Hedwig Beilschmidt

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Name: Hedwig Beilschmidt

Age: Nine-teen

Gender: Female

Sexuality: No one knows, not even Hedwig herself. She just wants someone who loves and accepts her.

Species: She's part Snake

Looks: (Still need to draw) She's a little under average height, at 5'3. Her skin is tan and her hair is a dark brown, almost black. Her eyes a soft hazel color, that change with her emotions, the happier she is, the closer to grey they become. She's a bit on the chubby size, but you wouldn't consider her fat. She has many random scars on her body, from her own clumsiness..And some are for a darker reason. She has small holes near her nose and mouth like a ball python, her bottom half looks like a cinnamon ball python .Her everyday clothing consists of a hoodie, and a rainbow mohawk wool hat.

Likes: She enjoys music, almost all kinds. She also is a lover for guacamole and burritos! Her favorite food is seafood though. She enjoys singing, and drawing. The girl is OBSESSED with space, the ocean, and bees. She's also REALLY loves hugs and warm things, loving people paying attention to her, but, nothing like worship! Just a pat on the head or a long, comfy hug.

Dislikes: She isn't a big fan of raw chocolate, or Ketchup. She's TERRIFIED of wasps, snow, and being alone. She hated the cold and cold things, and really hates when people manipulate her, or make fun of her. She hates her weight a lot..Well, she pretty much hates most things about herself.  She hates the fact that she is always compelled to apologize for everything.

Personality: She's a very emotional and empathetic person, who has a hard time with people being sad. She's constantly trying to please others, putting their needs before her own, this leads to people manipulating and abusing her. She's very easily depressed, and always puts herself down, because she can't believe any praise people tell her. This can sometimes lead to people being annoyed at her, because she can't accept a compliment. She hates it when she upsets people, and constantly is apologising for everything

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