👁️ (Unfinished WIP)

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(A/N): I have come to the very vivid realization that despite how much writing I have been doing, I've been posting little to none of it on here and in general. Part of this is because I am beginning to move on from Wattpad (though am too attached to completely leave), I just have no place for these to go, AND almost all of the things I have are WIPS.

I thought that, while it's on my mind, I could share some works in progress I have never finished. I do plan on posting a majority of these to AO3 if I get them finished, but at the pace they are being worked on that may be a while from now. I am going to provide warnings and slight context (if applicable) to the beginning of each one-shot so you can decide if you want to read.


The context for this one is that it's moreso a private noncanon thing between me and one of my friends — AxoAlexx — and it wasn't anything I intended on sharing or posting. They're fine with it, though (TK-0 is part of their AU). Slight context can be provided if requested. The formatting may feel a bit weird since I initially wrote this in Google Docs and had access to big/small text; it is still readable without the formatting.

Feel free to write inline comments, I absolutely love love LOVE reading them 👀

Eye Loss
Forced Cannibalism,
Dehumanizing Behavior,
Use of Zalgo Text,
Emetophobia (Descriptions of a character about to vomit/puke)
(Please request/ask to tag)

. . .

TK-0 mumbles under his breath as he heads over towards the hole he'd dug out just a few weeks prior. A putrid stench that he chooses to ignore comes from a few stray piles of human waste in the opposite corner of where KO currently resides. "Disgusting," he mutters, shaking his head and rolling his eyes as he slides down into the dirt below. KO doesn't seem to notice him right away; he's attempting to climb outside by desperately clinging onto the dirt wall as best as he can manage with only one arm and leg. His body trembles and shakes as he moves his foot upward and on top of a rock poking out of the side, and he breathes out a sigh of relief upon not stumbling and falling back down like he had done frequently for the past half hour. Sucking in a breath, he goes to move again, trying his best to focus. If he manages to keep going, then maybe, just maybe, he can—

An aggressive tug on his leg sends a sudden jolt of pain through his body, and he cries out as he collapses back into the dirt. "Ow, ow, ow—" He winces and bites his lip, sucking in a harsh, sudden breath as the still-fresh injury from a mere two days ago throbs and aches.

"Ugh," TK-0 groans, "stop being a baby."

TK-0's voice causes KO to flinch back in fear; the former laughs. "Cob, you're pathetic," he snorts, clenching his hand in and out a few times, and preparing to grab KO again in case of another escape attempt. His preparations appear to be useful, as he watches KO as he scoots himself back over to the wall and presses his hand into the dirt. "Please leave me alone," he pleads, clenching up a fistful of dirt while he waits for the pain to pass.


KO whines under his breath at the response, but ultimately chooses to ignore it as he pushes himself up to stand. The attempt shows to be useless, however, as he gets pulled back down to the ground again, this time yelling out in both distress and annoyance as well as from the pain.

"Can you stop?" TK-0 huffs, "it's getting annoying."

"You're getting annoying!" he snaps back. TKO's tone laces his voice as he wheezes out a snarled, "you keep on pulling me back down here!"


KO gasps for breath, bewildered and distressed, and stumbles over his words. "Wh— 'So'??? I don't want to be here!" Tears spill out and stream down his cheeks, and he punches at the ground, sending a few stray bugs and worms wriggling back underneath. "I want to go home!"

"Too bad." TK-0 approaches KO and grabs his wrist. Immediately, the latter becomes panicked and tries to pull away, to no avail; the former snorts, which is followed by an irritated, "this is your home now." He tightens his grip and jerks KO towards him, grasping onto the sides of his face as hard as he can with his other hand. Pure, raw hatred fills every ounce of his expression, and he leans in close; "I'm not letting you leave, Stabby," he hisses.

"I'm not—"

"SHUT UP!" TK-0 squeezes KO's face hard enough to make it pop. KO chokes on a sob, and any other protests he's about to make are lost as he gets tossed into the dirt. A strangled, wheezy grunt leads to a coughing fit, and TK-0 shakes with anger, watching him with clenched fists that form into cannons. "SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP!!!!"


"I SAID SHUT UP!!!!!" A sudden blast of energy sends dirt and dust flying upwards, and KO throws his arm in front of himself defensively, trembling, and ears ringing. He doesn't dare move— or speak— or do anything close to making any form of noise in any way, shape, or form because cob knows what's going to happen if he even does as much as breathe

"I'm getting tired of you."

