Halloween Treats (OLD)

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K.O. giggled as he skipped down the sidewalk, eager to get more candy. This was the first year his mom was letting him down the block by himself, as long as he came back to her afterward to go to the next block over.

He felt so excited, and he couldn't wait to go home to eat all the candy he had gathered. He was dressed up as a skeleton, one of his favorite things to go as.

He looked around the area for a house he hasn't been to yet, when he saw one in the corner of his eye. He ran over to it, giggling, when he quickly skidded to a stop. He looked at the house, which seemed to be somewhat old and worn out, with a dim porch light flickering every so often.

"I really want to get some candy," K.O. said, looking down at the ground. "But at the same time, it looks kind of spooky, I don't even know if they're home." He looked back up at the house and down toward his bucket of candy, and back up to the house.

"Buutttttt, the light is on! So that must mean they're home!" His eyes lit up with excitement. "They're probably just decorating their house for Halloween, I mean, it is the spooky season after all!"

He continued to walk toward the house, being careful with his steps to not break the porch more than it already was. Once he got there, he knocked on the door and held his candy bucket out, smiling.

The door cracked open, a pair of eyes peering out. "Trick or treat!" K.O. said, his smile getting wider.

The door closed, making K.O. frown. "Oh... sorry, sir," he said sadly. "I just thought you were giving out candy since you had your light on." He looked down at the ground and started to pout, taking baby steps toward the sidewalk.

While he was slowly walking away, he heard the door behind him open up, and he quickly turned around, a smile crossing his face once again. There, in the doorway, stood an old man who's appearance doesn't really matter. Use your imagination.

"Kid, look, I get it, you want candy, but I don't have any with me," he said. "There is some on the kitchen table, though, but the bowl is stuck to the table and I don't have the determination to know the mouse will get it one day."

K.O. just looked at the man, tilting his head in confusion.

"I'd be okay with you going inside and getting some candy if you want, though," the old man said, a smile across his face. "You can trust me, right?"

K.O.'s eyes lit up with excitement. He knew he shouldn't trust strangers, but he had a good feeling about the man. He giggled and walked quickly toward the doorway and stood in front of him. "Go on in, child, you're going to be alright."

K.O. nodded and stepped inside, and an unfamiliar smell filled his nose. The smell stunk, but at the same time, smelled somewhat sweet. The man closed the door behind him, and K.O. looked at him.

"The candy is over here," the old man said, pointing toward a bowl on the living room table. K.O. quickly walked toward it, reaching his hand inside. He pulled out a piece of candy that looked like an eyeball.

"Whoa, this looks so realistic," K.O. said, his eyes gleaming with amazement. "Where did you get it?"

"I made it myself," the old man said. "If you want, I can show you where I made it."

A huge grin crossed K.O.'s face. "Yes! Yes please!" He was jumping up and down, barely able to control his excitement. "I want to know how you made it!"

"Alright, come this way," the old man said, gesturing K.O. towards a back room. He followed behind him, eager to see what was back there.

"By the way, kid, what's your name?" He asked K.O., looking down at him. "Oh! It's K.O., what's yours?"

"That's unimportant"

"Oh! Okay!"

The man stopped in front of a door and pulled out a pair of keys. "Behind here is the room where I make my candy," he said, placing the key into the doorknob and turning it. "You sure you want to see how it's made?"

K.O. nodded his head and the door swung open. Stars formed in his eyes as he stepped inside, not paying attention to the foul stench inside the room. There were conveyor belts and machines all over the room, making candy that looked exactly like real human body parts, all in different shapes and sizes.

"Alright, K.O., go ahead and sit in that chair and I'll show you how I make it." The old man pointed to a chair that was conveniently placed right next to one of the conveyor belts. K.O., smiling and giggling, nodded his head and went over to sit down in the chair, unable to contain his excitement.

Though, when he placed his arms on the chair, two metal straps wrapped around his wrists and legs. "Uhh, sir?" K.O. asked, looking up at the old man, who's back was turned away from him. "I think your chair doesn't want me to get up, do you think you'll be able to fix that?"

The old man turned around, a smile on his face and a knife in his hand. K.O. tilted his head in confusion. "Sir, I think you should be careful, you might cut yourself with that knife."

He didn't pay any attention to what K.O. said and walked up to him, crouching down so his face was in front of K.O.'s. "You wanted to know how my candy was made, so I'm going to show you."

K.O.'s eyes went wide as the man quickly sliced the knife across his stomach. He let out a scream as the blood oozed out onto the floor, trying his best to get out of the chair. "I - you - I - I-"

The man placed his hand over K.O.'s mouth. "Shush, not screaming will make the candy taste better," he said. "It also makes it easier to get the ingredients, so I think it's better you don't do that."

The man continued to slice his stomach, making K.O. scream and cry more, but the man just ignored him. He grabbed onto a piece of loose skin and quickly jerked it as hard as he could, and K.O. let out a scream louder than anything he's ever screamed before.

"Man, you really are an annoying child," the man said. "Guess I'll have to kill you first, sorry you won't be able to see how the candy is made. Maybe next year."

He quickly stabbed K.O. in the head multiple times, K.O.'s screams getting louder and louder. The man continued to stab him until his screams continued to get weaker and weaker until they stopped.

Afterwards, he unstrapped K.O. from the chair and lied his dead body on a conveyor belt which wasn't yet moving. "Alright, this'll make things much easier," he said as he continued to cut the flesh off of his body.

Blood dripped onto the floor below, and the man just laughed. He cut all the flesh off of his torso, leaving the flesh on his arms, legs, and head. He started digging around, grabbing the intestines, heart, and lungs and setting them on the side.

After that, he went to go grab a circular saw from the other side of the room. Once he got back, he quickly turned it on and cut off his arms and legs, blood flying everywhere as he did.

He set those on the side as well, then proceeded to scoop the eyes out of K.O.'s head, then grabbing his knife again and cutting the flesh right off his face. "This'll make for a good mask," he said, throwing it on the floor for later use.

"Alright," he said as he grabbed a hammer and smashed the skull. "Let's see what I can make use of with your tiny little brain."

He picked up the skull bits and scooped up K.O.'s now mashed up and bloody brain out of his head and sat it with the rest of the organs he took out. After that, he picked up the body and walked it towards another room in the back, where he managed to hang up his dead body next to many other child that suffered the same fate.

He grabbed the brain mush and walked toward the freezer, that was in the corner of the room, and placed it inside. After that, he grabbed the heart, lungs, and intestines and brought them to another conveyor, which was already turned on, and placed them on there.

"That should do it for now," he said, grabbing the arms and legs which he cut off of K.O.'s body. "I'll put these in the freezer as well to decide what to do with them later."

He placed them inside the freezer and went into the bathroom to take a shower to wash off all the blood. He knew that while he was showering, the machines would turn K.O.'s organs into edible, delicious candy, and that another child would come up to his door.

A child that would suffer the same fate as K.O.

(A/n) this was fun, haha. I've had an idea like this in my head for a while, and since Halloween is close, I figured I'd go ahead and write this. Hope you guys enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing it

I'd you liked it, please don't forget to vote and comment, I really appreciate it, haha.

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