011 | Rejection

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Everyone believes I'm an idiot and that I can't keep a girlfriend for my own sake. They all think that no-one will ever approach me because I'm a loser. They call me names and say things such as, "Oh, here comes Horiba Buko, that pointless little midge!" Someone even believes that I'm gay.

Oh, come on! Why am I letting myself be hindered by those awful comments? If I don't step up soon, then I won't be able to confess my true feelings to Misago Mirena. She's the most popular girl in our year, as well as the prettiest, whereas I am... just Buko, the boy who drools over her during classes just to earn her attention.

This is why I'm taking advantage of lunch period to gather some courage and finally ask her out. Things, however, already go off to a bad start as I notice that she's not alone. Her best friends, Suketa Emi, Seiga Aika and Hisanaga Hazuki, are sitting next to her and don't seem to want to leave some room for me by their table. I perfectly understand them, since they are quite popular, something I'm anything but.

Quit wallowing and move on, Buko!

Mirena catches me gazing around and makes me a sign to sit next to her, much to Aika's disappointment. "But this was the best seat!" she complains, annoying me as I would like to be in her shoes for once.

Fortunately, Mirena ignores her and turns to me. "Is there anything I should know, Horiba?" she asks, leaving me surprised when she blinks at me. Maybe she does have feelings for me... Or is she just teasing me?

Enough with this bullshit. I need to make my point or else I'll be stuck sitting with Hatsuho Momo once again!

"Well, I... I..." I stutter. I can't pronounce a single word properly for my own good.

"So what?" intervenes Aika, a scowl plastered on her face.

"You're making us waste our time," points out Emi, flustering me even more.

On the other hand, Mirena still manages to maintain her composure. She clears her throat, making it clear that her friends are crossing the limit, and asks gently, "So, you what, Horiba?"

"The things is... I... I... I love you, Misago. More than anyone else." I let out those words when my eyes lock into hers. As I turn my gaze away from her, however, I'm met with her friends' disapproving glares. This is so going to end badly...

In fact, Mirena sighs. "Listen, Horiba, you seem a really nice guy. Pretty sweet, I'd say. But, unfortunately, you're not the one." What does it even mean? Is she implying that I'm not her type, or maybe the other way around?

I knew it. I shouldn't have been too confident that she'd love me back.

I hesitate, hoping that Mirena will realize that she might be making a mistake, when Emi snaps, "What are you still doing her? Go away!"

"Your table is over there," adds Aika, pointing at my usual table in the most secluded area of the canteen, not far from the kitchen's doors.

"Maybe you'll find your type there," concludes Hazuki, hinting that the only kind of girl I'll ever be able to score a date with in my life are plain types, like myself, or total weirdos such as Hatsuho Momo. Well, I have nothing against her. She's a lovely girl but...

What the hell are you talking about, Buko? At least she didn't reject you and doesn't have friends who belittle you!

I guess it's time to go back to my usual table to save myself from further embarrassment. Usually, I sit and eat in silence, without ever paying attention at Momo. This time, however, is going to be different.

When I tell her about Mirena, she listens to my ramblings without complaining. Then, she says, "You know what, Horiba senpai? She's not worth your time. Let's just hang around together and be friends, shall we?"

I accept immediately, wanting to move on and finally realizing that I needed someone to accept for who I am, not for who I want to be.

[695 words]

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