The ringing subsides, and KO lowers his arm just enough to get a glimpse of TK-0 as he strolls over, eyeing him warily as the cannons form back into hands. "All the screaming, the crying, the fact you keep trying to escape—" TK-0 stops in front of him and kneels down to his height, spinning his wrist around a few times while clenching his fists in and out. "I hate it. I hate you." His expression twists and contorts into a smile as a staticy laugh crackles and tears through his throat. "And you're never getting out of this hole."

KO moves his arm to cover his ears (as best he can with only one, anyway) and clenches his eyes shut as the laughter fades out into an unnerving silence. A few clicks and whirs coming from TK-0's fan cause him to flinch again, which is responded to with a flat, "look at me." A head shake is all the robot gets in response, and purple sparks fly off his person as he snarls and reaches forward to grab KO's face again.

"Stop—" he wheezes. A scream gets caught in his throat as his jaw crackles and pops, and TK-0 repeats himself with a harsh, wheezy-like breath of his own; "look at me—" a loud, static filled beep replaces whatever it was that he was going to say, and KO clenches his eyes shut even tighter as he struggles to cover his ears. The beeping drowns itself out and gets replaced by ear-piercing static as TK-0 yells as loud as his voice box will let him, "I SAID Ļ̷̱̇͜Ö̸̱̪̩́̊Ơ̴͓̱͒̉̀K̸͈̬̜̬̋ ̸̫͔̜̹̄̌͝À̷̪̹̘̹͑̉̍T̶̨̊͗ ̸͋̃ͅM̸͍̣͙̄͂͊̂Ḛ̷̦̿̈́!̶̢̘͚̓̅̌̔ͅ!̴͔̤̆̅̓̃!̴̡̖͑̒̋!̴̥̖̺̤̉́!̸̞͂͘͠!̴̧̝͙͊̉̽ͅ"

KO yells out as the noise rings through his head, and TK-0 screams back even louder, taking his free hand and starting to pry it into the corner of KO's left eye, "̷̖̭̗͂̈̓͠S̶̬͕̑̅̒͋͜H̶͇͉̳͐͛͠ͅU̷̜̦͑T̷̢̗̝͔̽̏̊̽ ̷̨̤͂U̶̻̳͐͂P̷̬͘!̴̜̈!̶̡̻́͛̾!̷̧̞̌" Immediately on instinct, his eyes shoot open, and he begins to try and push and punch TK-0 away from him in a frantic panic. Another round of static-filled laughter echoes through his ears, and he begins to hyperventilate as more pressure gets put against his eye. "No, no, no no no no no stop— stop— STOP—" an ear-piercing SCREAM tears through what feels like his entire body as TK-0 digs into his eye. "STOP!!!! STOP!!!!! STOP!!!!!!! STOP STOP STOP STOP!!!!!"

"̴͙̖̀̂̈́͝N̶̲̪̲̤͗̌̊O̴̤͓̍!̵͙̔̓̿!̶̼̭̏͋̀͊!̷̟͙̉͆́͜͠!̷̼̅̓͒!̵̘̲̠̏͒͜" TK-0 digs deeper into the eye socket with as much force as he can, and KO's punching and kicking becomes more and more erratic and frantic as the vision on his left side grows blurry and dark and he isn't stopping why isn't he stopping it hurts so much please make it STOP IT HURTS SO MUCH—

"̶̯̗̲̀̎S̸̩̙̍̉̀̉T̷̰̀̔͠Ợ̶̯̜̓̓̚P̷͈̦͇̍͠ ̴̟̠̿͐̄̍S̸̢̟͈͛Ç̵͓̲̞̐̚R̸̨̲̩̻̎̉Ȇ̵̡͐̌͝Ǎ̶̡̑͝͝M̷͎̜̉̅I̸̦̖̼͙͐̈͒N̷̖̰͔̈̊͝G̵̡͎̞̗̓!̴̧͖͕̀̀͐͝!̸̛̬͎̒͐͊!̶̘͇̥̎!̶͇͍̅͊̔!̴͈̿͒͌" KO's head gets jerked forward as TK-0 reels back, and he screams even louder as an indescribably inhumane rush of pain and agony surges through him. His eye pops and cracks as it's twisted out of place, and he begs and pleads and sobs for mercy, but it doesn't come as— cob, it burns. Unhinged static-filled laughter mixes in with the screams— both of which have been going on nonstop since this has started— and TK-0 tightens his grip on the eye. "Y̶̨̰̱̆̑Ọ̷͂̀̄U̴̩͙̍͌̈́ ̸̛̜̮D̸͊͜͝Ẻ̸͔̯̑̔S̸͚̿E̷̙̖̟̓R̶̜̮̿̓̓V̶̳̥̠̾͠E̵̡̕ ̵̧̯̳̓̄T̴͉̕͝Ḫ̷͉̜̐Ḯ̶̥̝͌͝S̴͕͗ ̷̺͛́Ý̵̺̄̇Ǫ̶̟̿̓U̴̩̣͆͊ͅ ̷͚͓̇̂L̶̤͎̫̒͛I̸̡͎̞̓T̷͓̪̿T̸̺͖̎̈́̾L̷̘̝̬͑̃̆E̵͓̦̅̋̈́͜—̷̡̩̌̓̏" another loud, long line of static-filled beeps rings through KO's already pounding—  achingburninghead and body and eye— cob his eyewhy his eye— why— why— wh

