ʀᴇsᴜʟᴛs : Chick Lit

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Congratulations to everyone because nobody is a loser. If you didn't win, you can always come back and try again next time.

Secondly, the judges deserve a standing ovation for their speedy and accurate judging. Let's give it to them. Tag your judge and appreciate them. 👏🏽👏🏽

In no particular order, the results :

The Girl Who Tried To Be Perfect

90 / 100

Try to develop the characters a little bit more. Maybe give them more interesting personalities and characteristics, or add a little bit more on to their background stories. Try to add something interesting to the plot to take the reader by surprise. That’s basically it! Amazing story, and keep it up!

Judge : sapphire042107

Wrapped Around Her Finger

92 / 100

Amazing writing style! I really like it. Try to develop your characters a little bit more. The book is going at a good pace and your plot is very creative. Keep writing, practice makes perfect!

Judge : sapphire042107

Their Imperfect Love

87 / 100

Your story is very unique and original and you did a remarkable job. There were some grammar mistakes in the book and some places where I didn’t really understand what was going on. I suggest for you to just look over your writing and proofread it out loud to see if something sounds right. Give your characters flaws, nobody’s perfect. Grow your characters. How do your characters change as the events of your novel unfold? What is a distinct quality that makes your character different from the others? Ask yourself these questions while you are developing your characters. You have a good writing style, and I would say just keep doing what you’re doing. Once you get the hang of it, your writing will surely improve. I hope this helps!

Judge : sapphire042107

Star Nia

83 / 100

Your story is going really well, but there are just a few small things that you need to look out for:

Grammar: I noticed that in some parts of your story, there were some spelling and punctuation errors and some words that have the wrong tenses. These mistakes are quite common and completely fine, just watch out for it.

Characters: Give your characters flaws, nobody’s perfect. Grow your characters. How do your characters change as the events of your novel unfold? Use effective dialogue. Add a combination of speech, gesture, posture, movement to your characters while they are talking to each other.

Cover: This is not a big deal so you don’t need to worry about it. This is just something I wanted to add. Just try to be a little more creative with your cover to attract more readers. 

Also, try to be a bit more descriptive in your opening chapter and ‘hook’ the reader into your story. Other than that, your story is off to a good start. Keep it up!

Judge : sapphire042107

Kiss Me At Midnight

98 / 100

This is an incredible story! It is very creative, realistic, original, and heartbreaking at times. I love it! Just watch out for those small grammar mistakes and keep on writing!

Judge : sapphire042107

The Alluring Catastrophe

85 / 100

Your book is off to a great start! I just wanted to point out a few things here and there that you can fix to make it better.

First of all, I noticed some frequent grammar mistakes in the book. Spelling errors, wrong tenses, missing words, and there were a few places where I couldn’t really tell who was talking. I recommend just reading over the sentences when you are editing the book to make sure that it makes sense.

Also, when the characters are talking to each other, occasionally drop in a name of who is talking. I was a bit confused in chapter 2 during the conversation between Brown and Turner. Other than that, you are doing a great job!

Judge : sapphire042107

Craving You

93 / 100

Your story is going really well! I love all the descriptive words that you have placed in your chapters and I can almost see the image in my head. Just be careful and watch out for your grammar. I saw a few mistakes in the book where you mixed up ‘onto’ and ‘into’, ‘I’ and ‘me’. Also, watch out for those spelling errors. Try to develop your characters, maybe make the character stand out with distinctive mannerisms, and add a little bit more to the character’s back story. The story has a very interesting plot and I really like it! 

Judge : sapphire042107

Winning Over His Heart

94 / 100

Great story! I really liked all the different characteristics and personalities you gave your characters. I suggest maybe adding something original to your story to avoid cliches. Also, try to be a bit more creative with your book cover. You have a good writing style and I really enjoyed the story.

Judge : sapphire042107

Beneath The Mask

96 / 100

Your story is off to a great start! The plot is going really well and you have a good writing style. There are just a few small things to look out for. There were a few spelling errors so watch out for that. Also, try to be a little more original with your story. Other than that, I think you’re doing great. Hope this helps!

