Cheer Uppers!!!!!!!!!

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Heyo, again!!!

This chapter is inspired and dedicated to my two hilarious and supportive besties, one of which came up with the awesome term "cheer uppers" on a whim!! Thank you lassie for your funny and cheery words!! Here's a bunch of scenes to honour the good times we've shared as of late!

(WARNING: These are extremely random but 100% real events that happened to me and my friends. Some are inside jokes, others are still cringe worthy but all really good and funny or possibly serious but meaningful events, if that makes sense! I will do my best to capture the true, beautiful/funny essence of these events, but please bear with me if I don't give this much justice.)


Scene 1: Let it go, April!

ME:      I'm having so much trouble with my nightmare dragons... I mean seriously... April's so moody!!

BESTIE:      Aww, why's she so upset, lass?

APRIL:     Why don't you ask the idiot who attacked me just over two weeks ago!!

ASANO:     You need to learn to let go, girl.   (White girl mode)   I let myself go~   [Thought: That sounded so much better in my head]   -_-

APRIL:     (Eyes ASANO)   >.>   ...   Clearly.

(One week later)

ME:     (Walks into my teacher's office for help with the assessment. Sees he is busy with another student. Smiles at the student because he is my study buddy. Looks at the wall while waiting. Sees a poster that says "holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die." Smiles and thinks "This is so my teacher. He loves his inspirational quotes... Figures.")

APRIL:     (In my head, reading with me)   ...   (Silent)

SHADOW:     (Also in my head, reading with me)   ...   (Scoffs)   Whatever.   (Continues holding onto his own anger, which is causing him to have insanity snaps, his anger is so bad right now)

APRIL:     (Rolls her eyes at SHADOW, but decides to forgive him for attacking her during his first insanity snap)

(Two days later)

ME:     (Tells DE BESTIE about APRIL forgiving SHADOW)

ASANO:     (Proudly)   You let yourself go!   ^w^   (White girl voice)   I let myself go!

APRIL:    (Silent)   ...   -_-   Seriously?

ASANO:     ^w^

APRIL:      (Slowly smiles)    Pfft. You're weird, Asano.   ^w^

~End scene~

Scene 2: Put it in OC mode!!

SHINIGAMI:    (Narrating people's lives. Walks up to QUEENIE and POURI)   Little did the girl know that one day she would grow up to be a princess.

POURI:   (Smiles)   I know~

(DISCLAIMER: I do not own the script to this scene. All rights go to Thomas Sanders and his vines!)

~End scene~

Scene 3: Genma.

(When SERENITY is not around)

GENMA:    (Chills around, doing whatever)

(When SERENITY is around)

GENMA:      (Hyped)   SERENITY! SERENITY!   (Jumps around like chipmunk/squirrel AOKA on rum)   SERENITY! SERENITY!! SERENITY!!!

SERENITY:     (Hugs GENMA to calm him down)   Shhh~   ^w^   Cutie~

GENMA:     (Still pretty hyped, but no longer jumping like a hyper-spyro-child)   ^w^   Serenity!!

~End Scene~

Scene 4: Thank you!!!

BESTIE:      (Does me a huge favour)

ME:      ^w^    Thaaank you!! Thank you! Thank you, thank you, thaaaank you!!

BESTIE:     (Blushes modestly)   No worries, lass...

ME:      (Speaking de spanish meh uncle taught me)   Gracias!!!

KOGAME:      Did you just say... "Grassy-ass"?

ME:      O-O   No! Is my accent that bad?

KOGAME:      Yes. And so is your spelling.

ME:      -_-

BESTIE:      Loool~ Grassy ass...

ME:      Hehe!~~ I'm good, huh?

BESTIE:     Hehe~ Whatever you say, lass.

~End Scene~

Scene 5: Freaks!

(KAGEYAMA and OLIVE are dancing like maniacs while the song "freaks" plays in the background. They both dab, jump around, and whip their hair back and forth, while singing the lyrics at the top of their lungs and RYUGA sits in between them, unamused.)

KAGEYAMA:     Close the curtains on 'em if they're actin' like they never heard us!

OLIVE:     See we do this for a purpose just to keep that fire burnin'!

(KAGEYAMA and OLIVE wave their hands over RYUGA's head.)

