Mana Saitou - Colored digital

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(This is my first time coloring on Ibispaint, so I'm kinda proud of this piece above!)

Name(Last, first): Saitou Mana

Nickname/s: Saitou-Chan or Saitou-San is what she's usually referred to.

Age: 14

Title: Onmyoji Apprentice

Species: Human

Powers: Summoning shikigami/spirits via paper dolls, basic divinations and basic exorcisms

Sex: Female

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Haven't figured herself out yet

Appearance: Black straight long hair that stops past her waist, with one of her hairbang covering her right eye, pale skin, dark brown/reddish eyes, wears red eyeliners, has a beauty mark under her left eye. 4'11 height with a petite build. Wears a pastel pink furisode kimono with flower prints on them, red hakama skirt, white obi and a peony hairclip. (Look at images for a better visual)

Personality: Contrasting her demure and elegant appearance, Saitou is kinda...weird. Like normally, she's spacey and has an active imagination, it's kind of hard for her to pay attention to conversations she's involved in, even when she tries to pay attention. Sometimes she blurts out random statements for questions that come to mind outloud, some people couldn't tell whether she's being philosophical or just spacing out again. With her pokerface usually on, it's hard to tell what she's thinking. If she's bored, she would either do a small dance while standing or just make up an epic story in her head about Shadow warriors fighting in a Death battle. Can be forgetful at times, but a fast visual learner.

Despite being spacey, she can be observant and honest to the point where she's blunt, even if her intentions are not spiteful. Like if someone ask her if they're getting fat, she'll outright say 'yes, you should probably reel back your eating habits'. Her giving criticism, even if it's unwanted, is her way of helping others along with helping people with evil spirit problems. If anyone doesn't want to hear her criticism, they just have to directly say that to her, otherwise she'll keep doing what she does. Her other way of helping others is besides divinations and giving criticism is to cheer someone up with her strange, slightly morbid sense of humor. It could range from subtle memey jokes to almost stick-her-head-in-a-giant-monster's-mouth su*c*dal slapstick.

Despite her strange mannerisms, she's dedicated to her role as an Onmyoji Apprentice and takes her duty seriously. She's incredibly doting to animals and her shikigamis, to the point where she'll spoil them religiously. Other than her devoted interest in summoning shikigamis, she's also interested in fashion and art(especially East asian ones, bc **AESTHETICS**). It's rare and takes so much to see her angry. The only times she does get angry is when someone insults her shikigamis or her master Masanori. And even then, she would be passive-aggressive, that she would straight-up ignore the person who irritated her.

Status: Single

Abilities: *Since she's still an apprentice, Saitou could only summon smaller shikigamis whereas the formulas and spells to summon them are simple compared to bigger shikigamis. So far, she could successfully summon pipe foxes, inugamis and Tsuchinokos. Any shikigamis larger than those would be difficult to summon, much less than to control. Those shikigamis usually take form of animated paper dolls when not in use.

*Basic divinations include providing blessed charms or talismans and purifying people with with a wave of her haraigushi-Which is a wooden wand with paper streamers attached to it. She also carries pouches of salt with her for purifications too.

*Basic exorcism is just using her talismans to protect or prevent people from being possessed by spirits. Since Saitou is an apprentice, her use of exorcism only works on weaker or smaller spirits.

*She's also practicing to learn how to play the shamisen as a hobby. Right now she's pretty decent at it, and usually play meme songs on it.

Trivia: *Her master, Masanori, is an appointed onmyoji to the Imperial Court. He's basically one of the Emperor's advisors. Personally he doesn't agree with every decision the Emperor makes, though he can't voice his opinions outloud in fear of his life. Saitou shares her master's views, but he insisted to her that she cannot under any circumstances say her opinions around anyone including people who have nothing to do with the Imperial Court.

*Since Saitou is very unexperienced when it comes to fighting, she usually has atleast two bodyguards with her at all times whenever she has to travel outside of the city and Masanori is too busy with his duties. The bodyguards also act as her babysitter.

*She only seen the Emperor's son a few brief times and thought he was a woman.

*She tries to refrain herself from swearing or else grownups, mainly Masanori, would yell at her otherwise and would replace them with just random words. Common phrases are "What the duck", "Dangit", "What the hecky is going on". Sometimes real swear words would slip out whenever she gets frustrated.

*Each of her shikigamis: Momo the shiba inu inugami, Ume the tsuchinoko, and Ringo the pipefox. Momo is curious and eager-to-please, Ume is a sassy alcoholic and has a penchant to lying, and Ringo is an attention-seeking crybaby(think Kermit from Jenna Marbles videos)

(Also keep in mind that I based Saitou off from the Onmyoji mobile game, so some of the Onmyodo/Shinto aspects of her character may not be accurate. If anyone who's more knowlegeable to Onmyodo/Shinto culture see whatever I did wrong, don't be afraid to point them out to me!)



Name: Mana Saitou
Nickname: Doesn't really care for nicknames
Sexuality: Bisexual
Age: 16
Height: 4'll
Weight: Around 100 pounds? Idk, she doesn't keep track of her weight
Home Region: Johto
Family members: Zuki Saitou, Mother, alive and is still working as one of the kimono girls. Harry Saitou, Father, alive and is working as a sailor.
Regions Visited: Johto and Alola
Appearance: Black straight long hair that stops past her waist, with one of her hairbang covering her right eye, pale skin, dark brown/reddish eyes, wears red eyeliners, has a beauty mark under her left eye. 4'11 height with a petite build. Wears a pastel pink furisode kimono with flower prints on them, red hakama skirt, white obi and a peony hairclip.

