Corruption - Rewritten

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(A/n) here I am, doing something I've thought of doing for a while. Rewriting my most popular and overrated story, Corruption. I don't watch The Loud House much anymore, but I want to redo it, into a single one-shot much like Just a Scratch

Luan stood there and laughed, laughed uncontrollably. There she was, in a room with no doors or windows, as a security camera was watching everything she was doing.

She couldn't seem to control herself anymore, not since her family had pushed her towards her breaking point. She couldn't deal with anymore, so she had to do what the only reasonable thing was.

She remembered the room full of blood and her sibling's screams as her parents frantically called the cops, and how fast they took her away. She remembered her parents crying loudly and obnoxiously over their lost children, their innocent, beautiful angels that wouldn't hurt a fly.

How wrong they were.

She knew how they really were. Careless, heartless creatures that will treat you like a worthless human being and throw you in the trash. Their everyday behavior was just an act, a mask to hide their true selves.

All of it started over a prank, one where Leni unintentionally got hurt really badly and almost died. How was Luan supposed to know it would fail like that? She wished she could've went back to fix it when it happened.

She remembered how they rushed her to the hospital, and how she stayed there for months as she barely healed from inhaling toxic fumes.

Her siblings immediately yelled and snapped at her for something she couldn't control. How their voices echoed around her, how harsh and cold they sounded.

"Is that how you show you care? By almost killing your sister?"

"What the hell is wrong with you, dude? She's barely even alive right now."

"I hate looking at your unpretty, disgraceful face."


After that, they didn't talk to her and avoided her. No matter how many times she tried to apologize, they were very nasty to her, and they didn't want anything to do with her. They took everything from her, and didn't even let her leave the house to go to school, forcing her to be homeschooled.

Whenever they went to family gatherings, Luan was left out. She was told to stay home and think about what she has done, while Aunt Ruth came over and watched her. She wasn't allowed to eat with everyone else, and they even did as much as give her less food than everybody else as well.

Once Leni returned home after months of being in the hospital, Luan immediately tried to apologize, tears spilling from her eyes as she choked on her words. Of course, though, Leni didn't understand, and was ignorant to the whole thing going on.

Luan tried to tell somebody, but each time she even let as much as one word out, her parents or siblings would say she was lying and that they would never do that to anybody.

She dealt with this for months, being thrown out of her bedroom, forced to sleep in the garage, fed less food than everyone else, was occasionally given food from the dumpster, and so much more. She couldn't take it anymore.

She had tried to kill herself.

She remembered peeking into the medicine cabinet, crying as she grabbed a bunch of pills and swallowed them. She remembers feeling ill and blacking out onto the floor, and waking up to her siblings yelling at her to stop seeking attention and to just get out of their lives while her parents stood there with their arms crossed in disappointment.

After that, she seemed to have changed. She started bottling up her emotions, stop reacting to anything, and every little thing her siblings did had annoyed her. She started thinking of murdering them, of cutting them open and wrapping their intestines around their neck as she continued to scoop out their insides.

As months went by, her thoughts became more frequent, until she couldn't take it anymore. In the middle of the night, she snuck into the house and into her room, standing above Luna as she held a knife in her hand.

She slit her throat open and stabbed her in the chest as she dug through her flesh and bones. She did this multiple times, and eventually she got deep enough to stab her right in her vital organs.

She remembers Luna screaming loudly in pain and agony as she continued to stab her repeatedly, again, and again, and again, until she stopped breathing.

Her siblings came into the room and saw her, and she let out a laugh. It started out small and quiet, until Lori approached her and she had done the same thing to her.

Each one of her siblings, she had killed in a different way. Some of them she stabbed, some of them she choked and beat, and some them died with a simple snap of the neck.

Afterwards, she looked down at herself, all the blood on the floor, and all her dead siblings. She had felt no regret, not even the slightest hint of remorse in her body. Her parents ran up into the room and started panicking as they dialed 911, tears streaming down their faces.

She was put in the police car and taken away immediately. From then, she was taken to a prison with rooms that had no windows or walls, and that's where she's been for the past couple weeks and probably for the rest of her life.

She was still laughing, even as she remembered everything. Her chest hurt and she was tired, but there was something keeping her from stopping. She knew it was the fact she wasn't actually able to be herself anymore, that this was what she was and always will be from now on.

It didn't matter to her anyway, because she knew that she got what she's been wanting for a long time.

And there's no unnecessary second story to it, not this time.

(A/n) still out of character, but I tried to make it a somewhat decent one-shot compared to the original story. Hope it's alright

thanks for being here

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