Wow, What a Piece of Shit!

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(A/N) Indirect and short continuation of the last one-shot (while it isn't finished/is a wip, that doesn't impact this), from Stabby's perspective.

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Stabby glances up at the sky and the heavy storm clouds that block the dark blues, purples, and pinks of a finishing sunset in the distance, before looking back down at KO's body in their grasp. They sigh and grumble something under their breath as they adjust their grip so he doesn't fall, and begin walking as they look around for a place to throw him.

About five minutes of walking later, and they come to a stop in front of a variety of large trees with a few small rocks scattered about. "Hm," they mumble, leaning in with a squint for a closer look. KO's head limply leans against their chest as they move, and they startle and snap their gaze down at him with a yelp. His lifeless stare meets theirs, his eyes wide and expression one of agony, anguish, and as much horror that a recently-dead body can have.

They stare at him for a solid ten seconds before moving one of their hands and poking his face just enough so his head wasn't leaning against them. A cringe forms in their expression upon realizing his face was still wet with tears, and they quickly wipe off their hand against his shirt. "Wow," they snort, adjusting their grip on him again so he doesn't slip out of their grasp, "all that screaming, crying, and calling for help, and yet nobody came to help? Guess none of your 'friends' actually care about you."

A moment of silence follows, almost as if Stabby was waiting for a response they knew they wouldn't get. Their arm brushes against his headband as they prepare to throw him, and they stop upon noticing there was something underneath. They raise an eyebrow, contemplating, before deciding to reach their hand inside his headband and pull out whatever it was that was in there.


KO's POW Card is held tightly in their grasp as they stare at it, processing its general appearance and well-keptness. A few fresh bloodstains are splattered across the corner, but they pay no mind to them. "Level 4, huh?" They turn the card over and get a glance at the back, raising their eyebrows higher at the sight of the messily-written signature on the bottom. "Kaio Kincaid," they murmur. The rest of their words are incoherent as they put the edge of card in their mouth to hold onto it as they reel back and throw the body towards the trees.

The body bounces in the dirt and rolls a few times before coming to a still stop, and Stabby pulls the card out of their mouth as they teleport the blood off of themself and put it somewhere underground instead. They step back and take a look at their surroundings, before taking a deep breath, sighing, and teleporting back the way they came from as they head home.

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