sick night

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It was a dark and stormy night in the town of wattpad, and not a good night for one writer.


A loud cough echoed down the halls as the warrior layed back on her bed, placing her journal aside.

She groaned, rubbing her neck as her throat burned. "Being sick doesn't do good to a writer..." she talked to herself and rolled onto her side, slowly closing her eyes and drifted off to sleep.


The warrior woke up immediately as the door slowly opened, a chill running down her spine. "Maybe, my parents are home..." she thought to herself. "Or it could be a friend..."

The warrior argued with her thoughts, refusing to believe someone bad was in her room and rolled over to see if whoever it was or they were still there as she didn't hear them leave.

But what she saw wasn't her parents or a friend... but she could make out the faint silhouette of a man, it was difficult for to see his features but she could see his yellow eyes and bits of his clothing glowing in the darkness of her room.

Despite being sick, the warrior let her instinct take over and she glared at the man. "Who the f*** are you?" She asked sternly, yet her sore throat made her sound more vulnerable then she would have liked.

There was no answer from the man.

Suddenly, lighting struck outside her house, illuminating her room for a split second, but that was enough to reveal his dark grey skin, his small red beard and flaming red hair.

She began to breath heavily "you're the... You're the... t-the... the... Admin!?" the man stepped closer, as though he was saying she was correct.

The warrior was now paralyzed with fear as the Admin now stood over her bed, never breaking eye contact with her and slowly reaching down, wrapping his fingers around her neck, pulling her up.

The warrior was left in shock as the Admin stared into her brown eyes before she was pulled closer to him as he screeched.


The warrior shot up, breathing heavily as she realized she was still in her room. She looked around, nervously, worried that the Admin was stalking her... but she found no one there amd sighed in relief, taking note of the laptop that sat on her lap, still on amd showing a picture of the Admin from a speed paint that she had been watching.

She closed the laptop, not in the mood to see the Admin again after the dream she just had and layed back down, thinking about the Admin.

"This is the last time I stay up late, watching Admin videos..." she told herself, eventually drifting off to sleep, this time, dreaming about llamas and crayons.


I'm currently sick right now and I wrote this cuz I'm bored

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