🍸 - [ honeypot ]

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what about this - red or blue ?  

the red one - the red one ! 



i . essential information

name - marino passini

sex - female

preferred pronouns - he/him

alias / nicknames

honeypot  - hooker (teasing - offensive)

mari (close friends)


20 (part 5)

(age ranges between 20 - 29)

height - 192.02/6"3

weight - 167 lbs

dob / date of birth - april 1st

zodiac sign - aries



ii . personal information

status (alive, injured, dead, etc.)



- a good actor / good at pretending

- difficult to startle / not easily spooked

- can multitask (heavily depends on what he's doing)

- capable of working with others / adapts to different situations


- holds grudges / doesn't forgive easily

- doesn't understand the concept of sugarcoating

- 'money > people' mentality

- tends to manipulate people (it's more of an instinct than anything)

- is quite callous / lacks empathy to a degree

hometown - capri


true neutral


stand user


stripper (previously - resigned due to affiliation with passione & personal reasons)



iii . stand information

stand name

baby boy

stand appearance

baby boy's appearance is strangely akin to a cartoon character's--only if said cartoon was for adults, that is (to be precise: they're an adult-themed demon). like most stands, they're quite humanoid, but couldn't be mistaken for one by any means. their head is the biggest indicator that they're not human, really--if you're not counting their sharp claws/fingers or feline-like tail.

baby boy adorns what looks akin to a sleeveless bodysuit, although there's a chance that it's apart of their body. attached to their shoulders (or wrapped around them, to be more precise) are golden bands. a plethora of said bands also adorn their chest, making it look like a binder of sorts--they're removable, although the stand will become agitated.

occasionally, the entity will snatch up different items to wear as tops (when in a safe space, that is; nobody needs to see floating clothes!). the majority of these items are extremely large and/or wide sweaters. they never wear pants, though, as they don't seem to care much for that factor. not that it was necessary in the first place, but it's truly something to marvel.

the stand's skin is a bleach-white color, which goes strangely well with the 'alternate' colors; a nearly-neon blue & a few shades of purple. they also have a multitude of dark-grey markings littering their body, too--they look strangely akin to that of a feline's, which may come from their stand user's fondness of cats in general.

baby boy has a long, sleek & thin tail--it's similar to a cat's tail in appearance, although it's a lot more flexible. their eyes are constantly narrowed/lidded, giving them a mischievous look. however, they've been known to use their body hair (read: the fluff around their neck) to display facial emotions. their eyes are blue, whereas their pupils/irises are nonexistent.


baby boy has two abilities--one of them is to intoxicate foes, whereas the other amplifies the following intoxication. the intoxication shuts down the thought-process of the victim, therefore making them become stupidly pliant/easy to manipulate--it's technically the same thing as being drunk, if only far worse. the amplification of the intoxication causes the victim to, after a prolonged period of time, pass out, as their brain can't handle the constant penetration.

(the intoxication comes from holes hidden beneath their fur. it looks [and is] gaseous, but has a targeting system & will follow one direct 'route'. the more gas expelled, the more the intoxication-effect is amplified. the stand can also eject the gas from their mouth if they please to do so.)

however, the following intoxication works depending on the victim's tolerance to alcohol. not only that, but constantly amplification can lead to death--which isn't good when you're only attempting to console the victim or the like--or a comatose-like state. doesn't stop marino, though.


much like some stands, baby boy has their own conscious. they respond to he/him & they/them--female pronouns tend to aggravate them, so said pronouns aren't advised.

outside of battle, baby boy is quite touchy & clingy. they latch onto people whom are close to their user, often cooing or purring at them whilst doing so. this is only amplified when their user has a romantic/sexual interest in someone--they rub their head & nape against said person, much like a cat. they're quite active & can typically be seen draped over their user (or one of their user's associates).

they are quite similar during battle, if only far less clingy. they're more protective/defensive than clingy, constantly draping themselves over their user's backside & arching their back. they listen to their user's orders, regardless of how stupid they may sound--they're just there to follow orders & have a good time.

baby boy is capable of speaking, although they don't do it often. whenever they do talk, they'll chat with other stands (or stand users), leaning over them or cradling their faces in a sultry/affectionate manner. however, if an entity attempts to reciprocate their advances, they'll arch away & skitter back over towards their user.

power - B-

speed - A+

range - A-

durability / staying - C

precision - C

development / learning - E

stand cry

"  BABY ! " - (bay-bee)



vi . physical traits


because of marino's appearance, he's commonly mistaken for a female (or something vaguely feminine). however, that changes instantly whenever he raises his voice--which is typically why he doesn't speak frequently when doing his spy-missions, as it'd just blow his cover. really, that's one of the very few things that could do such a thing.

