ʀᴇsᴜʟᴛs : Science Fiction / Fantasy

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Congratulations to everyone because nobody is a loser. If you didn't win, you can always come back and try again next time.

Secondly, the judges deserve a standing ovation for their speedy and accurate judging. Let's give it to them. Tag your judge and appreciate them. 👏🏽👏🏽

In no particular order, the results :

Blood Glitch


The first chapter was captivating and the plot was very intriguing and quite original. I would like more description and less dialogue in some chapters and the pace of the story could be faster.

Also, I would like to know more about your characters. Most of the chapters ended in a very well made end but a couple were weak and less thrilling. I intend to read the whole book since I liked it and it intrigued me and I hope I’ll be pleasantly surprised with the rest of it.

The Dream Catcher and the Conjurer's Charm


This book could appeal to younger readers. The main plot is nice and attractive but the book itself has some weaknesses. The writing style, the grammatical errors, the long perplexed sentences and the filling, unnecessary chapters couldn’t let me enjoy it as much as I wanted. It looks like the author has worked a lot on the plot and the world he has created, but he should, also, work on his writing.

The Last Philosopher


The author has made a fantasy world to the smallest and tiniest detail. Narration and description are the main tools and the greatest talents of the author. This book is the greatest example of “say and not show” which is wrong. I know from my own experience how difficult it is to describe and show instead of say directly the story but these kind of books are the more intriguing and truly show talent. This author knows how to narrate but fails to capture the whole aspect of writing. I don’t want to read a book that resembles a research or a scientific file. I want emotions and interaction between the characters, not millions of thoughts and narration.

Evolution: The Surge


The author should edit the book and avoid the colloquial phrases because it looks like he doesn’t know them well enough to use them properly. There is a lack of description and proper background. I liked the plot and the main character. I liked the perspective of the story and how we got to know the story through different aspects. It was an entertaining book that I would recommend for light reading.



This book is a fine example of a fantasy/action book. It has a good plot, though not original at all aspects. The characters are well written and realistic but I would like to see more conflicts and different, darker sides of them. I loved the writing style. I was captivated from the beginning and I couldn’t stop reading. I would like to see more dialogue and less description. The description is amazing but doesn’t leave a lot to the reader’s imagination. Like Stephen King said “Description begins in the writer’s imagination but should finish in the reader’s.”
Great job author! Your book was a love at first sight.

The Divinities of Navalok


It was beautiful and magical. It needs some editing, because there are a few grammar-related mistakes, but they didn’t hinder the flow. I liked the main character and her best friend, and the relationship between these two was realistic and sweet. I felt that I was reading a fairytale with beautiful sceneries that made me travel in a magical world. I had no idea about the Indian mythology and the author explained it very well and tied it to the story. I couldn’t stop reading and I lost track of time while reading. I am looking forward to reading the rest of it!

How a King Falls


This book has an interesting plot and a peculiar and fascinating male protagonist, but I feel that the author doesn’t experiment enough to dive into his soul.

Also, the female lead looked weak, not because she is human, but because her reactions were slow and not powerful enough for someone who is swirled into this crazy world. I liked the plot and the writing style of the author is very good. The author has talent, but I don’t think it’s being used to its full potential.

Hooking Up with the Beta

81 / 100

First of all, I'd like to say that I found your story to be very well developed! The characters were unique with personalities and your writing style brought everything together nicely. It wasn't choppy or confusing; however, the plot was a tiny bit fast paced and maybe just too predictable.

I noticed a couple grammar mistakes as well (maybe review how to punctuate and arrange dialogue), specifically in the first few chapters, almost EVERY sentence ended in an exclamation point. Make sure you use these only when they truly make sense, it was just too much.

Otherwise, you had lovely detail and description, nothing seemed like it was forced in (put there just to have it), which is a sign of real writing talent!



Oh my gosh, let me just say, your descriptions are BREATHTAKING! So much emotion in your writing style, detail, and it isn't choppy or repetitive. That alone was such a relief compared to some stories I've read. I loved the start as well, though rather frightening, it was really well written and a perfect set up for the plot, which was so intriguing! It was original, creative, thought out, incredibly written, and the perfect balance of developed characters and an exciting story. Amazing job! The beginning scenes were a little slow that I got a tidge bit lost, and a few small grammar mistakes were there, but just a quick round of editing could fix that (comma splices, everyday typos, etc.) And outside from that, I'm not sure what else to say! I may not be super in to dragons, but you could have just changed my mind!

To Unite a Nation


Now this... was an AMAZING story. One thing that really stuck out to me was your battle scenes. As a writer myself, I know how hard those are to do! To not drag it out, describe the action with brevity but clarity, and still stay true to your characters, but yours were incredible! I will say that some of the characters felt a tad bit cliché, but the more in depth you go with them, the less it will appear so. Your plot is off to a great start, and I can totally see it forming; however, your opening chapters were a bit slow, a lot of information all at once. And I caught it all, but it may lead your reader to lose focus or interest in your story, so I would highly recommend some simple changes. There were a few misspellings and grammar mistakes, so I'd recommend doing a quick read through (specifically in some of the later chapters), but I did get the impression that you're British? So that would explain different spellings. In the end, I absolutely love this! And I'm going to keep reading!

