had dreamed of kissing his wife on their wedding night. He wished for that dream to come true now. "May I?" He sought for her permission.

"You may" she blushed.

He brought his hands to cup her face but stopped.


"One moment, please." He put the oil bottle back in the pouch and put it in the top drawer. Then he raced to the bathroom to wash his hands.

"God! My husband can be frustrating!"

"Sorry about that." After minute, he came back wiping his wet hands. "I didn't like that oil smell in my hands."

She chuckled. "Alright. Come. Let's kiss." When he sat next to her, she snaked her arms around his neck and pulled him down. "I love you, Yash" she whispered before locking their lips. Yash had planned to give her a gentle kiss and let her sleep after that but the moment their lips touched, he lost control. His hands started moving all over her body and she started reacting to his touch. He moved his lips down to her neck and kissed her there.

"Ahhh" Naira yelped when he unconsciously squeezed her breast little hard and that broke the spell. He stopped his trail of kisses.

"Oh, baby, I love much" he said passionately roughly holding her cheeks. "and I want to show it to you..." He kissed her lips hard and deep. "But not tonight. You are not ready for it." He kissed her forehead before turning off the lights and lying beside her.

"I enjoyed my first ever kiss." Naira whispered and hugged him.

... To be continued!

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