Composite Yongary/Yonggary

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A/N: And here we are with the next composite. This time it's on the monster of the deep (and who is apparently extraterrestrial in origin); Yongary/Yonggary

Now I'll get this one out of the way first, this composite isn't the most impressive one. The reason for this is because in the middle of designing, I quickly realized just how different the 1999 design was from the 1967 design in terms of body type. What I mean is that while the 67 version had a classic theropod-like body while the 99 design had a bit more of a human-like body. Soooooo, it does look a bit awkward a bit.

Anyways, with that out of the way, let's talk about what I did. Obviously, I mostly kept the 1999 design since it's my favorite out of the two (despite it being portrayed in bad CGI). I wanted to keep the design asthetic of Yonggary being a sort of warrior-looking kaiju while bringing in the more notible features of his original look. Such a longer nasil horn, tusks, sharper claws, five fingers, 4 toed feet, the stegosaurus-like scutes and even the 4 tail spikes mixed with the 99 version's singular tail spike at the tip.

And lastly, I changed his color to more closely to the 60s version to give more verity in color compared to the overall grey-ish color he had in the 99 film.

I need to point out that I had actually already posted this out days ago on deviantart and twitter, but I had forgotten to post it on here sooner. So, once I finished up on Ghidorah, I figured should at least post this one first.

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