KAGEYAMA&OLIVE:     And we don't need no water, let that mother-mother-burn!

(KAGEYAMA and OLIVE stop waving their hands over RYUGA's head. OLIVE opens her arms as if she were motioning for a hug, while KAGEYAMA does a shouting motion)

OLIVE:     Timmy play your trumpet!

KAGEYAMA:     Let the people go berserk!

RYUGA:     -_-   ..............

~End Scene~

Scene 6: De wedding preparations!

AOKA:     (Finds out DAPHNE and KILLIAN ROGUE are getting married, making her very excited)   ^w^   You're getting married?!

KAIZOKU:    (Drunk voice)   I love weddings. Drinks all round!  (Turns to DAPHNE)   Where's your rum?

DAPHNE:     You're the one who suggested drinks. You can get your own rum.

KAIZOKU:     It's your wedding.

DAPHNE:     But you said "drinks on me"

KAIZOKU:     I never said "drinks on me"

DAPHNE:     You literally just did.

KAIZOKU:    (Pouts)   -_-

DAPHNE:     Beside, ye got plenty of yer own rum.

KAIZOKU:    (Mumbles something about DAPHNE's rum)

AOKA:    (Innocently)   I think I drank it all.

DAPHNE:     Mine or his?   (Motions to KAIZOKU)

AOKA:     Yours.  (Nods at DAPHNE)

DAPHNE:     (Sighs)   Of course you did.   (Smiles agitatedly)   Oki.

AOKA:     (Slightly scared)   Yeeesss?

DAPHNE:     I'm going to kill my fiancé now.

KILLIAN:    (Salutes and sneaks out of the room)

AOKA:     (Laughs, knowing DAPHNE is just kidding)

~End Scene~

Scene 7: Monks and Remixes.

ANTENNA:     (Makes a song for NANCY)   ^w^

NANCY:     ^w^

ASANO:    (Remixes it)   Boi~

ANTENNA:     (Raises an eyebrow at ASANO)   ...   ^w^   Nice beat, bruh!

ASANO:     I know right, bruh!

~End Scene~

Scene 8: April... Helps someone?

MUREBA:     (Sees a knife)   ...   (Goes to pick it up)   ...   (Stops)   ...   (Sighs)   ...  (Walks into the other room, where HOTORU, APRIL, and some others are)   ...   (Sits down and groans in agonising pain) How can people do this??

APRIL:     (Frowns curiously at MUREBA)   ...

HOTORU:     Don't worry, Mureba, you'll get used to it.

MUREBA:     -_-   (sighs)   This is painful.

HOTORU:     (Encouragingly)   You're doing well... How long has it been since you last killed someone?

MUREBA:     (Shrugs)   A couple weeks?

APRIL:    (Laughs)

HOTORU:      -_-   (Ignores APRIL and continues talking encouragingly to MUREBA)   That's good. You're doing well.

MUREBA:     (Groans again and flops onto his back)   I don't know how to feel.

HOTORU:    (Silent)   ...   (Wants to help MUREBA but doesn't know what to say)

APRIL:     (No longer laughing)   What do you mean, you don't know how to feel?   (Frowns at MUREBA)

MUREBA:    (Shrugs)   I just don't know how to feel... I've tried, but I just don't feel anything.

HOTORU:     It'll happen one day. You'll learn how to feel.

MUREBA:     I doubt that.

APRIL:     (Frowns even more)   What about your sister?

MUREBA:     Hm?

APRIL:     You care about her, don't you? That's feeling something.

MUREBA:     (Looks away)   ...

APRIL:    (Tilts her head slightly at MUREBA)   You're trying not to kill for her, right? When was the last time you saw her?

MUREBA:     I don't get to see her anymore.

HOTORU:     You'll see her someday.

APRIL:     (Slightly shocked)   They don't?

MUREBA:     (Shakes his head)   They don't trust me around them anymore, so I don't get to see her.

APRIL:     (Frowns)   ...


MUREBA:     (Groans)   I don't think I can do this anymore.

HOTORU:     Don't give up now. You've come so far!

APRIL:    (Looks away)   ...   (Still looking away but talks to MUREBA)   Question... Do you really want to stop killing?

MUREBA:     Hm?

