005 | My Name Is...

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Hi. Nice to meet you.

Who are you? Please stop texting me.

But why? I just want to chat with you.

I told you to stop texting me. Is it that difficult for you?

It is if you keep being hostile. I just wanted to say hello.

I'm not interested in you. Can we get over it for once?

Not until you tell me your name.

Why should I? Let me go, please.

Come on, just tell me. I'll leave you alone then.

Okay. If you really insist. My name is Kim Doook. Please don't make snide comments. I know you find it weird.

Why should I?

I know people like you, always making that kind of remarks. I don't like them, okay?

To be honest, what I really hate is your attitude right now. I thought you wanted me to leave you alone.

Yeah, and I think you should.

Don't you want to know my name?

Yeah, sorry.

Yang Yeil.

That's interesting. I mean... It's okay.

I thought you hate comments on someone's name.

I just hate those about my own name.

But you just commented on mine.

I didn't make fun of your name. Stop twisting words.

You stop being hypocrite, then. Period.

Excuse me, who are you calling a hypocrite?

You can read, right?

Okay, what is it with all this sarcasm?

I'm being serious.

You're rude, you know?

Not that you're polite, anyway.

Fuck you. Seriously.

See. Who is being rude now?


Haha. So, you don't seem to want to stop talking to me now.

I suggest that you don't provoke me.

Why? I'm not provoking you. Stop being biased.

I'm not biased!

Yes, you are. You just don't want to admit that you want to know me better.

Why should I, anyway?

I think the irony game is outdated, do you agree?

I'm being serious.

Hmm... I don't believe you.

You should.

You shouldn't tell me what to do.

Excuse me?

I'm joking!

Again, fuck you. And, no, unlike you, I'm serious.

Are you implying that I'm not?

Yes, kinda.

That hurts.


You don't seem sincere.

Haha. You caught me.

Anyway, it was nice to meet you. I mean, I hope we can talk again one day. Do you agree?

I don't know. What if you bail on me?

Why should I bail on you? I'm worried that you might do so...

You know what? You seem an interesting guy. Maybe we should talk more often.


But not now. I'm busy.

Busy as in dating someone?

No. Busy as in having a job to attend. Don't you have one?

No, I quit last week. The boss was a jerk. He always badmouthed anyone for no particular reason.

Oh, I'm sorry for hearing that. Anyway, I need to go. Bye!

Hope to hear from you soon.

[473 words]

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