The Enchanted

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Title: The Enchanted

Genre: paranormal, mystery

Author: pretty_poison_

Chapters: 25 (I finished your review when you only had 22 Chapters)

I apologize for not uploading your review before, even after I was done. Something came up in my private life, therefore your review got delayed. I'm sorry. Anyways, let's start.


"Enchanted" is a word used, when describing something put under a spell, something being bewitched. The whole city is somehow enchanted. There are too many weird things happening, unexplainable things.


You wrote the description very well. An unusual city with mysteries, unexpected encounters and upcoming questions. In the description you said, that she wants to find out who the serial killer is before it's too late. From there I can see that your story will contain action and it will be intense.


The first time I saw the Cover, I was honestly expecting something different from what I got to see in the end. The girl on the Cover is in a dark and creepy looking forest with a beautiful long black ball gown. The town is surrounded by a creepy forest, but the dress combined with the surrounding made me think that your story takes part in the early Middle-Ages. I just got a different vibe from the Cover. Maybe, because nowadays it's not common to see a girl in a big gown walking around in the woods like that.


She moved from a big city to a small town and instead of having a quiet life, she experiences a lot of weird things, frightening things, which makes it not that easy for her. In life, nothing goes according to plan and we have to accept that. I think it's amazing, how she came to the small town in the beginning and did not believe in mythical/paranormal creatures, just like how the majority of people do. It did not take long to convince her of the opposite and she had no choice, but to accept it.


It's nice to see how involved you are in your story, but unfortunately you brought some things into it that confused me a lot. For example, in the first chapter, things went wrong with her. First, she got lost, then her phone died and then her car ran out of fuel. When she stopped on the road near the forest, Ethan came. They both heard a woman screaming in the forest. Ethan went into the forest alone to look and meanwhile the towing service came. Instead of waiting for Ethan to come back, to see if everything is okay or even to see if Ethan needs help, she just goes with the tow truck and none of the readers find out what happened. I know, that you might reveal later on what happened, but at the moment, there was just something missing, for, Ethen could've just come back and say something along the lines of: "I didn't find anyone." or "The voice was created by an animal and it just sounded like a woman.", but nothing came.

On the second day, she woke up and went to eat breakfast in a nearby café. Sadly, after reaching there, she fell asleep while waiting for her order and she woke up to a waiter shaking her. She then ate, got out of the café and it was night time. 24 hours don't pass that quick and the waiter would've woken her up, after placing her meal down on the table. Now, I don't believe, that it took them 5 to 10 hours to get one order ready, nor do I believe, that she spent 5 to 10 hours to eat. Weird.

That leads us to the next point. I don't understand, how she feels totally unsafe in a small town, when in a small town, everyone knows almost everyone, it's a quite calm atmosphere. In a big city however, there are tons of people you don't know and much more crimes happening.

Further, Sabrina thought, that it's unbelievable, that the main character goes to a dinner, on which she has been invited to, because the hosts are strangers to her, at the moment. However, it's totally normal for her to go to her new neighbours house, on the third day of her arriving, while, she didn't go to the front door, to ring the bell, no, she went to the kitchen window, though her neighbours yard. I would be creeped out.


Your stlye is very relaxed. You don't write: "And suddenly...!" but rather: "My gaze landed on the watch...". I don't have much to say, you have a good writing stlye.


You have mostly construction mistakes. In most sentences, I guessed, what you are trying to say, but in other sentences, it did take me 5 minutes. I would change them and in some sentences, you used a "." Instead of a ",".


In conclusion, I would like to tell you that you have a truly extraordinary imagination. You know how your story should be. Like a red thread through which you don't lose the overview. Keep on going.

Total: 140/200

Here is your sticker. Message me privately if you want me to send it to you, or if you want me to put it on your Cover.

Let's get enchanted by this story!

Guys, check out the story, if you are interested.

That's it for now.

Bye! ♡

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