APRIL:     (Looks at MUREBA)   Because if you do want to stop, you need to think about why your stopping. No one just stops, unless they have a reason, so you need to think on that reason. Use that reason to help you, and take things one step at a time... You've lasted two weeks, you say? That's good. Just don't pressure yourself to much. Otherwise, what's the point.? You're just gonna make yourself suffer.   (Talking to herself mostly)   It's way more fun to watch the other person suffer, I think.   (Goes back to talking to MUREBA)  Stop if you want to. Don't if you don't. We're all here to help, if you feel the need to ask us for help. I'm here. You're friend, Hotoru, over there... He's definitely here to help.

HOTORU:     (Smiles at MUREBA)   Always here, mate.

DAPHNE:     (Makes it known that she is somewhat willing to help)

MUREBA:     (Frowns curiously at APRIL and is silent for a bit) Why?

APRIL:     (Confused)   Why what?

MUREBA:     Why do you care about helping me?

APRIL:     (Smiles slightly at MUREBA)   Because, Mureba, you remind me of myself. There was a time, a long time ago, where I too had to make myself stop killing others... For a friend... It was hard. I struggled a lot... So, I want to help you... Plus, you're the son of my step-cousin. We're family... (Mumbles) Rika would kill me if I didn't help family... (No longer mumbling) So, yea, I want to help you.

MUREBA:     (Scoffs slightly)   Whatever.

APRIL:     (Smirks slightly)   You'll see.

MUREBA:     Hmph...   -_-

HOTORU:     It's getting late. We should probably all get to bed now.

(A few minutes later)

HOTORU:     (Asleep on the bed in the lounge)

MUREBA:    (Laying on the other bed in the lounge, still struggling not to kill)   ...

APRIL:     (Sitting on the couch)   ...  (Notices MUREBA is still awake)   Mureba.

MUREBA:     Mm?

APRIL:     I want to help, but, I need you to trust me.  (Holds her hand out for MUREBA)   You don't have to trust me, but I will always be here if you decide to trust me.

MUREBA:     (Frowns at APRIL's hand, but thinks about trusting her)   ...   (Slowly reaches out for APRIL's hand, clearly a little unsure about trusting her or accepting her help just yet)

APRIL:     (Smiles reassuringly at MUREBA, laying down on the couch and continues to hold her hand out for MUREBA)

MUREBA:    (Slowly takes APRIL's hand, deciding to trust her)

APRIL:     (Smiles at MUREBA, brushing her thumb across MUREBA's knuckles as if he were a small, helpless child, but only for a little bit, knowing he was not a child)   ...   (Slightly tired due to it being extremely late after such a long and busy day)

MUREBA:     (Takes his hand back after a bit and clears his throat)

APRIL:     (Laughs a little)   Goodnight, Mureba.

MUREBA:     Night.

(And thus was the start of a new friendship ^-^ Sorta.)

Scene 8.5: Mureba... Feeling? No... Feeling better? Hopefully.

(In the morning)

APRIL: (Wakes up due to loud and strange music playing in the other room) -_-

MUREBA: (Also awake) ...

APRIL: (Eventually realises MUREBA is awake) Hey.


APRIL: How're you feeling?

MUREBA: (Shrugs)

APRIL: (Smiles slightly) You're looking a little better.

MUREBA: (Smiles slightly) ...

HOTORU: (Wakes up) ... Morning.

APRIL: Morning.


HOTORU: Breakfast?

(One hour later)

APRIL: (Starts singing "Lies" by evanescence)

MUREBA: (Smirks slightly, his voice monotone – almost bored) Hypnotic...

APRIL: (Just as monotone) Thanks. ^-^

~End Scene~


So, yea, that's basically it... Goodness. That took so much longer to write than I thought it would, but I reread it all in like a second -_- ... ^-^ Well! I hope you all had fun reading it! I'll hopefully update again today, otherwise, hopefully expect an update next week! I really want to get as much writing done during the holidays, because I know that once school starts I will have no time to write anything besides the millions of assessments school gives us grade 12s... Good news, though.... LAST YEAR OF SCHOOL ^w^ .......... Then I go to university in two years, but, hey, at least I might get a gap year! Maybe...

Anywho! Enjoy yourselves, everyone!

Later peeps!!!

(Still editing, sorry)

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