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My Lord has it been long since I've been on this book (besides editing, of course)...

I love and hold this story very dear and close to my heart, and the characters mean the world to me. Though, sadly, "Book of You & I" has come to an end (pain).

But don't fret, as I have an exciting and emotional surprise.

Drum roll, please....

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There's a sequel in the works!! And here's what you need to know for now:

• The story will be centered around Ollie and her life after the ending of "Book of You & I," set about a year and a half later. Yes, you read that right! This means that the sequel will start right after the last bonus chapter, with her landing in Italy.

• It saddens me to say that the main gang from BOY&I will not be a "recurring cast" in the next book, but they might make some appearances here and there. Though it will mostly be Maia and Ella via chat, voice or video calls, etc.

(Sorryyyyy to the hardcore fans, especially Sam's; looking at you stellarflowerwrite19)

• There will be a new cast, including other main and secondary characters (won't say more :P)

• As I mentioned above, the story will be set in Italy. There will be a loooot of research involved and, of course, it won't be perfect as I've never been there. Please forgive me for any grave mistakes I could make, and feel free to correct me privately if needed (back it up, though, please).

• It will take me some time to start publishing the new book as I will have other projects in the works (read below), but I will keep everyone updated.

• Aaaaand, just because I love and appreciate you so much, here's a little something from our girl, Olivia (yasss to the short hair):

"And he looked at me like there was something in me worth looking at."

"A well-read woman is a dangerous creature."

* * * * *


"Book of You & I" will be self-published. AAAAAHHHHHHHHH. It'll be a long process, you can expect the book to hit the shelves in early 2024 (more details on my website and Instagram).

Sadly...that does mean that around a month before release, I will take the book down from Wattpad. I will leave a few things, including the teasers for the sequel (which I will also probably self-publish and won't be fully on the platform).

Again, Wattpad has meant the world to me and I'm grateful to have had the opportunity to start my story here. I love you all!

That's it for now!!

Again, thank you for your endless support. It means the world to me that "Book of You & I" means the world to you too.

Stay tuned to the announcements on my profile for more updates <3

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