Book predicament

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After school, Becky and Iggy were riding to the bookstore with their parents and grandmother, and they were telling them what happened.

"Everyone in our art class thinks her painting is better than mine," Becky huffed.

"And she wanted to file a restraining order against me," Iggy chimed in.

"So, everyone in Amber Bouquet is ignoring my Rebecca because of this Teresa," Florence said.

"She sounds like someone your Gigi and I knew—and she looks like that someone, too," Lorelei said. "Oh, Teresa makes me so mad."

"Me, too, and I haven't even met her for myself," Florence frowned.

"I didn't even meet her either, and I know I don't like her," Mr. Clancy huffed.

"Me neither, Daddy," Becky fretted. "That Teresa Flores really wrinkles my skirt. She's coming more popular than me. The other kids really like her, and the teachers like how she's really into her book. She's out to ruin my life."

"Well, don't you worry, Becky," Lorelei said. "Once you give your book report, you'll get your popularity back, and Teresa Flores is sure to be ruined."

"Yes, Mother, and everyone will like me more than her," Becky smirked.

"And she'll have to be confined to being my hottie hot girlfriend," Iggy said.

"Well, folks, here we are," Jameson said, parking the limo. He opened the rear door, allowing the family to get out.

In the bookstore, Becky returned the book she'd bought, and she went to find the book she needed for her report. But she couldn't find the book because she was looking in the section of books printed in Spanish, which she couldn't even understand.

"Honestly, this is ridiculous," Becky scoffed. "How can a bookstore be called a bookstore when it doesn't even have the book I need? It's supposed to have every book."

"The store is sure to have a copy of the book in Spanish in this section, Miss Becky," Jameson said.

"Spanish?" Becky asked. "I never do this Spanish, whatever that is. What I need is a copy I can actually read."

"If you need an English copy of the book, you might want to check the classic section or the fiction section," Jameson suggested.

Becky saw how big the two sections were, and she was horrified. "I have to look in both those places for my book?" she gaped. "It'll take me all night."

"No, it'll only take you until 9 because that's the time the store closes," Jameson said.

"Don't worry, dear," Mr. Clancy said. "We'll all look for the book."

The entire family looked for the book, but none of them could find it.

"It's not here," Becky groaned.

"Or here," Iggy said.

"Nor is it here," Florence said.

"It's not in the classic section," Lorelei said.

"I've triple-checked, and it's not here," Mr. Clancy said.

"I'm afraid the book isn't here," Jameson said.

"This is absolutely ridiculous," Becky huffed. "You would think a bookstore would have every book in the world, but they don't even have the book I need."

A nearby employee heard the conversation and asked, "May I help you?"

"Yes, this is a bookstore, which means it's supposed to have every book in the world, but it doesn't," Becky admonished. "What's the point of calling it a bookstore?"

The employee was unhappy with Becky's attitude, but he decided to help her anyway. "Look for a specific book?" he asked.

"Yes, the book I can't even find," Becky pouted.

"We're looking for an English copy of In the Time of the Butterflies by Julia Alvarez," Jameson said.

"Well, let me check the computer and see what we've got," the employee said. He went up to a computer and checked for the book, but Becky was getting restless.

"Can you take any longer?" Becky huffed.

The employee was annoyed with Becky. "I just started typing the name of the book," he frowned.

"This is ridiculous," Becky huffed.

"Ah, we do have one copy in the fiction section," the employee said.

"We already looked there, and it wasn't there," Lorelei said.

"Well, let me check anyway," the employee said. He went over to the fiction section to find the book, and he looked at the bottom of the bookcase.

"Do these guys even know what they're doing?" Becky huffed.

"Ah, here we go," the employee smiled, pulling out the book. "Here you go, In the Time of the Butterflies by Julia Alvarez."

But Becky snatched the book angrily. "You really need to organize these books better," she snapped rudely.

Becky, Iggy, Lorelei, Mr. Clancy, Florence, and Jameson went off. The employee was disgusted at Becky's attitude, and nearby people who's seen it really didn't like how the brat behaved.

Meanwhile, at Teresa's house, she'd just finished reading her book, and she was writing down the plot. "Well, Estrella, I have to say, this is the best book I've ever read," she smiled. "I may have to read it over and over again until I'm done with my report, but if it's something I have to do, I'll do it."

Estrella barked, happy with Teresa's tenacity.

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