The Shapeshifter (0/2)

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Name: Ezekial 'The Shapeshifter' Blackwill

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Species: Shapeshifter

Appearance: Anything he wants. But his favorite form (and original) has pale skin, black hair with a silver streak through the front-left side, black eyes, and angular facial features. He is quite tall (6'2"), with a lean and well-muscled frame.

Personality: Calculating; he's already three steps ahead. Loyal; hard to earn, easy to lose, but goes to the end of the earth (and may the gods help those that lose his trust). Fierce; a sharp tongue and a sharper sword. Quiet; very much NOT a people person, or a team player. Intelligent; photographic memory. Passionate; hates his dislikes with, well, a passion.

Likes: Cats, martial combat, darkness, precious gems, fire, fighting, working alone, Intelligence.

Dislikes: Arrogance, stupidity, bright lights, crowds, working in groups, leading.

Weaknesses: Bright lights (fucks his vision something fierce and makes his senses incredibly sensitive), piercing/shrill noises/frequencies (incredibly painful)

Tattoos: None

Scars: None

Weapon(s): Highly skilled. Almost overwhelmingly prefers swords for much easier use.

Summarized Powers: Change voice, change form. Adaptive mind (Longer he can read a persons physical and/or emotional state, the better he can predict their movements), photographic memory, hyper-acute perception, thinks about 10x faster than an ordinary human.

Summarized Backstory: (it's 11 at night. I'll get back to this one later)

Scenario: I shall give you a choice.

You are a teenager with the ability to measure how dangerous a person is by the numbers above their head. You've seen a few 7's and 8's. But you've never seen '???' before.

Once the body ceases to grow, people receive a weapon based upon their thoughts and personalities. You receive something different.

(Special) You are a young creature of the sky, spending all your times in forests and mountains. Humans had been wiped out centuries ago, and are now hailed as both extraordinary heroes... and the worst villains. Now you must deal with one who can change his shape.

You're a police officer in a incredibly corrupt city and precinct. You've heard the stories of an incredibly strong... thing in one of the interrogation rooms. It never leaves. Just kills everyone who enters. One day, when trying to expose the corruption of the city/precinct, you are caught and thrown in the room with it. It looks surprisingly human. And offers you a choice.

You're village left you in the forest as a sacrifice to the monster that dwells within. When it shows up, it's not interested in your death...

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