His head snaps back and into the wall of dirt behind him, and his screams come to a halt as he gasps and wheezes for breath. TK-0's now slightly-less-unhinged laughter gets drowned out by the low ringing in his ears, and he sits there, unmoving. "You—" he coughs dryly, and a rush of pain— burning, agonizingly numbing pain— shoots through his head and down into his shoulder, and he cries out, voice hoarse. "Owwww…"

TK-0's laughter fades into a jumbled hum of static, and he falls silent. His smile wavers and shifts into an irritated frown as KO whimpers and whines, and he steps back, watching. "Y̵o̸u'̶re̵ ̵w̷ea̴k̷," he scoffs, voice barely coherent through the mass amounts of static layered over it, "get̵ ̶u̸p ̸a̷nd ̴st̴op̵ ̵c̵r̸y̵in̸g." The fan inside of him clicks and turns as it shifts the direction of airflow, and he grumbles something under his breath as the remaining static in his voice dies out. KO doesn't budge, and TK-0 squeezes the eye as he spins his wrists around.

"You—" KO heaves and wheezes, hardly able to see TK-0 through his blurred vision. His expression twists and contorts into a cringe of agony as tears and blood spill out from the missing eye socket and run down his cheeks, and he bites back the urge to break into another screaming fit. The world spins and dances around him, distorting what little eyesight he has left as he tries to focus on the person in front of him, finding minimal success; tears cloud most of what he can see, and hazy spots plastered in the edges of his eyes make it hard to tell what's next to him. He sinks to the ground, slouching up against the dirt behind him, and closes his eyes before immediately shooting them open again when another spike of pain radiates off his skull.

"What?" TK-0 practically mocks him with his tone, tilting his head with a childish, "are you scared?"

"You t— you took— y— you— you took m— m— my—"

"Yeah. I took your eye." He glances down at the eye for a moment, hums, and looks back up at KO with a sickeningly satisfactory grin. "It's squishy," he says, giving it a gentle squeeze, "like a stress ball."

The action and sound accompanying it sends a churn through KO's stomach, and he covers his mouth with a wheezy heave. "Stop," he chokes, forcing down the bile building in the back of his throat, "you can't— y— you— you're not— y— you—"

"Yes I can," he laughs, "I just did. What're you gonna do? Go cry to your mom?" He squeezes it again and moves it to his other hand as a few squirts of liquid spray out from the back. KO heaves and gags again, and his stomach groans with an ached, pained, disgusted churn. Cob, why—

"What. Are you hungry?" TK-0 tilts his head again, to the other side, watching KO as his movements come to an immediate halt. A moment of unnerving silence lingers between the two, and KO pushes himself up— no longer slouching— with a frantic head shake. "No, no, no, no, I'm not, I'm—" he clutches his stomach as another ache twists and turns inside of him, and he heaves again. "I'm not hungry—"

"Don't lie to me."

"I'm not—" A scream catches in his throat as TK-0 grabs his face again, making no effort to be any more gentle than he was last time. "Don't lie to me," he hisses, a vague hint of static in his tone, "you always whine and cry about it. You're CONSTANTLY BEGGING me EVERY DAY to BRING you FOOD!" He yanks KO forward and then reels back with a snarl, before tossing him into the dirt wall as hard as he can; a loud thud! follows as the latter sinks back to the ground and gasps for breath that never seems to come. The already-throbbing, agonizingly painful headache he's experiencing flares up upon contact, and suddenly it feels like a million tiny knives are being dipped in lava as they're shoved deep into his skin. His body trembles violently, and TK-0 watches him with narrowed eyes and heavy breaths, waiting, and calculating.

