Project "Angel" [Creepypasta]

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CP-Name: Project „Angel"

Name: Quentin Davison

Backstory: He was kidnapped by some kind of organisation when he was 12. In spite of his parents telling him to be home in time, he stayed out with his friends until 11 pm. On his way home, some men surprised him from behind and kidnapped him.

They kept him in some kind of underground hospital with other humans. He never really saw them nor was he ever allowed to leave his room on his own, but he heard their screams.

As he experienced soon, he was part of the project „Angel", whose purpose it was to make bad children, brats like him, to angels. So they walked into his room one day, took him with them and when he woke up later, lying on his stomach, he had wings.

After this, they started bleaching his hair, never letting it be brown and had a new idea: eye transplatation. They failed, though, and Quentin lost his right eye. Instead, it got replaced by a fake one.

Years later, he finally managed to flee. Because of some illness making its' round, many guards became sick and stayed home. When a doctor walked into his room, he sneaked up to them and quickly snapped their neck like he had seen them do it to others. He took the doc's ID and made the run.

After he escaped, he kept running for as long as he could, which wasn't much due to the disuse of his legs. But he kept on walking. A week or so later, he arrived at some forest and decided to stay there. He found himself a well hidden cave and, from time to time, stole some campers' blankets so he'd have it warm and other stuff.

Age: 22 - 25 (he lost sense of time and actually doesn't even care about it anymore)

Gender: Male

Species/Race: Human

Sexuality: Asexual

Appearance: He's sickly pale due to being held captured for so long and is pretty skinny. His hair was bleached by his kidnappers, but he has brown hair attachments by now. It's pretty short and at some spots it's even shorter or almost bald.

He has a blue eye, the right one, and a brown one. The blue one is fake. His eyes/eye are/is dull and he has bags under them.

Quentin's cheeks are sunken, his lips are thin and bitten and he has rather yellowish teeth.

The front of his torso has some scars on it, not too big, though. Only on his left side there is a huge one, it goes from approximately the mid of his ribcage down to his lower back. His ribcage is hinted.

On his back he has a pair of swan wings with a span of something around 5'9 ft. The left one is attached lower than the right one, also it rather hangs loose while the right one looks more normal. Around the wings' attachements are many scars and bruises due to the wings not being sewed on his back properly but rather sloppy. They are sewed firm on his back and there is no open wound, though.

His legs are strong (when used) and normally long, his arms are rather thin.

Outfit: He wears a torn pair of those blue hospital pants and boots he stole from a camper. (And that's it.)

Because of his wings he can't really wear a top.

Personality: When he was 12 he was rebellious and simply a brat.

By now, after those years he had been held captured, he is numb and traumatized, basically just a shell he keeps alive. But he's also aggressive and can't understand some feelings or social actions, mostly because of missing his adolescence and also because he hadn't interacted socially with anyone besides his kidnappers. And guess what, that wasn't enough/the social interaction a normal teen needs.

Weapons: Nothing specialized/none (yet?)

Methode of killing: He sneaks up to someone from behind and snaps their neck, bashes their head with something heavy (most likely some thick branch or a big rock), presses his victim's pressure points*, makes them unconscious (though that does not always work.) and drowns them or chokes them (campers) in their sleep.

* he learned that from his kidnappers; they'd sometimes press his pressure points and make him unconscious, but because he never learnt it from a professional but from watching/experiencing it on his own, it doesn't always work and he ends up running for his life. It's luck when it works.

Reasons to kill: He kills those who want to take him away (like the police; you can't let a mentally ill person run around. They need help.) and sometimes when he can't find any wild animals, berries or anything else and needs food. (It's about survival. If he wouldn't have to, he wouldn't eat humans.)

Targets: Those who want to take him away, random people he sees/nobody special.

He does not kill/harm children.

Strengths: Sneaky, strong instinct to survive, strong, fast, smart

Weaknesses: Has a short endurance, can only kill one person at a time, maybe two, his wings/the attachement of his wings are his weakest points because it'd hurt him pretty much if they got damaged or he could even die from blood loss. (They're almost completly attached to his back, he just hasn't any nerves connected to them.)

Habits: Pulling his hair (off), biting his lips/finger nails, sits sometimes down and thinks about his past, how much he regrets being such a brat back then


Uhm, any thoughts? Criticism?
Do you like him? Not?

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