White Phantom Blackens

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A young pure white night fury, about five years old, rest with her mother in a cave on an isolated island. Not many dragons live on this island which makes it a great spot to hide from dragon trappers. The small night fury opens her red eyes as her father returns. A big and bulky gray night fury. she then looks at her mother, a deep blue color to her scales. How her scales turned white she'll never know. This young one is called Phantom. Since she can blend into the white snow outside.

Her father lays beside the and spits up some fish he caught while forging. The three ate together in peace. She always thought this peaceful life would always be the same. But one night, her peaceful life will change dramatically.

It was a nippy morning as Phantom woke up, her mother curled around her. Her mother looked down at her and licked Phantom's head.

"Good morning my little ghost." She said. Phantom smiled up at her mother. Her father walks into the cave with the mornings catch.

"Papa! Welcome back!" Phantom cheered as he came over to them.

"Thanks for the warm welcome." He rubs the top of her head with his snout.

After they finished eating they went outside the cave. Phantom jumped around in the snow and every now and then she disappears under the snow. Her mother watches over her while her father look out for dragon trappers. His ears twitch at every sound. A growl began to rise up. Her father looked around but couldn't find the source.

"Hide!" He yells back to his family. Phantom was pushed under the snow but her mother.

"Stay here no matter what happens don't come out for a while." She said as she licked her daughter's head. Phantom nods and lays low in the snow. She watches her parents looking for the hidden threat.

A pure white dragon leapt out of the snow and tackles her father to the ground. It bites down onto his throat before he could even counter the dragon.

"A Snow Wraith!" Her mother said shocked. It turned to her. She began to charge up her fire, but something knocks her to the ground from behind. She looks back as another Snow Wraith bites down on her head.

Phantom's eyes grew wide as she witnesses her parents slaughtered right in front of her. She had many emotions run through her mind. Fear, anger, sadness, and something else. This something felt completely different than anything she has ever felt. She bared her teeth, anger rising to it's max and her mind starting to black out.

The Snow Wraiths turn to look at Phantom, her eyes glowing read and her dark gray stripes turning red. The two dragons began to shake in fear at the tiny dragon. She growled a low deep growl that even a Screaming Death would fear. The two flew away as Phantom roared at them. The red began to disappear and Phantom fell to the snow.

When she wakes up, it is dawn the next morning. She shakes her head to try to get rid of her dizziness. She then looks over at her dead parents. Tears filled her eyes as she crawled over to her mother.

"M-mom.....dad......" She looked at her father's neck wound, now frozen from the cold. She then looks at her mother's wound. Her scales we're torn off and her face was covered in frozen blood. Phantom rubbed her head against her parents one more time before she walked away. She never came back to that cave.

Phantom wandered around the snow covered island. It's a small island and not much was on this island. She was alone for years....but she wasn't completely alone. A voice whispers to her....telling her to just give up control. She is afraid of this voice and tried to ignore it, but it sometimes yells at her. She wanted to give up....and just drown herself, but one day she found two small eggs. With those eggs, she found the thing that will keep her here. These eggs are her life now. She owes them her life. And she will now live for these eggs.

Sorry if it's short. When I start her actual story, it starts with the eggs so I didn't want to give any more. Tell me what u think and remember u guys can request back stories for any of my ocs. ^^

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