Love is a Joke(Thought That He Likes Me)

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(Warning: I put one swear word and hopefully you guys don't report me or anything I'm sorry)

Was used to rejections before
But never knew that this one hurts
Because of realities
I lived in the fantasy of happiness

It was a beautiful moment back then
But now, it's a joke that people tell
Because they don't like to hurt people's feelings
How can I forgive you? I thought you liked me

Now, I'm sad on the inside
Because no one can love me
Love me for who I am
And that's about it

Love can hurt you a lot
Love can heal you a lot
But it kills you on the inside
And probably, you never know why

It's all just a joke,
All just a set up
Wish that I can choke when eating sweets
Because life is such a screw up

Feels sad
Deep breaths
I'm okay now
Just never glad about that joke

I'm okay but...
It's not good to make love as a joke
Hopefully that I'm not hurt
But I am hurt right now

How many rejects do I receive?
How long will I live?
How far will I go?
I have many rejects and I have a short life

I'm such a disgrace
Been a joke to people
Hatred and depression run through me
And I'm just a waste of space and time

I hoped for another person to be honest
But that person just straight up lie to my face
I may or may not forgive you
But that joke is unforgivable

Why do people play with my emotions?
Why can't they just be real?
Why can't they just say "I don't like you" when I'm okay with rejections?
They are such sad cowards who don't care about people's feelings

Honesty is the best policy
Yea it is but is love a good lie or a bad truth?
I'd say that both are horrible things
No one even really se that I have feelings

Am I some joke to you?
Do you want me to feel so damn happy?!
For the fact that I'm sad because of that one lie?
I just don't get it...why am I alive?

This is not a joke.
I can never like that joke
But I forgive you
Even though you hurt me

I may seem selfish but I forgive you
However, I won't forget about that lie you tell me
I can't say that I hate you for telling a lie
But don't make that same mistake...ever

I'm not sad because of rejections
But I'm sad that I was lied
From yesterday, I have loved you
But today, I have hated your lie that your telling me

Next time, I want a straight up reject when loving
So that I can just understand and move on
It's not good when you just reject me but never say it to my face
No wonder it's rainy, I'm alone in a rainy day

There's this one last thing that I'd said to you,
Thank you for the time we had
I'm glad that we talked a little
And I hope you can make more people smile even though you fill me with one lie

Author note: Hey everyone, I just wrote this to tell you that this love got backfired. And I hope that you'll learn this from my experience that you should not lie to people who confess to you. Please don't tell such lies to not hurt them. Assure them that they can love someone better. Someone who cares about you more than anyone else. Have a nice day/night everyone.🌹💔

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