Chapter Twenty Four - Brothers Fight

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"I still can't believe it," Jeanette was saying.

"We know that," Griffin muttered, "You've said that for the hundredth time."

"It's could we have forgotten each other?" she went on, "How could we have known something else? Are we really all in the same dream or is it just me?"

"Well, we won't find that out until we finish the fairy tale," Conor replied.

Soon, Jeanette spotted the castle in the distance and standing on the roofs of the castle was the Keeper of Death. As they neared, she spotted Zachary on top of the Keeper.

"Greetings brother," the Keeper of Death growled, "It's so nice of you to join us."

"How many times do I have to kill you?" Zachary yelled, furiously.

Conor jumped off the Keeper.

"Zachary, you don't have to do this," Conor yelled.

"Well, I did and I have and I will get what I want," he replied then jumped of the Keeper as well, pulling out his sword.

Conor pulled out his own sword.

"Conor, what are you doing?" Max barked.

"Then, i'm afraid i'll I have to stop you," Conor told him.

Zachary laughed, "That won't happen cause I will kill you once and for all!"

Zachary lunged towards him and slashed but Conor blocked his attacks. They kept on slashing, blocking, and dodging each other. Just then, Zachary slashed again which Conor blocked but Zachary quickly slashed again, wounding Conor's arm. Conor yelped and held his arm.

"You may have been better than me before," he said in a dark tone, "but now, i'm going to show you how much pain you have caused!"

Zachary slashed again but Conor rolled out the way, still clutching his wounded arm. Conor backed up as Zachary slowly advanced. He felt his feet slip and he looked back to see that he was at the edge of the castle.

"We need to help him," he heard Jeanette exclaim.

"No, this is his battle not yours," the Keeper replied.

Conor held out his sword as Zachary neared. Then Conor sighed, lowering his sword, his eyes filling with sadness.

"I don't understand," Conor murmured, "We used to be so close."

"That was true," Zachary replied, "Until father announced that you would be the next king. You were always the best of us four, best at combat training, best at our studies. We were just a shadow of you, I was just a shadow."

"That's not true," he protested.

"He never loved me," Zachary went on, "He only set his eyes on you. He only loved you."

"He loved all of us," Conor insisted.

"Not once had he said those words to me," he muttered darkly, "All he saw in me was a failure. I've always wanted to be king."

"But you knew I was to be king," Conor told him, confused, "I was the eldest."

"But that didn't mean I didn't want to," he said, "I told myself that I would support you but when you started ignoring me, started being to busy..."

"Zachary," Conor whispered.

"You've cause me so much pain," his voice wavered a little then he paused to steady himself, "But i'm going to show you how much pain I've felt. I'm going to kill every one you've ever loved!"

Zachary lunged himself at Conor but Conor quickly slid down under Zachary's legs, making him fall. Conor quickly got up and pointed his sword at Zachary's face. Conor hesitated.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Zachary asked, "Kill me!"

"Come on Conor," Max barked, "Do it already.

Conor hesitated some more than sighed and lowered his sword, "I...can't. I just...can't. He's still my brother."

It was true. Even though Conor remembered that this was all just a dream, a part of him felt as if he was King Conor of Cylo. A part of him felt that he does have brothers. A part of him was in the fairy tale.

Just then, Zachary kicked him away and quickly got up.

"You had three chances, Conor," Zachary sneered, "You had two chances to get the Golden Diamond, one chance to have killed me. But you see, love makes you weak. Because of that poor village girl, you gave up the Golden Diamond. Because I'm your brother, you're going to fail to save the kingdom."

"That's true," Conor admitted, "Love makes you weak, but it's also the reason why I haven't given up."

He thought back at the times when he kept on going to save his brother, Edward, which he have failed. He thought back at the times where Jeanette was the reason he kept on going. He glanced back to where Jeanette was who was looking at him worriedly.

Zachary scoffed, "You weakling. I don't see what father sees in you to become king. I'm the rightful king and with the Keeper's help, I will be the strongest of all!"

"Zachary, do you know what happened to King Jack?" Conor tried to explain, "This same Keeper whom your helping was the same one who convinced Jack to become king and rule over the world. Do you know how he ended? He died!"

But Zachary wasn't listening.

"Keeper, finish him," Zachary commanded but the Keeper didn't move, only stared.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" he repeated, "Kill him!"

"You know Zachary," the Keeper of Death started, "You've been a great ally and for that i'm grateful. But I believe i'm better off with my assassins. I've never chosen you anyways."

"What are you talking about?" Zachary asked furiously.

"I need loyal people who would do anything for me," the Keeper went on, "The thing is, I don't share. I only want the power for myself."

Suddenly, the Keeper swept Zachary off the roof with his powerful tail, sending him flying off.

"Now that he's out of the way," the Keeper growled, "I only have you to deal with."

We are nearing the end of this story so please read on to find out what will happen next! Please vote and leave a comment on what you think.

Please vote and leave a comment on what you guys think. Stay tuned for the next chapter! Check out Griff-FanFiction1933 and Griffin-Bluestar!

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