Curse Uncurse


So, I've judged a LOT of awards, right? And I'll admit, not very often can I say... I am TOTALLY in to this book! Like so many books on Wattpad all are the same, and that's why I don't really spend much time browsing for things to read, but on occasion, RARE occasion, I come across something like this. So original, so creative, so well written, and suddenly... I want to read a story about dragons! You're doing something amazing with this, so keep it going! And you'll just be sucking in those readers. One little thing that threw me though was your writing style in present tense third person, which I've never seen before. It's not PROHIBITED exactly, but it hinders understanding and is a tad bit confusing, so therefore, it's certainly not typical. Also, it might do some good to think about the perspective of a reader who truly knows almost nothing about dragons. That is me, and I was a little lost at the start. This is easy to do, since you are so immersed in your story, but if you remember to step back as a potential reader, you'll have an edge on the majority of the writing world.

The Claimed: A Clash of Copper and Gold


One thing I can say for sure, I have never read a story quite like this before! You've certainly got the creativity! And yes, it is obviously a bit more... intense of a story, darker, more violent, but that isn't always a bad thing. For me, it was a bit much, but I am being 100% objective with this judging. The most bothersome thing was the fact that it was hard to tell where the story was headed, to see the beginning formations of the plot. The characters were astounding, the world and culture incredible, but the plot and pace of it was a bit slow. Make sure you're throwing in that foreshadowing and set up, so the reader gets intrigued into your story! From what I can tell, this is going to be a wonderful character-driven story, with developed relationships and rivalries, which will be wonderful when they unfold! Just make sure you love your characters as much as I do :)

The Autumn Prince


Ok, I don't know where you got your cover or if you made it yourself, but just... woah! That is breathtaking! Drew me in from the start! And it fits perfectly with your title and story. And for the content itself, I can say I'm very impressed! I truly admire your knack for purposeful description, not just feelings but actions and simple movements as well. It creates a vivid picture in the reader's eye, which is nearly if not as important as the plot itself. However, something that threw me off was the opening chapter. It was a good start, don't get me wrong, but I'm talking about that very first paragraph, sentence, word even. There needs to be something that makes the reader stop in their tracks, intrigued. I can see the pieces of your character's background coming together, which is super cool! Just make sure you keep it moving with the grand scheme of your novel in mind, and this will be golden!

Beauties and Beasts


In truth, I enjoyed this concept greatly! You have some awesome ideas! Yet the problem is that they're spilling out in a way that is often hard to understand. Not EVERYTHING needs to be explained, but your pace was just too fast, your plot too undefined, so that I had a very hard time figuring out what was really happening. The characters were a bit cliché for this type of story, but they were real and your title is super eye catching! In general, your grammar has only slight errors, but I highly recommend taking a breath and trying to elaborate and enhance your writing style. Practice makes perfection! With more clarification and a developed plot, you will certainly attract an audience!

The Night Rider


I fell in love with this from the start! Truly! The society and magic you have created is remarkable, and I can only imagine how amazing it would be! However, I can tell that these abounding ideas and passion is a bit harder to put to words. What hindered me from truly enjoying your story was the fact that I was always straining to 'catch up', since everything was just a bit too obscure. Yes, it is normal for novels to be confusing at first, but it was perhaps just a bit too far gone. Your writing is lovely, otherwise, so just a bit of rewriting will really help it flourish! I absolutely love where your plot is heading, since I can totally feel it building, but once again, do pay attention to making sure we have been introduced to your characters and world before jumping into events, otherwise there is just too much good stuff to follow!


97/ 100

You have written the description very beautifully, I really liked it. The cover of your book is also really impressive. One thing that I would like to point out though is that it would be even better if you put the translations next to the words(like mak dara,sek etc.) so that readers don't get confused initially and have to go back to a different part of the book to learn the meanings. Otherwise, I really loved your book.

The Rise Of Mars

90 / 100

I really liked the originality of this book and I loved the way you have described the various aspects of your book. One thing that could make it better is to provide an insight at the starting like how Selene and Alec are captured and imprisoned, whether they are on earth or mars etc. If you could split the big paragraphs into smaller ones and space them out a bit, it would be a major improvement. Great Job though.

Amanita: Poison Shot

100 / 100

I totally loved your book! It was truly very amazing. It was probably one of the best books I have read on Wattpad. I was hooked right from the very beginning. I cannot express in words about how much I loved your work. Keep writing amazing stuff!

Unexpected Mate For The Alpha King

93 / 100

I really liked the opening of your book and how you built it up from there. I liked how you built Sebastian's personality, from arrogant to loving and caring. This book would turn out to be better if you changed the cover and made it a bit more attractive. You could also tweak the title a bit. Keep up the great work though.


Lost Horizon

95 / 100

I loved your book. The description of your book was definitely very impressive. I really liked the plot of this book. I think that this would turn out to be a great book if you changed the cover and also explained a bit more about the dome cities and how a King was chosen to rule. Great work though.


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Amanita : Poison Shot - marsaumell


Abyss - DeeDeeMars


Lost Horizon - Voltino321

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