"I d— d— I— I don't—"

"I don't care if you don't want it," TK-0 snarls. He squishes and squeezes the eye as he shoves it directly in front of KO's face and squishes it against his cheek. Ignoring the increasing hyperventilation and quiet pleas of protest, he grasps onto KO's jaw and attempts to pry it open. KO shakes his head and smacks the hand away, but it does little good, as it only encourages the bot to keep on trying. "You're hungry," he snaps, "and you're going to eat it. You don't have a choice." Panic begins to build up in KO's chest, and he smacks at TK-0's hand again, which is followed by another that leads into a panicked frenzy of smacks that grow more and more erratic as the eye gets dragged along his cheek and closer to his pried-open jaw. Bile builds up in the back of his throat as the eye gets pressed up against his mouth, and he coughs, gags, and wheezes as he finds it increasingly harder to breathe. Cob, what is he doing, cob no, no, no no not again, stop, stop, stop, stop, sTOP IT STOP—

A disgruntled choke of absolute, pure, raw, mortified disgust comes out in place of a scream as TK-0 shoves the eye into his mouth, and he immediately heaves. His throat burns, and he lurches forward, heaving again and again, with each one leaving more bile behind than the last. It's clear that his body is trying to make him throw up, and TK-0 retaliates by shoving his hand all the way into his mouth and pushing the eye up against the back of his throat. KO gasps for breath, unable to breathe as the claw (and the eye— his eye) blocks his airway, and a burning sensation blooms across his chest. For once, the struggle gets noticed enough for the torment to be stopped, and TK-0 yanks his hand away; though leaving the eye behind. This is immediately followed by KO breaking into another fit of dry heaves and gags as he pushes it away from the back of his throat and attempts to spit it out.

"Don't HECKING move!" TK-0 wraps his hand around KO's mouth and forces it shut— and to stay shut— and a choked sound bubbles in the back of his throat as the eye gets pushed back into place. Any attempts at speaking are but grunts, groans, and whines, and the twisted grin from earlier creeps back onto the robot's face as he relishes in the moment. It's clear he's angry, yet somehow, within that anger, there's a sickening amount of joy and satisfaction that comes out every time he speaks. "You bastard," he laughs, squishing KO's cheek with his free hand in an attempt to maneuver the eye around his mouth, "you hecking BASTARD." The laugh twists into a snarl, and he moves the hand clenching KO's mouth to the bottom of his jaw, making sure to be as aggressive as possible as he forces him to bite down. His previous train of thought gets lost as KO attempts to fight him off again, and he rolls his eyes in annoyance as he tries to get the eye to burst. "Bite it," he snarls, "or I'm going to make you."

The built-up bile gets forced to the front of his mouth as KO makes more distressed, choked garbles in protest, and his already-messed-up vision distorts as the intense panic rushing through him spikes in extremity. His heart pounds out of his chest and a sudden rush of what can be described as none other than absolute agony spreads and spikes all the way through his entire body, and he struggles to not scream through all the pain. Surely by nowsurely— he would've passed out, but for some cob forsaken reason, his body continues to fight to keep him conscious. Maybe it's the object lodged in the back of his throat that keeps on being pushed around like some kind of toy in some kind of sick, revolting game— is that what this is to him? Does TK-0 think this is a game? Thoughts bounce around and buzz through KO's mind too fast and too jumbled to be made sense of, and he lays there, helpless.

"Bite. It."

KO shakes his head, and TK-0 grips his jaw tighter, forcing him to bite down with as much momentum as he can. The eye, somehow still whole and intact, rolls around in his mouth, and his choked pleas go unnoticed as his teeth violently smack against each other. His mouth vibrates from the intensity, and a new kind of pain overtakes him; a sharp toothache shoots from the back of his mouth and wraps around his head, and he squirms around in pain under TK-0's grasp. A low ringing works its way into his ears, and it grows louder the longer his mouth is clenched shut; his body grows numb and tingly as the pain coursing through him begins to subside into nothing more than a dull ache.

"Cobdangit!" TK-0 forces the mouth to bite down a few more times, with little success. The object inside bounces around like a basketball, squishy and leaking out juices, but never properly bursting. He releases KO's mouth long enough for him to breathe— which he does— and the numbness he previously felt quickly shifts back into pain as he gasps, wheezes, and coughs. Saliva and bile drip from the kid's mouth as he heaves out harsh breaths, but any attempts to once again push out the eye resort to being futile as his mouth gets clenched shut again. A few cracks of static sizzle from TK-0's harsh voice, "I said—"

He forces the jaw to bite down again— "—BITE IT!!!!" —and this time, something pops. KO's eye shoots open, and he screams out a muffled scream as juices and blood fill up his mouth like the liquids from a cherry tomato.


(A/N): TL;DR— Robot thinks a human child is a person named Stabby and throws said child in hole to torture him. It's as ridiculous as it sounds abwkhdks 😭 I'll update this chapter if I work on this more, but this is what I have so far! 👀

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