About Me and This Book

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"Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun."
—Mary Lou

Hello all! 🥰

So... yes, this is a new review shop. If you know me, Karin, you'll know that I do a lot of reviews/critiques on here for the past 3 years (you can check my bio for more info).

However bizarre it might be, now that Wattpad is going downhill and I have lost 50% of my interest to stay here, I found A LOT of great books on here that made me go "Okay, Wattpad doesn't deserve you. You deserve better."

And I found the books MYSELF from various sources, NOT from Wattpad recommendations. Never once did I enjoy what Wattpad recommended to me 🙄

So I am making this review shop because I believe I can find more great stories without the direct 'help' from Wattpad.

Because who's gonna support you if not the community itself? We 'lost' our milieu when Wattpad shut down the newsfeed and the forum. Seriously? A writing platform without a forum for discussion? That's why I explored Tapas and RoyalRoad, and I am actually doing better there. Pfft.

Though what they lack is a community like Wattpad, which explains why I still am doing this. I see new writers who joined this site in 2020, and just so you know, Wattpad has been a better place. 😔

Anyway, enough ranting!

Let's just get to the rules:

1. This is a review shop. Meaning, it's a service. Give and take. I will review one of your chapter (1st chapter, but you can also ask me to review a specific chapter, though I would probably not understand the plot that way).

2. You don't have to follow me. You just have to review my first chapter too. I have two books, Boneca [fully edited] and Black, Blue, and Dripping Red [1st draft]. Pick one. Once you completed the review, I will review your chapter 1 in return.

3. I read ALL genres (including poetry) except GxG and close fanfic (is that what it's called? Close vs open fanfic? Idk.)

4. If you write poetry, you can review my poetry book, Embark! 😁

5. This will be a rating and review/critique system. The scores will be 0-5 (yes, I give people 0, so live with it).

6. The layout of MY review and YOUR review will look like this:

Style score: x/5
Story score: x/5
Grammar score: x/5
Character score: x/5
Overall score: x/5

Short review (around 200 words):

Leave the score and review in my chapter 1 outline comment. I won't ask you to leave inlines if you don't want to, but I will know if you don't read my story. I always know. If that happens, I will not review your book in return. I write your review here in this book, you write your review in my 1st chapter.

7. This is more of a... disclaimer: I am not a native speaker. I can sound rude without meaning to, so I apologize in advance, but I promise I will try to be sweet and not give any of you 0. 🥰 I am also a new writer (seriously, I think calling myself a new writer is becoming more and more of a fallacy nowadays, but I have only started writing 2 years ago, so I am relatively new) so I am in no way a senior writer or a professional amateur or something in the ballpark. I am doing this to learn more about writing myself. Reviews (giving and gaining) help me a lot. Go on and tell me my book sucks. I will stomach it and improve.

8. How will you know I enjoy your story? I will add it in my reading list and read on. I will also make a 'MASTERPIECE' chapter to list your story if I love it to death or I think anyone would enjoy your kind of story.

9. Getting a good review or a 5 doesn't necessarily mean I enjoy your story because we all have our preferences, but if your book is good, I won't consider my enjoyment. Your book might be someone else's preference, so you deserve the good review regardless.

10. By filling the form, you consent to the rules stated here in this chapter. I will not take down any reviews. Don't even try to ask me to take it down. I will sue you, boi.

11. Another little disclaimer: I would probably take more than a day or a week to get the review done, but I will get it done. No explanation will be given.

12. Tag away if you know anyone who is in serious need of a review/critique.

13. If you want me review more chapters, head to DreamlandCommunity where I do reviews for their Dreamland Reviews book.

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, ‘I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.’ You must do the thing you think you cannot do.”
Eleanor Roosevelt

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