Personality: Contrasting her demure and elegant appearance, Saitou is kinda...weird. Like normally, she's spacey and has an active imagination, it's kind of hard for her to pay attention to conversations she's involved in, even when she tries to pay attention. Sometimes she blurts out random statements for questions that come to mind outloud, some people couldn't tell whether she's being philosophical or just spacing out again. With her pokerface usually on, it's hard to tell what she's thinking. If she's bored, she would either do a small dance while standing or just make up an epic story in her head about Shadow warriors fighting in a Death battle. Can be forgetful at times, but a fast visual learner.

Despite being spacey, she can be observant and honest to the point where she's blunt, even if her intentions are not spiteful. Like if someone ask her if they're getting fat, she'll outright say 'yes, you should probably reel back your eating habits'. Her giving criticism, even if it's unwanted, is her way of helping others. If anyone doesn't want to hear her criticism, they just have to directly say that to her, otherwise she'll keep doing what she does. Her other way of helping others is cheering someone up with her strange, slightly morbid sense of humor. It could range from subtle memey jokes to almost stick-her-head-in-a-gyarado's-mouth su*c*dal slapstick. Despite her strange mannerisms, she's dedicated to being a pokemon trainer and takes her role seriously. Incredibly doting to pokemon in general, especially her own where she'll spoil them religiously. Other than her interest in pokemon, she's also interested in art and fashion.

It's rare and takes so much to see her angry. The only times Mana does get angry is when someone insults her pokemon or people hurting pokemon. She would be passive-aggressive at the former at best. And the latter, she won't hesitate to hurl verbal abuse at the perpetrator, even allowing her pokemon to attack them while Mana stands around and watches the chaos unfurl. So yeah, if anyone wanta to stay on her good side, don't ever abuse pokemon.

Flaws:*Spacey asf. Even if Mana tries to pay attention, if the conversation or lecture she's hearing sounds boring or the scenery looks too beautiful that she lost herself in it, her attention tends to drift off. Sometimes her pokemon has to snap her out of it.

*Forgetful sometimes. Most of the time, it's moments of her forgetting to buy some healing items or pokeballs. Occassionally she'll forget to set her alarm up when she has to get up and challenge a gym.

*Blunt. While she does intend to help people improve themselves, sometimes her criticism comes across as too brutal and sometimes she's unaware that some people wouldn't be able to handle that.

*Reckless. Combined with her attention that seems to wander all over the place and her morbid sense of humor, she's pretty much a danger to herself. She always make sure to make up with her pokemon, who always had to look out for her and save her out of risky situations.

Ace Pokemon: Leafeon named "Vivi", Female, Lv 67, knows Leaf Blade, Giga Drain, Last Resort and Magical Leaf

Pokemon: *Leafeon "Vivi"
*Dragonite "Aoi", Female, Lv 66, knows Hyper Beam, Dragon Tail, Fire Punch, and Thunder Punch
*Steelix "Ume", Female, Lv 66, knows Iron Tail, Dig, Thunder Fang and Ice Fang
*Lycanroc(Midday form) "Momo", Male, Lv 65, knows Crunch, Accelerock, Stone Edge, and Stealth Rock
*Primarina "Shigure", Male, Lv 65, knows Sparkling Aria, Moonblast, Hydro Pump, and Icy Wind
*Mimikyu "Ringo", Male, Lv 64, knows Shadow claw, Play Rough, Slash, and Shadow Sneak

Other:*Mana recently took up playing stringed instruments as her hobby. Shamisens and Koto are her favorite instruments.

*If I were to describe her pokemons personalities:
-Vivi is known to be serious, vigilant, high-strung and diplomatic
-Aoi is sky, kind, empathetic, yet is possessive of her personal space and belongings
-Ume is lazy, sassy, sarcastic, but laidback
-Momo is energetic, eager-to-please, curious, and loves food
-Shigure is relaxed, docile, sweet, and acts like a nurtering parental figure contrasting Vivi's stern demeanor.
-Ringo is...pretty much an attention-seeking crybaby lol. If a situation doesn't focus on him, he contantly would cry for anyone's attention and would suspiciously stops when he gets what he wants. Even Mana sometimes couldn't tell if his cries are either genuine or not. Tends to steal small things when no one is looking and is the most feral(tm) of the bunch.

Crush: Barry(DP), Hau(SM), Gold(GS), Hop(SwSh)

Background: Mana was born and raised in Ecruteak City, Johto. Most of her life, she was raised to take the mantle as one of Kimono Girls. That is until she turns 10, that she builds up the courage to tell her parents that she rather wants to be a Pokemon Trainer instead. Thankfully both of them, along with the rest of the Kimono Girls, understood and respected her decision. The only problem they're worried about is...Mana's inattentiveness and tendency to get easily distracted. With that in mind, Zuki gave the girl her starter pokemon, an eevee which she nicknamed "Vivi". Since Vivi was also raised into the family when she was an egg, her and Mana pretty much grew up together and is conditioned to act as the girl's babysitter and bodyguard. With Vivi around, Mana's parents' worries are put at ease and send their daughter off on her journey.

Bonus: Here's my first draft of Saitou!

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