The Rock

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Lily was walking home one day from a friend's house when she stumbled over a rock. This was no ordinary rock, though. The rock glowed an odd shade of purple and shimmered in the sunshine. Lily examined the strange rock a little bit before putting it in her backpack. She enters her home only to realize that it was empty. She took this as the perfect opportunity to examine the rock she had stumbled upon. Lily opens her backpack and saw that her water bottle leaked all over the rock and the bottom of her bag.
"Aw man!" she groans as she takes her books and the rock out of her backpack.

She sets everything on the kitchen table then puts her backpack over a heater so it could dry. In that moment, the room was illuminated with a pink and purple glow. She turns around, seeing that it was the rock letting off the gorgeous glow. She picked up the soaked, purple glowing rock and examined it once more. All of a sudden, the purple glow turned into electrifying sparks. Lily tossed the rock back on the table and backed away slowly. Electric shocks that looked like lightning bolts began bouncing off the rock and off the walls. Lily gasped and ducked to avoid the shocks. After the shocks began to stop, Lily came out from her hiding place behind the table. The rock was still glowing. Lily eased her breathing before fully standing up. She picks up the rock again as the purple light on it stops glowing.
"Whew," Lily breathes. "I'm glad that's over."

Then, the rock lets off one last electric shock that bounced off the walls, floors, and tables at the speed of light. The light bounces off a wall and hits Lily, sending her flying into the opposite wall. She groans in pain. Suddenly, Lily feels herself floating off the ground.
"Oh my gosh!" she exclaims. "What's happening?!"
Lily floats up and hits the ceiling. She pushes herself off the wall gently and she floats back down to the floor.
"This is the coolest thing!" she says. "Wee!"
She flies around the house and does somersaults in mid-air. Her fun ends abruptly when she heard the back door open. She sets herself on her feet on the floor and acts like nothing happened.

"Hey there Lilypad," her older brother, Luke, said coming in.
"Luke," Lily groans. "You know I don't like that name."
"Exactly," Luke says in a "duh" tone. "That's why I use it."
"Gosh you're so annoying!" Lily complains.
"What's that?" Luke said pointing to the top of Lily's head.
"What's what?" Lily questioned feeling her head. She felt nothing. "Very funny, Luke."
"I'm serious," Luke says. "There's something floating over your head. It looks like a cloud."
"There's nothing floating over my head!" Lily said irritably.
"Oh my gosh. There's lightning bolts coming out of it."
"Luke! Stop it!"
"Lily! I'm serious!"
"Shut up!" Lily shouts and her shout shakes the house. The cloud that Lily was unaware of floating on top of her head sent lightning bolts flying everywhere.
"Lily calm down!" Luke exclaims. Lily slowly began to calm down and the cloud on her head disappeared.
"What was that?!" Luke exclaims in confusion.
"I don't know!" Lily exclaims back.
"That was kinda cool to be honest," Luke said.
"No it wasn't!" Lily scolds. "We could've gotten hurt!"
"Sorry," Luke mutters.
"I'm going to my room," Lily says brushing past him and collecting her things.
What did just happen? Lily thought.

Lily shut her bedroom door and slid down to the floor. She admires the rock once more.
This must have had something to do with it, Lily wondered. She hid the rock in her backpack, did her homework, and went to bed.

The next day...
Lily woke up the next day and looked at her clock. She realized it was 7:30 and she was wide awake.
"I'm late!" she exclaims aloud. She rushes out her room and saw that all the bathrooms were occupied by her family members.
"I wish I was ready so I don't have to wait!" Lily complains. A gentle breeze blew across her face and she looks down to see she was in clean clothes and smelled like she had just taken a shower. Her mouth was minty fresh and her shoes and socks were on her feet.
"Um," Lily says to herself. "This works, too."

Lily walks downstairs and waits for her family to finish getting ready. While waiting, she looks around for something to eat and finds almost nothing in the freezer, fridge, and cabinet.
"There's no food!" she complains throwing her head back towards the ceiling. "What am I going to do?"
There was another breeze. She looks down and sees a plate with bacon, eggs, and pancakes on the kitchen table with a tall glass of orange juice to go with it.
"Woah." was all she could get out. She searched around the drawer excitedly and took out a fork. She ate the delicious food, washed her plate, and by the time she was done, her family was ready to leave for school and work.

