Chapter Five - A Mysterious Book

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School finally ended. Jeanette was sitting in one of the desks in the library, waiting for Conor. A couple of minutes later, Conor finally walked into the room.

"Finally," Jeanette said, "I thought you forgot to come."

"Sorry," Conor apologized, "I was having a chat with the principal about how the school was so far."

"Okay, we only have one hour before the library closes."

"Why don't we read a couple of fairy tales and compare them."

"Good idea."

Jeanette and Conor started hunting for fairy tales and reading them. After 30 minutes they stopped.

"Every single fairy tale had magic in it and the time was set centuries ago," Jeanette said.

"This is hard," Conor said, "adding magic in it and it has to be centuries ago. We don't even know how things were centuries ago."

They were silent for a few moments. Suddenly Jeanette had an idea.

"Ms. Sylvia said that we have to write our own fairy tale," Jeanette told him, "she didn't say we have to put magic in it and that it has to be centuries ago. She said to write our own fairy tale."

"So your saying that we should make a fairy tale in modern times and make it more realistic?" Conor asked.

"What do you think?"

"I think it's a good idea. Let's try it."

"Okay, we just need to figure out the whole story and who the characters will be."

Conor thought for a moment, "Hm, so it's about love and adventure."

"I got one," Jeanette said, "A girl and a boy meets each other in school and falls in love. One day, an old lady which was a witch from the past, comes and curses the boy, turning him into a chocolate bar. The girl was so sad that he disappeared that she felt like she needed to eat something. So she went to the candy shop and saw this chocolate bar that looked promising. So instead of eating it, she kissed it and the chocolate bar turned back into the boy. Then they lived happily ever after!"

"Really good imagination," Conor said, "but that sounded like princess and the frog only that the frog was a chocolate bar."

They tried to think of more stories but couldn't think of any. Soon, there time was up and all they got was nothing.

"Now what?" Jeanette asked, "we don't even know what a fairy tale is."

"What we need is an inspiration," Conor said, "writers write their stories because they were inspired by something or someone."

"We might as well write a story about Bianca, Jason, and Jessica," Jeanette sighed, "I was really inspired by them."

"Fairy tales have happy endings," he replied, "Their ending wasn't really happy."

"Look, it's getting late," she told him, "Why don't we talk about this tomorrow."

"Okay then, bye."


Jeanette walked back home as Conor walked the other way to his home. Jeanette didn't cut through the backyard this time and went the long way instead. She finally reached her home and was greeted by her grandma.

"Hi grandma," Jeanette greeted as she gave her grandma a hug.

"Oh, hello dear, how was your day today?" her grandma replied, leading the way to the living room.

"It was fine, I guess," she replied and sat on the couch, "and I met this boy. He's new in school."

"A boy you say?" her grandma said, sitting beside her, "What's his name?"

"His name is Conor," she answered.

"Conor," her grandma repeated, "well, i'm glad you're meeting new people."

"Anyways, we have to write a fairy tale project together. I was partnered with Conor."

"Is that how you two met?"

"No, I kind of almost killed him in the hallways..." Jeanette answered, embarrassed, then added quickly, "but he was fine."

"What an interesting friendship you guys have," her grandma commented.

"We're not friends, I just met him" she replied, she didn't realize she was blushing, "we're just partners."

"Why are you getting so defensive?" her grandma asked, watching her in amusement.

Jeanette remembered having a similar conversation with Kayla, "I'm not, we're just partners."

"Okay, okay, go on," she said.

"Anyways," Jeanette said, "we're trying to figure out what our fairy tale should be but we got nothing. He said that we need an inspiration."

"Well i'm sure you'll figure something out," her grandma said and stood up, "Now why don't we eat dinner then I need you to go find something for me in the attic."

"The attic?" she exclaimed, "Why do I have to go up the attic?"

"Because your poor old grandma's legs are getting old," she answered, "and she's asking her most generous granddaughter to get it for her."

"Fine," Jeanette said, reluctantly, "What do you want me to get?"

"I need you to get my favorite book," her grandma answered, "It's called, "Oliver Twist"."

"You want me to get a book?" she exclaimed.

"Jeanette just do it," her grandma said, "you might find something useful in there."

She walked into the kitchen leaving Jeanette confused. Jeanette rarely went up the attic because it was too dark and dusty. All there was in there are super old, boring book and pictures, so what's so helpful in there?

After Jeanette ate dinner, she took a flashlight and went up the attic. It was very dark and spooky. Every time Jeanette breathed, she coughed and every step she took, the floor creaked.

"Ugh, I can't believe i'm doing this," Jeanette muttered as she walked deeper into the attic.

There were cardboard boxes everywhere filled with pictures, books, tapes, and other old stuff. She finally found a box that had a label that says, "Stories".

"Finally," Jeanette said, sighing in relief which turned into a cough.

She spotted the book right at the very top. Just when she was bending down to pick the book up a loud noise behind her made her accidentally kick the box, making it bump into another book of boxes, which fell out the box. She spun around to see her cat Griffin standing there, his head tilt to the side.

"Griffin, you scared me half to death!" she exclaimed.

"Meow," he replied, acting all innocent, then he started licking himself.

Jeanette turned around and groaned at the mess Griffin accidentally made her do. Luckily, she spotted the book almost immediately and she separated it from the pile of books. She started putting the books back in the box until she spotted something shiny buried in the books. She dug through the books until it revealed a shiny looking book.

She picked up the book and read the cover, "A Fairy Tale, The Story of Rosalinda. Who's Rosalinda?"

Griffin meowed behind her as it to say, "I have no clue."

"Jeanette time for bed," her grandma called to her.

"Coming," she replied and started putting the book back in the box.

When she finished she picked up the Oliver Twist book and started walking out the attic until she remembered about the strange book. She looked at the strange book, curious to see what the story was. She quickly grabbed the book and went out the attic. She gave the book to her grandma and went to her bedroom. She turned her lamp on and opened the book.

"Once upon a time," she read, "there lived a poor, young girl named Rosalinda. Her parents died from war and was left all alone in her tiny cottage. She would work day and night, working hard in the inn, hoping to get enough money just to buy at least a potato to eat for dinner. Meanwhile, there was a prince named Jack and soon will become king. His father, King Harold, has fallen ill and will not be able to recover. Soon, Jack will have to pick a princess for his future  queen. Jack invited the nearest kingdoms to come to his castle so he will pick a princess but he liked none of them. The princesses only likes him because he is a prince, not because of who he is."

Suddenly, Jeanette heard footsteps getting louder and she quickly turned off the lamp, hid the book, and pretended to be sleeping. The door opened, revealing her grandma.

"Jeanette, I know you're still awake," her grandma said.

"Sorry," she apologized, "but I have a question."

"Questions tomorrow," she told her gently, "now go to sleep and no more reading. You still have school tomorrow."

She closed the door and walked away, leaving Jeanette confused again.

How did she know I was reading? she wondered.

But she was too tired to figure it out and was soon fast asleep.

Very mysterious huh? And i'm not just talking about the book. How did her grandma know? Find it out on the next chapter.

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