Ash's Family

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Welp here it is! His dad's side of the consists of him, his two brothers and two sisters.

This serious faced lady is Aunt Monica
She owns her own line of clothing called Silver Lining. Monica has the ability to manipulate silk strands.

This is her eldest, Elizabeth. She's not really into fashion and is quite secretive about her life. All her family knows is that she's a paleontologist and doesn't have a clue about her other job.

This is Elizabeth's hunter outfit, where amongst with other hunters she's known as Nightlock

This is cousin, Zeke who helps out his mother with creating new designs for her clothing line and has the ability to manipulate fabrics. He can be a bit arrogant at times, but he's a good kid. He dreams of opening up his own tailoring store.

This is Uncle Angelo the second oldest kid. He's a famous actor who played many roles that varied from a rich deranged emperor to a poor beggar. He's also a very doting husband and father.

And here's cousin Morticia. She's been known to flirt with both men and women 24/7. She's a model and sometimes helps Aunt Monica model new clothes that she makes.

Here's Uncle Arthur, the third child of his father's side. He's a private investigator that has the ability to sense lies. Arthur is more of the "getting down to to business" person and takes his job seriously.

Cousin August or "Gus" is sweet guy but he loves to dress up as a girl at times. He loves reading books and is on his way of becoming a journalist.

Aunt Alice the youngest kid of his father's side. She's very motherly type of person and is a very sweet woman. She works as a professor in Four Point College.

And these two adorable cuties are Cathy (left) & Darren (right). They're both very friendly and playful.

This is Adeline, Ash's mother. She's a very straightforward woman that believes in that "Being loved gives you strength; loving deeply gives you courage."
A gentle and kind woman that loves all animals, no matter the appearance. She used to be the baker's daughter before she met Ash's father.

Last but not least the big man himself, Phineas. He's a leucistic Basilisk that has the ability to change into a human form.
He owns the Ladon family fortune that comes along with the Ladon Steel Company. Phineas used to be a pretty coldhearted person before he met Ash's mother.
Now he is trying his best to be the father that Ash deserves.

Here's Carlos!!!! :3

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