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Name: Drovik
Age: unknown due to being built with and kept in a lab for extended time but is easily a couple hundred years old
Race: Warforged
Height: 6'8
Personality: socially inept and lacking social interaction with human beings for a long time, he does not openly speak very often and can come off as intimidating yet has a calm and kind heart that seeks justice
Flaws: his sense of justice is sought through almost any means possible, leaving him to sometimes resort to more drastic means unintentionally due to his past

Backstory: Built during the last war, Drovik was one of the first Warforged with sentience. He was immediately placed on the front lines and fought against entire squadrons by himself. Slowly, he started to learn the emotions he was created and craved to escape the violence he was made for when he realized the atrocities he committed in the name of his creator. Failing to escape the first time, he was detained and kept in shackles until he was able to escape to a monastery in a city on the other side of the continent. Here, he was able to make friends and learn the Way of the Open Hand. After centuries, he's been left alone after all of his friends have passed. He sits alone in the monastery outside of the city, maintaining its structure in honor of his friends and never leaving in fear of attachment.

Likes: silence, nature, meditating, practicing his martial arts, the occasional animal visitors

Dislikes: socializing, attachment, remembering his past, anything he deems evil

Extra: on occasion, Drovik will leave the monastery to gain information on the words current affairs or routine maintenance to buff out scratches on his body

Extra 2: Drovik knows every language known to the world and can converse in at least 6 fluently, sometimes conversing with the birds to try and retain some ability to socialize

Extra 3: Drovik continues to wear his shackles as a reminder of wear he came from and what he wants to uphold

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