Chapter Two -The Project

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Jeanette fell, face flat on the floor. She groaned, her head aching and she looked at her watch.

40 seconds!

Quickly, she got up and heard a groan nearby. She saw the boy she bumped into who was on the floor, groaning in pain.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" Jeanette apologized, "I wasn't looking where I was going but I was running late."

She looked at him closely but didn't recognize him. He had blonde hair and was wearing a simple shirt for school.

Must be a new student, she thought.

She looked at her watch again.

20 seconds!

"Look I'm sorry again for bumping into you," she repeated, "but i have to go."

Feeling guilty that she didn't help him up, she ran towards her class. She turned the corner and saw that the students were already going in to their classrooms.

10 seconds!

She saw her classroom at the end of the hallways and ran.

5 seconds!

She was halfway across the hallway.

4 seconds!

She was a few meters away.

3 seconds!

She almost tripped but she kept running.

2 seconds!

I'm going to make it!

1 second!

She burst open the door and dove head first into the classroom just as she heard the bell rang. She looked up to see a stern face looking down at her and she smiled nervously, quickly getting up.

"Hi Ms. Sylvia," Jeanette greeted her, "I'm not late."

"No, you came in just in time," Ms. Sylvia replied, "now go sit down before I give you detention." Jeanette quickly walked towards her seat and sat down. Kayla, her best friend and who was sitting beside her, looked at her in amusement.

"You barely made it," she whispered, "what happened?"

"I almost got eaten by a dog," Jeanette whispered back.

Ms. Sylvia, "Okay class, let's sta-"

But then there was a knock on the door, interrupting her. She sighed in frustration as she opened the door and the principal walked in with a boy. Jeanette gasped as she recognized the boy she bumped into! Ms. Sylvia and the principal talked for a few seconds then left the boy in the classroom.

"Class meet Conor Smith," Ms. Sylvia announced, "he will be joining our class today and I expect you to make him feel welcome."

Jeanette avoided Conor's eyes as his gaze swept across the room. Apparently, the only seat that was empty was right beside her.

"Conor, you can sit over there beside Jeanette," Ms, Sylvia said.

Conor quietly sat down on the empty seat beside her, casting her a quick glance.

"Okay class let's start," she said and started writing on the board and explaining things.

It was so boring that Jeanette almost doze off until someone tapped her on the soldier. She looked over at Kayla who was looking back at her.

"You almost doze of again," Kayla whispered.

"It's not my fault that this lesson is so boring," Jeanette whispered back, "I'm surprised you're still awake."

"Is their something you would like to share, girls?" Ms. Sylvia cut in, glaring at them

That woman can hear just as well as a rabbit, she thought.

"Nothing to share Ms. Sylvia," Kayla answered.

"Except that I didn't get a thing that you said," Jeanette mumbled quietly.

"What was that, Ms. Miller?" she asked.

"I said that I understand every single word that you said," Jeanette lied.

Ms. Sylvia looked at Jeanette suspiciously but said nothing and continued writing on the board. Jeanette looked at her watch and sighed.

5 more minutes? I should've gotten eaten by that dog then slowly dying from boredom. This is torture!

Ms. Sylvia interrupted her thoughts.

"Okay class, before you go," Ms. Sylvia announced, "I want to introduce you're new project."

A project already, she thought, it's just the second week of school!

"You will be writing a story," she went on, "but not just any story but a fairy tale."

Jeanette sat up abruptly from her chair.

A fairy tale? she thought.

"It has to be your own fairy tale," she continued, "not another Cinderella story or a Sleeping Beauty story but your own story."

Most of the girls started talking excitedly to their friends while the rest of the class groaned.

"You will be working with partners," Ms. Sylvia said, "but I will choose them for you."

This time, the whole class groaned and whined.

"Quit your whining," she ordered, "you're no longer babies."

Ms. Sylvia started assigning students to their partners.

"... Bianca with Dylan, Kayla with Ryan," she said, pointing to the students, " and Jeanette with Conor."

Great, I have to write a fairy tale with the boy I almost killed in the hallways, she thought, let's hope he doesn't recognize me.

She looked over at Conor who was looking back at her.

"Hey, weren't you the girl who bumped into me in the hallways?" he asked.

Great, he remembers, she thought.

Jeanette laughed nervously, "Yeah, sorry about that."

To her surprise, he gave her a friendly smile, "It's okay."

"Okay, class is over," Ms. Sylvia announced, "The project is due at the end of this week. If you hand it in late, you don't get marks."

"So," Jeanette asked Conor as they walked out the class, "you're not mad that I almost killed you in the hallways?"

"Seeing how strict Ms. Sylvia is," Conor answered, "then no, i'm not mad. Anyways, that's not the first time that happened."

Conor looked at his schedule, "I got science next."

"Me too," Jeanette replied, "Come, i'll show you the class."

Conor smiled, "Thanks."

Jeanette felt herself smiling back, "No problem."

They walked to class in silence for a few moments, both lost in their own thoughts.

"So, when should we start?" Conor asked, breaking the silence.

"Start what?" she asked, clearly confused.

"The project," he answered.

"Oh, I almost forgot about the project."

"Why don't we discuss this during lunch?"

"Okay," Jeanette agreed then pulled out her hand, "I haven't properly introduced myself. I'm Jeanette."

Conor shook her hand and smiled, "I'm Conor."

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