Part 13

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After a long gap, I am back with a short update. Hope you all will like it.

Oh and before you ask, I will try to be regular from now on and update all my stories soon! Thanks for your patience!


Part - 13


"Sensitive people are like angel with broken wings. They fly only when they are loved."


"How many more days you're gonna take before breaking the good news to our family, Inayat?" Veer asked.

"Veer, I'll tell them soon" Inayat walked to the balcony so that she wouldn't disturb a sleeping Kathryn.

"I don't get why you are holding up this news. Inayaa, they are our family. They deserve to know about your impending pregnancy."

"Tomorrow. I will tell everyone, tomorrow."

"Alright. Tomorrow is new year and this would be the best news for them to hear."


"But I don't get why you took almost a week. What's happening there, Inayaa? Is everything cool there?" He asked suspiciously.

"Um... Yes." She didn't want to tell him about the current heated situation at home. He would worry.

"Are you hiding something from me, Inayaa? You didn't sound sure to me."

"Veer, we are all fine here. You don't worry."

"Did you see a gynaecologist there?"

"No. Not yet."

"Inayaa!" He got mad at her but he controlled himself as he didn't want to scold her. "Tell mom everything tomorrow and take her with you to the hospital. See a doc and take a scan first. I will be waiting to see our little one's first ever pic."

"Okay" Inayat said with a smile. Even she couldn't wait to take a scan and see her baby.

Inayat was busy talking with her husband over the phone so she didn't notice Arjun entering her room.

Arjun was unsteady at his feet as he had too much to drink. He stumbled towards the bed where Kathryn was sleeping and knelt down beside her.

Kathryn had her tattooed hand outstretched and Arjun gently traced his finger tip over the 'baby in womb' design tattoo.

He bent down to kiss the tattoo when Kathryn pulled her hand away. She woke up when he touched her.

"What are you doing here, Arjun?" Kathryn asked as she eyed him closely. "You are drunk!" She stated matter of fact. "Get out of the room before Inayat di comes." She knew about Inayat's intolerance towards drunk people.

"Kath...ryn..." Arjun slurred. "Wanna ask you one thing..."


"The baby..."

"For crying out loud, I didn't kill the baby, Arjun. I had a miscarriage. This is not only your lose but mine too. I am in pain too both physically and mentally so please... Spare me! I am tired." Kathryn said in an angry whisper. She wanted to get that clear to him so that he would leave the place. She didn't want Inayat to panic.

Arjun heard nothing. His mind was blocked with ugly thoughts.

"Tell me... That... That baby was not mine."

Kathryn gaped at him in shock as her eyes stung with tears.

"That baby wasn't mine, right? You didn't kill my baby, right? Tell me that and put me at ease, Kathryn. Please." Arjun begged as he looked tormented.  "That was Alex's baby, right? You fucked him, right?" He asked without any emotion. "Yes. That's possible." Momentarily he looked sober and he scooted closer to her so that he could meet her eyes. "You said we conceived the baby 6 weeks ago, right? That time Alex was also here, right? He stayed in your apartment and you also wanted to bring him to my sister's wedding, right?" He asked but Kathryn remained mute. She couldn't believe Arjun could stoop so low. "Right! Right! Not my baby. Not my baby." He repeated that like a mad man. "You didn't kill my baby. I need not worry."

"Get out, Arjun!" Kathryn looked raged but kept her tone mild. 

"You get out of my house because I hate to see your bitch face." Arjun said gritting his teeth as he stood up from the floor with the support of the bed.

Hearing the commotion, Inayat ran back to her room after quickly hanging up the call.

"What are you doing here, Arjun?"

"Bhabhi... I have news for you." Arjun walked closer to Inayat but she moved back.

"Stay away!"

"Oh c'mon bhabhi. I am just a little drunk." He moved further closer.

"Arjun, stay away from me." She shoved him away, gently.

"Okay. Okay. I will maintain distance. Cool, bhabhi." He took two steps backward.

"Arjun, go to your room. We will talk about everything tomorrow."

"The baby wasn't mine." He blurted.

"What nonsense?"

