Another Solution

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What is it, Headphones?

Cheeks wash? Is it free?

Of course you and Rider want to wash Goggles's cheeks.

Prince already washed his cheeks.

Emperor! Headphones, Rider and Specs offered to do that! You don't need to.

Ooh, burn!

Yes you are!


Oh boy, the silly fights are going to happen again...



I don't think Forge is the kind of girl who would smell.

That sounds like a good suggestion.

Inkfall: That means you too, Aloha!
Aloha: What?! I don't smell!
Inkfall: Do it anyway!

Me: I have a better question. Why can't Emperor go first?! He smells worse than a litter box, dead body, bucket of vomit, and doo doo combined!

Half Rim: Because Gloves smells worse than a jar of farts, a barrel of vomit, 63820373 dead bodies, 194730017363 litter boxes, Emperor, Goggles, 18390164640194673018374820274647 barrels of rotten fish and eggs combined!

No he doesn't!

I don't know what a wet dog smells like, but it's probably what you described.

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