The Darkness (0/2)

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Name: Ezekial Blackwill
Alias: Darkfyre, Host of the Darkness
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Sexual Preference: Females
Species: Metahuman

Special Abilities: Major power is the manifestation of six demonic arms that can tear a man to tiny pieces with ease, and two demonic heads that gain power every time they eat a human heart. Minor powers include but are not limited to immortality, regeneration, and enhancing the more refined attributes, like strength and speed.

Appearance: Zeke has pale white skin and dark black hair with a single silver streak through it thanks to a close call with The Angelus, and due to a mutation manifesting in his blood, has red eyes with slitted purple pupils, not unlike a cat.
He usually wears dark colors to conceal the scars littered all around his body, casually wearing a black trench coat of a strange material, and a black breathable athletic shirt and 'Puma' brand athletic pants. Formally, which he almost never wears, is a black button up made of the same material as his coat and a silver tie.

Calculating. Every move is smooth, and nothing he does is on accident.
Clever. On top of his every move being intentional, he can see even the slightest moveents of other people before they are even a twinkle in combat, society or an argument, much like a chessboard.
Furious. Deep within Ezekial lies a darkness. in every fight, he calls upon his anger, which instills within him a superhuman strength, speed, agility and reflexes.
Calm. Little fazes him, except for past sins that he could never forgive, either in himself or anyone else.
Confident. His pace is long and smooth, and he never looks over his shoulder, in memory or in real life. What's done is done, what was righted was righted, and who was wronged was helped, and he cares not a whack for what anyone might think of him.
Sarcastic. Ezekial does not hesitate to roast and insult anyone he does not like or appreciate.
If he truly likes someone, he gets a lot more affectionate and protective.
Quiet. He dislikes loud noises, and thus prefers to be quiet himself, noticing more than he says.
With Ezekial's strong sense of right, wrong, revenge and justice, he will never leave a wrong he cannot right, and will attempt his hardest to only ever do the right thing, or chose the lesser of two evils.


He worships cats, although being an overall pet person, usually able to charm most pets and wild animals.
Ezekial loves to read, specifically about fantasy worlds.
Ezekial loves fighting, the adrenaline and energy surging through his body makes him feel immortal.
Fire; a hypnotic and beautiful thing
Precious gems, instantaneous hoarding instinct.
It's an overwhelming preference with him to work alone, as he dislikes most people, viewing them most specifically as a liability in combat. And most of the time he's right.

Without a dog in his presence, he views them as smelly, loud, energetic and exhausting.
Bright lights and sunlight. Ezekial already did not like bright lights and sunlight, as it hurt his eyes, but thanks to the dark being replacing his soul, he physically cannot stand either of them.
Hurting an animal or an innocent.
Due to traumatic experiences during his childhood, he is terrified of spiders and needles.

Tattoos: None

Scars: Many, mostly on his arms and torso.

Occupation: Freelance Vigilante

Weakness: Bright lights and sunlight

Weapon: Various, prefers a sword sheathed over his shoulder. Ezekial is right handed.

Family: Deceased.

He died for the first time on the night of his 21st birthday, when a powerful demonic entity called The Darkness awoke within him. The resulting revelation leveled his apartment complex and attracted unwanted attention, specifically, The Darkness' enemies, minions of The Angelus. He won, but at a cost. Everyone he ever knew or loved was murdered, some of which by his own unwilling hand due to The Darkness trying to seize control. The wounds Ezekial sustained during the fight were so severe he bled out on a mountain of corpses. When he woke up again, he was in a strange room, with a small, frail old man was meditating by the far wall.
What followed was one long year of intense training in various weapons and how to control the demon dwelling within him. Almost exactly after 365 days, The Angelus found him, this time coming after Ezekial with The Sipher, a construct able to contain and hold The Darkness. The resulting battle rage wiped the mountain off the map, and Ezekial has been fleeing ever since.

Smut: I prefer no smut, however this universe has smut. A lot, if I remember correctly.

Note: I have indeed read the entire (I think) lore of this universe. However, it has been a LONG ass time and may forget some things. Knowledge of the lore is not required but it is heavily recommended.

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