A Shattered ALEN Christmas

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"Mom! Hurry up, Bailey's waiting for us!" Blythe called out, and Amber laughed.

"Blythe, its barely been a minute." Asher said, but smiled anyways.

"Come on, honey, Blythe's getting impatient." Amber called to her wife.  Stella entered the room carrying several presents, and Amber grabbed them for her. 

"Thank you, kitty." Stella said, and kissed Amber on the cheek.

"Mrrow?" Elvie, the little kitten, entered the room.

"No, not you.  I was talking to mommy." Stella laughed.

"Mrrow!" Elvie exclaimed, and jumped into Stella's arms.

"Mom! Hurry up!" Blythe exclaimed, stamping her foot. 

"Alright, dear." Stella laughed, placing Elvie down, and opening the door for Amber, whose arms were full of gifts. 

They walked the short distance to Adam and Silver's house.  Asher knocked on the door and they were greeted by Bailey.

Bailey wore his signature black jacket, a white shirt, and blue jeans.  He had blue eyes, and brown hair that was long-ish and messy.

"Come on in." He said, giving Blythe and Asher a hug. 

The five of them went to the the living room.  In the corner was a rainbow Christmas tree decorated with everything from pride ornaments to cats and snakes to angels and foxes.  Rainbows were everywhere, and a portrait of santa with his husband hung on the wall.  In the connected kitchen was a giant feast.  Chicken to steak to green beans to pasta to mince meat pies, and that was only the main course.  For dessert there was a rainbow cake, Hersey peanut butter cookies, chocolate chip cookies, rainbow cupcakes, and chocolate santas.  Drinks included eggnog, Diet Coke, milk, multiple types of juices, and a little wine. 

"Amber! Stella!" Silver greeted, hugging both tightly.  "You guys are the first to arrive."

"Uncle Adam!" Blythe yelled, tackling hugging Adam.  Asher joined in, then Bailey, and finally Amber, while Silver and Stella looked on in amusement.

They were interrupted when the doorbell rang.  "I'll get it!" Yelled Blythe.  "It must be my friend and her guests."

This was apparently confirmed when a cry of 'Lucy!' Rang through the house, and Blythe was followed back into the room by four teenagers about her age. 

"Hello, I'm Lucy!" The shortest of the group, a young girl with lynx ears, short brown hair, and golden eyes practically shouted, a huge smile on her face. 

"I'm Elina." A pale skinned girl who was second tallest said, looking disinterested.  She had mainly black hair with green at the ends, red eyes, and she wore her hair in a ponytail.

"My names Noah." The tallest of the group, a blue haired boy with sea green eyes said, smiling. 

"And I'm Alfred." The last was a muscular boy with pink tipped white hair and bright blue eyes said, waving a gloved hand.  He also wore grandpa shoes.

"This is my mom." Blythe pointed at Amber, before continuing.  "And that is my other mom." She pointed at Stella who waved. 

"That's my uncle Silver," she indicated at the iron devil himself, "and that's my uncle Adam. And my cousin Bailey."


"Alright, lets open presents!" Everyone cheered, because everyone loves presents. 

"Elina, you first! Then Lucy, Alfred, Noah, Blythe, Asher, Bailey, Amber, Adam, Silver, and then me." Stella said, smiling.

Lucy shoved a messily wrapped gift into Elina's hands.  "You'll like this!"

Elina carefully undid Lucy's poor attempt at wrapping.  Underneath was a tea set with black and red roses on them.  The base color was white, and the roses were connected by green vines. 

"Thank you, Lucy."

"You're welcome." Lucy said, grabbing a random gift that was labeled with her name.  "To Lucy, from Blythe!"

Lucy tore apart the wrapping paper in a matter of seconds, revealing a large white box.  Flipping the lid off revealed tons of stuffed animals.  There were cats, Pokémon, anime characters, and Cheshire cats. 

"Thank you!  I love it!" Lucy said as she squeezed Blythe to death.

Alfred picked a neatly wrapped box from his stack.  "To Alfred, from Noah."

Alfred carefully unwrapped the box, faster than Elina, but slower than Lucy.  Inside was a giant box of chocolates and a Grimm figurine. 

"Thank you Noah.  I appreciate it." Alfred said, smiling.

Noah selected a smallish box from his stack.  "To Noah, from Asher."

Ripping off the wrapping paper, Noah took out a journal and a pencil. 

"Thanks!" He said, smiling at Asher. 

Blythe picked up a short, wide box.  "To Blythe, from Mom. Which one?"

Amber raised her hand, smiling at her adopted daughter.  "You'll like it."

Blythe opened the box to reveal a black leather jacket, and a tattoo gun. 

"Mom!  I love it!" Blythe beamed, hugging her mother. 

It continued on like that.  Asher got a new set of headphones, Bailey got a mountain of pastries, Amber got a set of rainbow hair dye, Adam got a new cape, Silver got a bunch of teas, and Stella got a ruby necklace. 

As the group gathered round on this day of gayness, they could almost swear they heard a small voice whisper "Merry Gayness."

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