"It's no nonsense. If you have doubts, ask her, your new cunning, killer sister."

"Arjun, you better leave before I call Abu."

"Call him. Call mom. Call everyone. Tell them all that she didn't kill my baby."

"Of course she didn't kill your baby."

"Yeah, she killed Alex's baby so I need not care about it. He should only care... well, only if he wasn't part of the abortion plan." He said with a shrug. "I just have only one thing to do... end things with her for deceiving me and sleeping with Alex. Wait... there is actually nothing to end. Everything is done and dusted already. I just wanna kick her out of my house." Arjun tried to pull Kathryn out of the bed but Inayat pushed him away.

"Enough, Arjun! Enough" Inayat shouted. "We have heard enough of your bullshit. Not another word. Just leave my room."


"Please, Arjun. Stop." She begged him. "You will regret for your words and action later." She warned him too.

"I will never." Arjun said as he glared at Kathryn with pure hatred.

Feeling his gaze on her she looked up and in that moment, she knew she had to end things with him once and for all and for that she had to say this.

"You are right, Arjun. The baby I lost wasn't yours." Kathryn said

While he was accusing her, it was just an accusation but when she agreed to it, it sounded real and it was excruciatingly painful for him. He just wanted to twist her neck and kill her for saying it wasn't his baby. It was my fucking baby that you killed, bitch!

"See, she accepted." He said looking at Inayat, now wishing she had denied it. 

"The baby was mine. Only mine." Kathryn continued. "The lose and the pain are mine, not yours, so you can lead your life happily and peacefully." She said but then she wanted to say something harsh and hurt him. She wanted revenge. "No! Wait! You shouldn't find peace and happiness at all." 

"Kathryn, please..." Inayat tried to stop her.

"I curse you, Arjun, you would never father a child because you don't deserve to be a father."

"Kathryn, no!"

"How ruthless of him to say that he wouldn't care if it wasn't his baby, Inu di!" She looked at him in disgust. She would never forgive him in her life for this and she would hate him forever. "Whether the baby was his or not, he should have empathised for the pure soul that left this ugly world even before seeing it." Kathryn couldn't control her tears anymore. It free flowed from her eyes. Arjun looked down in shame.

"Kathryn, he is drunk so he said all those hurtful things which he didn't mean so please forgive him."

"No, Inu di. He meant everything he said."

"Yes, I did" Arjun agreed.

"No, you didn't. You know the baby was yours and the lose of it was hurting you so badly that you couldn't bear it. You somehow wanted to dissipate the pain so you made yourself believe it wasn't yours and forced her to say so, hoping that would help you but trust me, you are in lot more pain now than before"

Arjun looked at Inayat in astonishment because she was damn right.


"Arjun, Kathryn, I know you both are going through a lot of pain now but please don't give up on each other. Please be each other's strength and support as you need each other more now than ever."

"I hate him, Inu di."

"And I hate her, bhabhi"

"We are over."

"Yes, we are." Arjun agreed.

"I will leave this place..."

"Good" Arjun momentarily looked relieved hearing that.

"But not before proving to you that I didn't kill my baby. And that day, you will beg at my feet seeking forgiveness." She vowed more to herself.

"That day will never come, bitch!"

"Get out, Arjun!" Inayat had enough and shouted at him. "Get out!" She literally pushed him out of her room.


"Happy New Year, Madhu" Rishab whispered near her ear.

"Hmmm... Happy new year, husband. Love you." Madhu mumbled in her sleep.

"I will go wish our kids and come."

"They must be asleep by now so don't disturb them."

"I will just go check if they are awake or not."

"Hmm" Madhu hummed and buried her face deep in her pillow.

Rishab got out of the bed and walked to the door when he heard some commotion outside.

"Get out, Arjun! Get out!"

Rishab got mad hearing his daughter in law scream at his son and pushing him out of her room.

Arjun stumbled back and hit his father's front. He thought he got his balance but he lost it when Rishab rudely pushed him away making him fall flat on his butt.

"Dad!" Arjun looked up, pissed.

