Overwatch OC

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Name- Veseris

Health- 300

Role- Offense

Age- 27

Personality- with a little bit of insanity, he loves to destroy anything in his path and is a killing machine that loves blood and death, the only thing seeming to calm him being music

Look- light brown skin with patches of black on it with his veins glowing purple, his hair is a black mess with streaks of purple going through it, his eyes have purple irises while the rest of his eyes are pitch black, from elbow to fingers his skin is pitch black and claw Like along with jagged spikes sticking out like broken bone, he wears only a pair of black baggy pants that let him move without restriction, he has a headset around his neck at all times that is used to send music for when he goes berserk

Likes- Music, fighting, sleeping

Dislikes- someone taking his music

Backstory- he wasn't always like this, Veseris wasn't even his real name. Unknown who he was and where he was from has made it difficult for anyone to track him back to his origins, quite convenient in Talons eyes. Veseris was the name of the dog tag they found on him which was conveniently a hard drive as well, it showed all of his advanced research and brilliant tech but before they could trace him back to anything the files deleted themselves. When they later recruited sombra they tried to have her get the files back but they were to corrupted. Later finding out that Veseris could produce energy from his body is why his research called 'Void' he was used to power entire bases. Later he was then sent to the battle field where sombra is used as his supervisor to keep him in check.

Bask attacks- (LMB) Melee (RMB) throws a javelin of void energy that has a limit of 6 that then needs a 20 second recharge

Extra- basic attacks have a 15% chance of 'Corruption' damage of 8 per second for 3 seconds

Void blast- a powered blast that does a slight knock back of 5 feet for most characters and 3 feet for tanks and does more damage when hitting a wall

Void Wisp- becomes a small orb of condensed energy for 10 seconds that is able to float over gaps and is untouchable by all physical means

Void Blessing- a buff of X1.5 to all stats for Veseris and any ally with 5-6 feet of him. Also gives allies chance to do corruption damage while activated. Active for 15 seconds

Void Berserker- his abilities are doubled in strength and his health is tripled. The spikes on his body extend along with his veins glowing brightly as well as his eyes. His muscle mass increases and his fingers become claws

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