Judge : sapphire042107


95 / 100

Your story was very fun and interesting to read. I love your descriptive sentences, amazing vocabulary, and word choices! Just make sure to look out for those small grammatical errors and that’s mostly it. I am looking forward to the next update!

Judge : sapphire042107

Woman's Resolve To Stay Single

93 / 100

I think it's a really good one. I loved the cover, the story description, and almost everything. The only thing I want to comment regarding the cover is maybe the font color can be changed a little. I mean, the title was clear enough but I think there was a subtitle there but it wasn't really visible due to its pale white color.

Story wise, I found minimal errors and had a really good time reading the story. I spotted some instances where there was a slight mixing of tenses but it wasn't really frequent and did not deter the storyline at all. All in all, I loved this book and am definitely looking forward to reading more of its chapters! 

Judge : thorns_or_roses

The Fatal Crush

94 / 100

I loved the cover. It perfectly reflects the title. It has the perfect indication of mature without being too explicit and I loved it. Everything inside the story is equally captivating. I loved the opening and the characters portrayed. The one thing I found some errors was with the sentence structuring. For example, in the first chapter, amidst the monologue, when the protagonist makes a show of questioning the cupid, the question seems a little...off, like there's something wrong in the sentence organization. There are some similar errors in the other few parts but I'm happy to say that those were the only errors I found. I thoroughly enjoyed the five chapters I've read and would love to continue with the rest of them! The author here deserves a good position, in my view!

Judge : thorns_or_roses

What A Woman Can Do

84 / 100

I found the book quite different from the cliche chick lits out there so it was a refreshing read. The title alone comes off giving the strong, independent female protagonist vibe, which I liked a lot. The cover though, I think it could've been more... eye catching. The font and the background image seemed a bit off the balance, I felt.

The storyline was good. Although the author has shifted from present tense to past after the first four chapters, I can say that there was no random mixing of tenses here, which I liked a lot. I'd just tell the author to edit the first four chapters into past tense, too, if that's what they're going for.

Another thing I want to point out is, maybe it's the second chapter, if I'm not mistaken, the one where the author gives a flashback of the character's life, I think normal italics font would have sufficed instead of bold AND italics like it's done there. The bold font makes it feel like an author's note and people are likely to entirely skip that chapter. So, I'd suggest only italics, not bold.

Lastly, I'd suggest the writer go for more showing rather than telling. In some instances, I kinda felt like there was a lot of rambling which made me feel like the story was going nowhere. So, I think the author needs to show the inner emotions or physical attributes of people more, rather than letting the characters say everything.

Judge : thorns_or_roses

When In London

82 / 100

So, I absolutely loved the cover. It's really eye catching. And the story description is good. The first part of the description alone has the power to make the readers intrigued but I somehow felt that the remaining description was a little too much. Personally I think that it would have been better if only the main characters' names were given there since readers are bound to get confused if the protagonist here is Mia or Jane and Luke or Roch at the first glance. Those characters come in the story anyway so I think it's better to only include the two major characters in the description.

I loved the characters portrayed, the story had originality and a fresh air around it but I found quite a lot of errors with grammar and formatting. The story has a lot of switches between past and present tense so I'd advise the author to go with only one of those. Then, the way of presenting text conversations here made me mistake them for author's note at first with all the linings drawn so there's that.

Another thing is, it would be even great if the author shows the characters' inner emotions more clearly. It would do even better if the author shows whether the character is annoyed, happy, conflicted, etc through their actions. So, yeah, I know I sound really mean right now with all these suggestions but I really think that this book can be one of the best on Wattpad if the author changes a few things.

Judge : thorns_or_roses

A Peek Into The Past

87 / 100

The book cover and the title are both beautiful. The story description is intriguing too and it's got a new concept which was really refreshing to read. The chapters were also all good but I think it would've been easier for the readers to correctly picture the story in their minds if the things were a little more detailed. For example, the author can give a description of the physical attributes of the characters. And the teleportation and psychokinesis things the author talked about, I felt like it was too brief. A little more description would've given a clear picture to the readers about how exactly it might've been like. I spotted some grammar errors regarding tense and sentence structuring which the author might want to see through but other than that, I think it's a really good work and I had a good time reading it.

