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A long time ago, there were four brothers named Sky, Water, Sun, and Night. Each holding different powers. They decided to make their own packs and teach others of their powers. So they made four packs, Sky Wolves, Water Wolves, Sun Wolves, and the Night Wolves. The four brothers taught their pack their powers and they became the strongest wolves in the forest, known as the Four Packs. But then, the brothers grew apart and fights started breaking out between the packs, soon starting The First War. Wolves started fighting and killing each other, pups grew up in fear, there was no peace at all, until a wolf came and stopped the war. The four brothers realized their mistakes and so they established boundaries and agreed that the four packs will come together every full moon for a truce. Before the mysterious wolf left, he told them a prophecy, "Another war will happen, bringing chaos to all, but do not fear. At full moon, one wolf will be born, to save the packs."

Years passed and the brothers passed away. Generations after generations, the packs soon have forgotten their powers and the prophecy. They lived in peace for many years until the Great Wipe Out.

Please vote and leave a comment on what you guys think. Stay tuned for chapter one! Check out Griff-FanFiction1933 and Griffin-Bluestar!

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