he hoards a plethora of clothing, although they typically consist of.. questionable things. a lot of people assume his wardrobe is filled to the brim with 'lingerie' due to his past profession (& his ability to show off so much skin), but that's far from the truth--it's actually filled with jackets, sweatpants, jeans & crop-top sweaters with translucent sleeves. he'll also adorn facial masks that cover up the lower half of his face.

marino's eyes aren't anything special--unless you point out that red eyes aren't natural, that is. they're comparable to the expensive wines you can buy at a fancy restaurant. to add onto the strangeness, his pupils are white & narrowed (like a cat). his eyes are typically the topic of many conversations, really; it gets annoying over time.

marino can typically be found adorning a necklace--it looks similar to the ones that're wrapped around his stand's chest, if only a lot less vibrant. it doesn't have any real meaning to it, but it adds onto his appearance.

his hair is quite messy, really, but has a certain charm to it. of course, he doesn't go out with bedhead--that'd be a weird thing to experience--but he does end up having his hair severely affected by said thing. an example of this is the pair of 'horns' atop his head that either remind people of a cat or a devil. there's no in-between.

marino's eyes are (almost) always lidded--if they're not lidded, they're widened in either genuine or mock interest. it's something he does unconsciously, although it makes him look either flirtatious (or innocent;  it's all up to perspective). both of the following looks help him with his line of work.



v . personality + interests

good traits

- tidy

- attentive

- collected

- unbiased

neutral traits

- morally grey

- irreligious

- shameless

bad traits

- manipulative

- blunt

- insensitive

- selfish / puts self first (most of the time)


- biting/licking lips

- observing others (primarily during large gatherings)

- fluttering eyelashes when attempting to convince someone

- tilting head when asking a question/confused

- exaggerated pouting & whining

- licking finger before flipping a page

- stealing things (usually forgets to return items, too)

- unintentionally staring at someone/thing when lost in thought

- looking into a fridge & getting nothing out of it


- cold soba

- spicy foods

- french music

- the color red/wine red

- wine

- pole-dancing

- eating

- getting paid/money

- reading (novels)

- alcoholic beverages/deserts

- his stand, baby boy

- coffee

- the comfort of his home/room

- getting free stuff (i mean, who doesn't?)

- jewelry

- passione


- being called/referred to as a female

- toxic masculinity

- lack of manners

- messy eaters/slobs

- running out of bullets/ammunition

- sharing

- (very) cheap/low-quality items

- loud/abrupt noises (wailing, screaming, etc.)

- not getting paid

- constant touching/abrupt touching

- bugs/insects

- having his face touched

- being flirted with (again, depends on the person)



iv . additional information / trivia

- even though he's no longer a stripper, that doesn't mean marino can't have a pole in his room--he usually uses it for exercise, as pole-dancing has kept him in shape for a long time. he's quite good at it, although he doesn't enjoy having an audience.

- marino's two moms supported him when he became a stripper. they had the same reaction when they were informed that he had joined the mafia-- all in all, he's stupidly close to his mothers & usually visits them (whilst wearing informal clothing, as he doesn't want to be recognized). they're only supportive due to the fact that they know how he acted, & therefore weren't surprised at his occupation(s).

- marino is capable of falling in love, but it's extremely hard to keep his attention for a prolonged period of time. especially if you were once affiliated with him as a client (referring to his stripper background).

- marino quit being a stripper not only because of his new job, but also because of his clients. a good majority of them were either far too touchy or wanted him to do things that strippers weren't supposed to do--strangely enough, most of those clients have gone missing. he prefers to avoid that topic at all costs, as it makes him uncomfortable.

- baby boy tends to baby stands that are smaller than them, even though marino isn't the most.. caring person out there, per say. the stand has an affinity for taking care of people, though, regardless of their intoxication ability.

- even though marino is rather fit, he eats a lot of junk food. he never goes anywhere without something to eat, even if the time doesn't call for it (he once ate a whole bag of chips--family sized--while his squad was attempting to drive to their next location. he didn't share with any of them because half of them were being 'too loud').

- marino is very good with guns. he typically hangs around sol, who's the sniper of his squad--this is the only reason he's so good with them. he keeps a gun (equipped with a silencer) attached to his thigh. it's quite hard to notice.

- occasionally, when he's in a good mood, he'll wear sunglasses. not only does it keep people from talking about his strangely-colored eyes (not the strangest thing out there, really), but it also makes him look good! what more could he possibly ask for? money, probably. yeah, definitely money.



i'll pop your head right off your shoulders ! ❞

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