Judge : thorns_or_roses

Memories Of Quebec

86 / 100

The title and the cover are really catchy and the readers get immediately pulled to the story, just like I did. The story in itself is equally captivating. However, I felt like the story description and the opening chapter gave off a dark vibe which, in my view, made the story more inclined to mystery/thriller genre rather than chick lit. But the following chapters were lighter so it was somehow justified.

I loved the pacing of the story and it did have originality. The one thing I'd suggest that the author has to look over is grammar, especially since I spotted quite a lot of instances where the past and present tenses were mixed in the same paragraph.

Next thing is, I sensed some sentences were just too long, which would have been much better if they were broken into more. Like in the story description, for example, where the first sentence was just too long. But overall, the story is really good, and deserves appreciation from all the readers!

Judge : thorns_or_roses

Road Not Taken

71 / 100

Okay, so the first thing I want to comment on is the cover of the story. That is normally the first thing the readers catch on about any story. Here, the cover looks kinda bland. So maybe the first thing the author might want to do is try and make the cover look a bit more attractive and story-related, where the readers can have a rough idea of the story by the cover alone.

The next thing is the letter formatting. All the words are written in bold italics which is a little confusing and, I daresay, annoying at times. The story had originality, and I can say that the author has given their own ideas here, but the things were not quite organized, I felt. Since I only read the first 5 chapters, I found that there was a little more rambling than necessary. I suggest the author go for more showing than telling.

I'd also suggest the author to specify translation of the words if they've used any other language than English. For example, I had no idea about the word Nani used there so I had to use google. All in all, the story has a good potential but needs a lot of editing.

Judge : thorns_or_roses

A Journey To Trust And Heal

84 / 100

The title of the story is quite intriguing and the cover is fitting, but I personally think that the cover could've been more detailed, so that the readers can get a general idea about the story from its cover alone.

The storyline was good, it had a steady pace, which I admire a lot. I also loved the way the characters are chosen and portrayed here. However, I feel like it was lacking some description about the physical features of the characters, like their hair color, eye color or some significant feature, if any. That would make it easier for the readers to actually visualize the characters as the story advances.

Another thing I want to comment on is the grammar here. I spotted a lot of instances of mixed tense and missing punctuation marks or words formatting. I'd suggest the author use punctuation marks like exclamation, commas or such whenever it's befitting so that the tone of the characters are more clear. Other than some of these grammar errors, I think that this story definitely has a lot of potential. 

Judge : thorns_or_roses


80 / 100

Okay, so this book got me really confused with its title. I mean, the title has a different name (Ishq), the cover says a different name (I found love) and the chapters had another name (Qubool Hai). I don't even know the meaning of the other names except the one in the cover. I really suggest the author stick with one. If all these names have the same meaning, maybe put the English name as the main topic and you can put one of the other two within brackets.

Another thing is about translation. The author has used a different language in a lot of the places and while there are some translations given, I still found some sentences not being translated in the later chapters. I'd also suggest the author to change the fonts, maybe make it italics when they're stating a foreign language so that it can reduce the confusion.

There were some grammar errors with tense and sentence structuring and such, and I think a detailed character description would've been more appreciated, but overall, the story is good and I wouldn't mind binge reading it with some editing. 

Judge : thorns_or_roses


It Started With A Group Chat

77 / 100

I really loved the title and the cover of the book. The story description was also quirky and very intriguing. The concept of group chat was really interesting. However I felt like the story was a little too fast paced. There were many new characters added at once in only a few chapters which made it all quite confusing at times. So I suggest the author maybe try to introduce only one or two characters at a time and keep them that way for a few chapters before you add some more to that. Or, the author can give a little more background information about the characters so that the readers can relate to them.

Grammar wise, there were some errors here and there but nothing too significant. So, I'd say it can be a good read if the author takes a few things into consideration.

Judge : thorns_or_roses


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F I R S T  P L A C E

Kiss Me At Midnight - strawberrycries

S E C O N D  P L A C E

Beneath The Mask - Royalzzzzzzz

T H I R D  P L A C E

THORNDEROUS - incen_dia

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All participants, signify here if you want your score

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