"Did you go to her room drunk?" Rishab asked ferociously as he grabbed him up by his collar. "How dare you?" Rishab gritted his teeth. He so wanted to throw a bunch on his son's face but he restrained himself for Inayat's sake. "Didn't I warn you about going anywhere near her when you are drunk?"

"Abu, please.. please let him go. He didn't trouble me. He just came to talk with Kathryn but they ended up fighting..."

"Did he hurt her?" Rishab asked Inayat now shifting his concern towards Kathryn. 

Inayat gulped refusing to tell the truth otherwise Arjun would be in more trouble.

"Did he?" Rishab asked sternly.

"Abu... He's drunk... He didn't mean what he said..."

"What did he say to hurt her?"

"Abu... Please let him go. Please." Inayat begged. Rishab instantly released his grip on Arjun deciding to deal with his asshole son later. 

"Dad... Don't trust her. She is a lying bi..." Inayat covered his mouth with her palm and dragged him upstairs to his room.


After dumping Arjun in his bed and covering him with his comforter, Inayat turned around to walk back to her room when he held her hand and mumbled in a drunken haze "I love her, bhabhi"

"I know, Arjun. She loves you too." Inayat whispered caressing his hair.

"Then why did she do this to me?" He asked as tears streamed down his cheeks.

"Arjun, she didn't do anything wrong. Please try to understand her." She said helplessly.

"She didn't want to marry me so she killed the baby."

"You are wrong! She would never do that." Inayat said having blind faith in her.

"For crying out loud, she consumed drugs"

"Did you see her take drugs? What if someone had forced it on her?" Inayat questioned.

"Who would do that?" Arjun asked now sobering up. He never thought of that possibility. Could she be really innocent? If that was true then he would be damned. Kathryn would never forgive him!

"You think. I don't know."

"Alex! Where was he when she found out she was pregnant?" Arjun loudly wondered as his face turned pale. Did that fucker do something to my Kathy and my baby? If yes, I would kill him with my bare hands! He threw the comforter off him and made a mad dash to see Kathryn. Inayat followed him.

Arjun stopped at the door way hearing loud sobs. Oh baby!

Kathryn was crying her heart out and Rishab was trying to console her.

"Kathy..." Arjun softly called her name.

"What the hell are you doing here, Arjun?" Rishab roared.

"Abu, he wants to talk to Kathryn for a minute. Please let him."

"No, Inayat! He had hurt her enough! I am not going to let him hurt her more."

"Abu, it's important so please..."

"Arjun, leave!" Rishab ordered her.

"I just want to know where was Alex when she had the miscarriage?" Arjun shot his question directly at Kathryn but she didn't reply. She had her face buried in Rishab's chest.

"Answer me, Kathryn" he rudely pulled her out of his father's protective embrace.

"Why should I answer you? Who are you to me in the first place?"

"Kathryn, we have plenty of time to debate on this later but now I want answer for my question."

"Did he come to see you on your birthday?"


"Did he know about your pregnancy?"


"You sure?"

She remained silent as she wasn't sure.

"Did anyone else come to see you after I left your place that night?"

"No!" I don't know!

"What exactly happened after I left?"

"I cried till sleep took over me. Next day I woke up in hospital bed. That's all I remember."

"So you didn't take drugs?"

Kathryn glared at him fiercely.

"Why did you refuse to marry me?"

"Because I didn't want to..."

"Why? Don't you like me?"

"I do" she said but then corrected herself "I did."


"Please leave" she wanted no further conversation with him. She was tired, physically and emotionally.

Sighing, he left the room in a confused state of mind.

"Stop crying, sweet girl" Rishab softly said caressing her hair.

Lifting her head up his chest, she shed a smile at him. She was grateful of him and Inayat for being her pillars of support otherwise she would have crumbled down.

The silence and peace in the room was broken by someone's phone ringing sound.

"Kathryn, it's your phone." Inayat unplugged her phone from the charging cable and handed it over to Kathryn.

Seeing her mother's name Simran flashing on the screen she got violently mad.

Gritting her teeth angrily, she threw the phone aiming at the wall and it crashed down into pieces.

Inayat jump in fright.

Rishab shook his head tiredly.

... To be continued! 





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