So Pissed With The Painting Club

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Heres the tea...
Im the secretary of the painting club.
(Just a short explanation... this friday and saturday will be our fair day and so basically in the fair there are like variety shows, fun races, rides (octopus, anchors away, and velocity swing) inflatables, games, food booths and non food booths. Basically the school needed students to help. So we have like... fair board committee and of course performers... because of this a lot of fair board members and performers get excused from classes. Due to this, the teacher cant discuss too much lessons cuz the students might have a hard time catching up, plus some teachers are part of the fair board so...))

It was like the 1at subject when we were about to check some homework we did yesterday. Then there was this girl who knocked and asked if  all painting club members can be excused. And i was like. "Am i in-trouble?" XD cuz they dont just c a l l the painting club. And in our class im he only painting club member so everyone was looking at me like. "Ooooff you in troubleeee"

Basically all of us grade 8(1) and grade 9(3) and grade 10 (1) went to the library cuz thats where we were supposed to meet up. (In case you wondering we also have a Visual Arts Club which has a lot of members meaning the Painting a club is just a branch of VA club making less people go to the club..) When we got there the moderator was there and she made us fill up 10 black boards back to back with red cartolina. And we were like. "Dafuq we gonna skip class cuz of this!?"

The teacher explained that she noticed that most students were just talking and sleeping during free time (which isnt the case, we were doing performance tasks and homeworks, only 4 were sleeping..) and she thought that she can grab her club together and help her with the exhibit for the fair..

At first we were excited cuz we thought the exhibit was dedicated tot he club but thats not the case because the exhibit wasnt for the painting club, it was for the exhibit of the 40 years of history of the school. Which disappointed us cuz we were wasting so much time.

I also hate how the visual arts have their own exhibit to show of their art but we dont. People are confusing the painting club as the visual arts club

We decided not to include the grade 7 because they would just hinder us.. and the grade 10 left because she was busy... i could also tell the teacher i was busy but i cant because im a club officer... and the club officers stayed to do it.

Basically for the past 7 hours i skipped the entire day of class along with the performers and fair board committee. All i did was cut masking tape, make it double sided. And pasted red cartolinas on the black board back to back... they i posted pictures of the history of the school (from 1978-2018) with the other members. I DID ride once on the octopus and ate half my lunch (i skipped recess)

Now my hand hurts...

Thats not the only problem...

According to miss... we have to work during fair days too, meaning i cant hang out with friends, nor ride our rides... or participate in some activities.. and with out the help of the grade 7 we are SO behind..

ALSO according to miss.. when we DO complete the exhibit... we have to keep watch on the area... meaning i have to sit at the entrance of the exhibit for 2 hours straight (though we will take shifts..)

Worst (for me) is the jail booth cant catch me... and i LOVE messing with the jail booth. Long story short, the jail booth announce the people who will be jailed for example "all those wearing white shoes will be jailed" and basically all those wearing white shoes will be locked in 'jail' for an hour.


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