Tacko "Mimos" - Sketch

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Another one of my alien characters for Some_Random_Person98's rp book, "Somewhat Super"!

I know her skin is suppose to be pale orange, but meh.

Mimos' human disguise is in the next page for those who wants to check it out.


Name: Tacko
Codename: Mimos
Race: Cilia ( Octopus/squid people, with almost humanoid features above the torso. They have six tentacles in place of their feet and two in place of their arms, black bug-like eyes and no hair. Though they have their upper bodies resembling human-shape, they lack internal skeleton and they are entirely covered in smooth and shiny skin of variety of colors, more like an octopus or a squid. They also have small gills on each sides of their heads, in places where ears should be) (It's sort of hard to describe this race. I'll draw a pic of them in my Art book so anyone can have a better ideo on what I'm talking about XD)

Age: 2 (Appears to be 16-17. Like octopuses in general, Cilias have a short lifespan that can range from 2-5 human years)
Schooling: Junior in High school
Affiliation: Gang - Miasma
Rank: Maintenance (Demoted from Infiltrator after a mission incident she caused, which almost compromised the Miasma gang. Mostly does the cleaning, since last time she tried cooking, she caused a fire in the base kitchens.)
Gender: Female

Personality: While most Cilias are expected to be upmost loyal and obedient to the Cephalodia Empire and their leader Cthulu, Tacko is considered overzealous and over-the-top even by their standards and would go through ridiculous lengths to please her leader. Because of her brash, arrogance, overconfidence and megalomaniacal manner, her tendency to cause destruction and attempted conquests makes her a danger to herself, the Miasma gang, and her people, yet she still considers herself a mighty warrior. She is narcisstic and usually congratulates herself even the smallest of successes. Despite her self-proclaimed greatness, she rarely succeeds in her attempts to overthrow or conquer other gangs, and is held up as a complete laughingstock by every Miasma gang members - a fact she chooses not to notice. However, her self-absorbed nature prevents her from acknowleging her failures, and she chooses only to speak about the better things that came from each incident. Despite her displays of stupidity, she's intelligent in some aspects - she's usually observant to whatever every environment she's in and how it could provide her, such as a shady-looking area to camoflage in, searching for holes or cracks she could squeeze through incase she's in a desperate need of escape or need somewhere to sneak through, and thinking up of stealth and confrontation strategies - but has no interest in thinking things through, and wastes her time fretting about or dealing with important "threats".

Decription: Pale orange and shiny skin(Almost human skin colored, though the color changes when she had to camouflage), black eyes(entirely black, almost bug-eyed), black teeth with short pointed canines. For her human disguise, she has to put on those robotic limb enhancers on her arms(Customed with moveable fingers) and legs to help her move like a normal human should. She usually wears long clothing and gloves that covers up the limb enhancers, contact lenses with white sclera to cover her black eyes, and a short spiky black wig. As for her teeth, she'll make up excuses why her teeth isn't white such as claiming she has a teeth condition.

Powers: (Most of these powers are taken from cephalapod physiology, if that's okay) Ink manipulation, Limb regeneration, Poison generation(Not manipulation. Only generates poison through her teeth), and Camouflage(Her skin changes color to match the environment she hids in).

Weakness: Can only manipulate her own ink that she made. Depending on how much of her limbs she lost, the time they will fully heal ranges from two hours or more. The poison she emits from her teeth are not strong, so they don't have the ability to kill an average human. But they still can cause slight paralysis and numbness to whatever area she bits in, along with nausea. For camouflage, she only blends in a dark environment or atleast an area where it provides shade. If blending in visible light, she can still cast a shadow from her form. Her camouflage easily cancels out when something is able to move her. And since water is one of the top priority need for her physiology, her body tends to dry out every one hour. Depending on how heated the environment she's in, she dries out quicker and will have trouble breathing or moving.

Fears: Aquariums, Seafood resteraunts(Specifically afraid of being turned into sushi should her identity be uncovered), Korean restaurants(Really, some people eat small octopuses alive as their novelty food), every land animals ever(Especially cats and dogs), laboritories and scientists, and dry and hot areas.

Weapons: Her limb enhancers, though they don't have any ammunitions or any fancy upgrades and only function for her to get around places. However she still could use them to bash people's heads in. When she's at a total disadvantage and her limb enhancers are removed, she might rummage every random object she finds lying around (Like desperately picking up a harmless stick from a tree when all of her powers are no use in a confrontation. Imagine her just swinging it around frantically screaming "GET AWAY FROM ME! I'LL KILL YOOOU!")

Quote: "I have the MIGHTY NEED to use the restroom once again."

Other: Even after Tacko was demoted to Maintenance, she still wants to benefit the Miasma gang in her own accord; Which is sneaking out of base and walking around town acting as a Surveillance.

-She can generate ink through her mouth. Also the ink she generates contains a compound called Tyrosinase, so when it's sprayed in other people's eyes, it can cause irritation.

-Due to her lack of rigid structure and lack of bones in her body, she can squeeze out of almost through any small holes and cracks.

-She has blue blood, which contains copper-rich protein hemocyanin and keeps her body oxygeniated at frigid temperatures.

-Her name is inspired from Takoyaki, which is a Japanese-based snack consists of wheat and batter fried into a ball, with a small slice of octopus tentacle in the center.

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