Lily gets to school and is greeted by her friend, Amanda.
"Hey Lil," Amanda says when Lily comes up to her.
"Hey," she responds. "You'll never believe this!"
"What's up?"
Lily began to explain her entire rock story to Amanda and she seemed impress.
"That's freaky," Amanda comments after Lily's done explaining.
"Right," Lily agrees.
"You think this rock could make a certain someone disappear?" Amanda asked.
"Oh," Lily says rolling her eyes. "Her. She's so snobby and it's all because her dad is the CEO of some big company. I forgot which one."
"But haven't you seen those movies when that one person that made the world sane disappears and then chaos erupts?" Lily mentions.
"But that's in the movie!" Amanda argues.
"Well I don't wanna know if the movies are lying or not," Lily says putting the rock back in her bag.

The bell rings and Lily and Amanda head to class. On their way to class, they see Tracy in all her glory and snobbiness with her little clique.
"Oh look who it is!" Tracy says. Lily rolls her eyes and keeps walking.
"What's the matter?" Tracy asks. "You have nothing to say to me today?"
"Actually," Lily says turning around,"I have three words for you: Go. To. Hell."
"You wish," Tracy says laughing.

A roaring wind came in through the hallway and swirled around Tracy. Lily and Amanda step back slowly. Tracy's cliques scurries as the swirling wind turned into fire. Just as quickly as it came, it was gone and so was Tracy.
"What was that?" Amanda asked in complete shock.
"I don't know but let's get out of here!" Lily says and they run to class. They walk in as casually as possible and sit in the back of the classroom. Lily opens her backpack and looks at the rock. All of sudden, Tracy showed up on the rock surrounded by fire. Satan pops up beside her and says,"Welcome to Hell! What brings you here?"
Tracy screams and runs away from him.
"I guess she really did go to Hell," Amanda says quietly.
"Yeah," Lily responds while putting the rock away.
"We gotta bring her back," Amanda says.
"I know," Lily says,"but let's enjoy this moment."
"You're right," Amanda says. "She can have fun befriending Hitler while she's there."
"'Lily Parker and Amanda Mitchell please report to the office,'" the principal said over the intercom.

Lily and Amanda get up and grab their backpacks. They walk down the hallway to the principal's office. They open the door and see the principal and Tracy's cliques in there.
"I wish she was out of Hell now," Lily whispers sounding traumatized.
"Me too," Amanda agreed.
"Ladies have a seat," Principal Green said. Lily and Amanda take their seats.
"Do you know why I brought you in here?" he asked.
"No sir," Lily replied.
"Well I heard that you got into an altercation with these girls," he went on. "I want to hear your side of the story."
"I got this," Amanda whispers to Lily. She turns her attention to Principal Green. "You see sir: we were on our way to class when-"

The principal's office door flew open and revealed a charred-up Tracy. Her hair was frizzy and the flames from Hell made her skin look as black as night.
"This was all Lily's doing!" Tracy cried. "All of it was Lily, Lily, Lily..."

"Lily!" Amanda said shaking her. "Wake up!" Lily shot up like a rocket and realized she was still in class with a movie going on up front.
"You were knocked out," Amanda whispered.
"I can see that," Lily whispered back. "I had the weirdest dream."
"Tell me after school."
"...Tracy ended up literally going to Hell and then we ended up in the principal's office," Lily explained. "I wished she was out of Hell and while Principal Green was questioning us, Tracy-"
Lily stopped abruptly when she tripped over a rock. It was the same rock from her dream with the purple glow and everything.
"This was it!" Lily exclaimed.
"What should we do with it?" Amanda asked.
Lily didn't respond. She walked to lake nearby and chucked the rock in the water.
"Why'd you do that?" Amanda asked in confusion.
"Nobody can find out about that rock," Lily replied. "That rock can fall into the wrong hands and make even the nicest people evil."
"You're right," Amanda says after a moment of realization. "Let's keep this between us."

As Lily and Amanda walked away from the lake, the lake lit up a purple glow that came off the rock that had landed at the bottom of the body of water.

Finally! A happy short story...somewhat. Sorry that I haven't updated. I started this and didn't know how to finish it properly.

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